Updated Title Publisher
Updated Title Publisher
Updated Title
Published Title Score Editor's Choice Publisher
Published Title Publisher
Icon Title Weapons
Item icon
Item icon
"Hand Ballista" iconHand Ballista Ballista
"Jar Cannon" iconJar Cannon Ballista
"Rabbath's Cannon" iconRabbath's Cannon Ballista
Item icon
Item icon
Item icon
Colossal Sword
"Zweihander" iconZweihander Colossal Sword
"Greatsword" iconGreatsword Colossal Sword
"Watchdog's Greatsword" iconWatchdog's Greatsword Colossal Sword
"Troll's Golden Sword" iconTroll's Golden Sword Colossal Sword
"Troll Knight's Sword" iconTroll Knight's Sword Colossal Sword
"Royal Greatsword" iconRoyal Greatsword Colossal Sword
"Grafted Blade Greatsword" iconGrafted Blade Greatsword Colossal Sword
"Ruins Greatsword" iconRuins Greatsword Colossal Sword
"Starscourge Greatsword" iconStarscourge Greatsword Colossal Sword
"Godslayer's Greatsword" iconGodslayer's Greatsword Colossal Sword
"Maliketh's Black Blade" iconMaliketh's Black Blade Colossal Sword
"Fire Knight's Greatsword" iconFire Knight's Greatsword Colossal Sword
Item icon
Colossal Weapon
"Duelist Greataxe" iconDuelist Greataxe Colossal Weapon
"Rotten Greataxe" iconRotten Greataxe Colossal Weapon
"Golem's Halberd" iconGolem's Halberd Colossal Weapon
"Giant-Crusher" iconGiant-Crusher Colossal Weapon
"Prelate's Inferno Crozier" iconPrelate's Inferno Crozier Colossal Weapon
"Great Club" iconGreat Club Colossal Weapon
"Troll's Hammer" iconTroll's Hammer Colossal Weapon
"Dragon Greatclaw" iconDragon Greatclaw Colossal Weapon
"Watchdog's Staff" iconWatchdog's Staff Colossal Weapon
"Staff of the Avatar" iconStaff of the Avatar Colossal Weapon
"Rotten Staff" iconRotten Staff Colossal Weapon
"Envoy's Greathorn" iconEnvoy's Greathorn Colossal Weapon
"Ghiza's Wheel" iconGhiza's Wheel Colossal Weapon
"Fallingstar Beast Jaw" iconFallingstar Beast Jaw Colossal Weapon
"Axe of Godfrey" iconAxe of Godfrey Colossal Weapon
"Anvil Hammer" iconAnvil Hammer Colossal Weapon
"Bloodfiend's Arm" iconBloodfiend's Arm Colossal Weapon
"Devonia's Hammer" iconDevonia's Hammer Colossal Weapon
"Shadow Sunflower Blossom" iconShadow Sunflower Blossom Colossal Weapon
"Gazing Finger" iconGazing Finger Colossal Weapon
Item icon
Item icon
Curved Greatsword
"Dismounter" iconDismounter Curved Greatsword
"Omen Cleaver" iconOmen Cleaver Curved Greatsword
"Monk's Flameblade" iconMonk's Flameblade Curved Greatsword
"Beastman's Cleaver" iconBeastman's Cleaver Curved Greatsword
"Bloodhound's Fang" iconBloodhound's Fang Curved Greatsword
"Onyx Lord's Greatsword" iconOnyx Lord's Greatsword Curved Greatsword
"Zamor Curved Sword" iconZamor Curved Sword Curved Greatsword
"Magma Wyrm's Scalesword" iconMagma Wyrm's Scalesword Curved Greatsword
"Morgott's Cursed Sword" iconMorgott's Cursed Sword Curved Greatsword
"Freyja's Greatsword" iconFreyja's Greatsword Curved Greatsword
"Horned Warrior's Greatsword" iconHorned Warrior's Greatsword Curved Greatsword
Item icon
Curved Sword
"Scimitar" iconScimitar Curved Sword
"Falchion" iconFalchion Curved Sword
"Shamshir" iconShamshir Curved Sword
"Grossmesser" iconGrossmesser Curved Sword
"Bandit's Curved Sword" iconBandit's Curved Sword Curved Sword
"Shotel" iconShotel Curved Sword
"Mantis Blade" iconMantis Blade Curved Sword
"Flowing Curved Sword" iconFlowing Curved Sword Curved Sword
"Magma Blade" iconMagma Blade Curved Sword
"Nox Flowing Sword" iconNox Flowing Sword Curved Sword
"Wing of Astel" iconWing of Astel Curved Sword
"Eclipse Shotel" iconEclipse Shotel Curved Sword
"Spirit Sword" iconSpirit Sword Curved Sword
"Falx" iconFalx Curved Sword
"Dancing Blade of Ranah" iconDancing Blade of Ranah Curved Sword
"Horned Warrior's Sword" iconHorned Warrior's Sword Curved Sword
Item icon
Item icon
Item icon
Item icon
Glintstone Staff
"Astrologer's Staff" iconAstrologer's Staff Glintstone Staff
"Glintstone Staff" iconGlintstone Staff Glintstone Staff
"Academy Glintstone Staff" iconAcademy Glintstone Staff Glintstone Staff
"Digger's Staff" iconDigger's Staff Glintstone Staff
"Demi-Human Queen's Staff" iconDemi-Human Queen's Staff Glintstone Staff
"Azur's Glintstone Staff" iconAzur's Glintstone Staff Glintstone Staff
"Lusat's Glintstone Staff" iconLusat's Glintstone Staff Glintstone Staff
"Carian Glintstone Staff" iconCarian Glintstone Staff Glintstone Staff
"Carian Glintblade Staff" iconCarian Glintblade Staff Glintstone Staff
"Carian Regal Scepter" iconCarian Regal Scepter Glintstone Staff
"Albinauric Staff" iconAlbinauric Staff Glintstone Staff
"Staff of Loss" iconStaff of Loss Glintstone Staff
"Gelmir Glintstone Staff" iconGelmir Glintstone Staff Glintstone Staff
"Crystal Staff" iconCrystal Staff Glintstone Staff
"Rotten Crystal Staff" iconRotten Crystal Staff Glintstone Staff
"Meteorite Staff" iconMeteorite Staff Glintstone Staff
"Staff of the Guilty" iconStaff of the Guilty Glintstone Staff
"Prince of Death's Staff" iconPrince of Death's Staff Glintstone Staff
"Staff of the Great Beyond" iconStaff of the Great Beyond Glintstone Staff
"Maternal Staff" iconMaternal Staff Glintstone Staff
Item icon
Great Hammer
"Large Club" iconLarge Club Great Hammer
"Curved Great Club" iconCurved Great Club Great Hammer
"Great Mace" iconGreat Mace Great Hammer
"Pickaxe" iconPickaxe Great Hammer
"Brick Hammer" iconBrick Hammer Great Hammer
"Battle Hammer" iconBattle Hammer Great Hammer
"Rotten Battle Hammer" iconRotten Battle Hammer Great Hammer
"Celebrant's Skull" iconCelebrant's Skull Great Hammer
"Great Stars" iconGreat Stars Great Hammer
"Greathorn Hammer" iconGreathorn Hammer Great Hammer
"Envoy's Long Horn" iconEnvoy's Long Horn Great Hammer
"Beastclaw Greathammer" iconBeastclaw Greathammer Great Hammer
"Devourer's Scepter" iconDevourer's Scepter Great Hammer
Item icon
Great Spear
"Lance" iconLance Great Spear
"Treespear" iconTreespear Great Spear
"Serpent-Hunter" iconSerpent-Hunter Great Spear
"Siluria's Tree" iconSiluria's Tree Great Spear
"Vyke's War Spear" iconVyke's War Spear Great Spear
"Spear of the Impaler" iconSpear of the Impaler Great Spear
"Barbed Staff-Spear" iconBarbed Staff-Spear Great Spear
Item icon
Item icon
"Greatbow" iconGreatbow Greatbow
"Golem Greatbow" iconGolem Greatbow Greatbow
"Erdtree Greatbow" iconErdtree Greatbow Greatbow
"Lion Greatbow" iconLion Greatbow Greatbow
"Igon's Greatbow" iconIgon's Greatbow Greatbow
Item icon
Item icon
Item icon
Item icon
Item icon
Heavy Thrusting Sword
"Great Épée" iconGreat Épée Heavy Thrusting Sword
"Godskin Stitcher" iconGodskin Stitcher Heavy Thrusting Sword
"Bloody Helice" iconBloody Helice Heavy Thrusting Sword
"Dragon King's Cragblade" iconDragon King's Cragblade Heavy Thrusting Sword
"Sword Lance" iconSword Lance Heavy Thrusting Sword
"Queelign's Greatsword" iconQueelign's Greatsword Heavy Thrusting Sword
Item icon
Item icon
Light Bow
"Shortbow" iconShortbow Light Bow
"Composite Bow" iconComposite Bow Light Bow
"Harp Bow" iconHarp Bow Light Bow
"Bone Bow" iconBone Bow Light Bow
"Ansbach's Longbow" iconAnsbach's Longbow Light Bow
Item icon
Medium Shield
"Hawk Crest Wooden Shield" iconHawk Crest Wooden Shield Medium Shield
"Candletree Wooden Shield" iconCandletree Wooden Shield Medium Shield
"Marred Wooden Shield" iconMarred Wooden Shield Medium Shield
"Sun Realm Shield" iconSun Realm Shield Medium Shield
"Round Shield" iconRound Shield Medium Shield
"Large Leather Shield" iconLarge Leather Shield Medium Shield
"Black Leather Shield" iconBlack Leather Shield Medium Shield
"Marred Leather Shield" iconMarred Leather Shield Medium Shield
"Heater Shield" iconHeater Shield Medium Shield
"Blue Crest Heater Shield" iconBlue Crest Heater Shield Medium Shield
"Red Crest Heater Shield" iconRed Crest Heater Shield Medium Shield
"Kite Shield" iconKite Shield Medium Shield
"Blue-Gold Kite Shield" iconBlue-Gold Kite Shield Medium Shield
"Scorpion Kite Shield" iconScorpion Kite Shield Medium Shield
"Twinbird Kite Shield" iconTwinbird Kite Shield Medium Shield
"Brass Shield" iconBrass Shield Medium Shield
"Banished Knight's Shield" iconBanished Knight's Shield Medium Shield
"Albinauric Shield" iconAlbinauric Shield Medium Shield
"Beastman's Jar-Shield" iconBeastman's Jar-Shield Medium Shield
"Carian Knight's Shield" iconCarian Knight's Shield Medium Shield
"Silver Mirrorshield" iconSilver Mirrorshield Medium Shield
"Great Turtle Shell" iconGreat Turtle Shell Medium Shield
"Messmer Soldier Shield" iconMessmer Soldier Shield Medium Shield
"Wolf Crest Shield" iconWolf Crest Shield Medium Shield
"Serpent Crest Shield" iconSerpent Crest Shield Medium Shield
"Golden Lion Shield" iconGolden Lion Shield Medium Shield
Item icon
"Scythe" iconScythe Reaper
"Grave Scythe" iconGrave Scythe Reaper
"Halo Scythe" iconHalo Scythe Reaper
"Winged Scythe" iconWinged Scythe Reaper
Item icon
Sacred Seal
"Finger Seal" iconFinger Seal Sacred Seal
"Erdtree Seal" iconErdtree Seal Sacred Seal
"Golden Order Seal" iconGolden Order Seal Sacred Seal
"Gravel Stone Seal" iconGravel Stone Seal Sacred Seal
"Giant's Seal" iconGiant's Seal Sacred Seal
"Godslayer's Seal" iconGodslayer's Seal Sacred Seal
"Clawmark Seal" iconClawmark Seal Sacred Seal
"Frenzied Flame Seal" iconFrenzied Flame Seal Sacred Seal
"Dragon Communion Seal" iconDragon Communion Seal Sacred Seal
"Dryleaf Seal" iconDryleaf Seal Sacred Seal
"Fire Knight's Seal" iconFire Knight's Seal Sacred Seal
"Spiraltree Seal" iconSpiraltree Seal Sacred Seal
Item icon
Small Shield
"Rickety Shield" iconRickety Shield Small Shield
"Riveted Wooden Shield" iconRiveted Wooden Shield Small Shield
"Red Thorn Roundshield" iconRed Thorn Roundshield Small Shield
"Pillory Shield" iconPillory Shield Small Shield
"Buckler" iconBuckler Small Shield
"Iron Roundshield" iconIron Roundshield Small Shield
"Gilded Iron Shield" iconGilded Iron Shield Small Shield
"Man-Serpent's Shield" iconMan-Serpent's Shield Small Shield
"Ice Crest Shield" iconIce Crest Shield Small Shield
"Rift Shield" iconRift Shield Small Shield
"Perfumer's Shield" iconPerfumer's Shield Small Shield
"Shield of the Guilty" iconShield of the Guilty Small Shield
"Spiralhorn Shield" iconSpiralhorn Shield Small Shield
"Smoldering Shield" iconSmoldering Shield Small Shield
"Coil Shield" iconCoil Shield Small Shield
"Shield of Night" iconShield of Night Small Shield
"Lamenting Visage" iconLamenting Visage Small Shield
"Smithscript Shield" iconSmithscript Shield Small Shield
Item icon
Item icon
Straight Sword
"Short Sword" iconShort Sword Straight Sword
"Longsword" iconLongsword Straight Sword
"Broadsword" iconBroadsword Straight Sword
"Weathered Straight Sword" iconWeathered Straight Sword Straight Sword
"Noble's Slender Sword" iconNoble's Slender Sword Straight Sword
"Cane Sword" iconCane Sword Straight Sword
"Warhawk's Talon" iconWarhawk's Talon Straight Sword
"Lazuli Glintstone Sword" iconLazuli Glintstone Sword Straight Sword
"Carian Knight's Sword" iconCarian Knight's Sword Straight Sword
"Crystal Sword" iconCrystal Sword Straight Sword
"Rotten Crystal Sword" iconRotten Crystal Sword Straight Sword
"Miquellan Knight's Sword" iconMiquellan Knight's Sword Straight Sword
"Ornamental Straight Sword" iconOrnamental Straight Sword Straight Sword
"Golden Epitaph" iconGolden Epitaph Straight Sword
"Sword of St. Trina" iconSword of St. Trina Straight Sword
"Regalia of Eochaid" iconRegalia of Eochaid Straight Sword
"Coded Sword" iconCoded Sword Straight Sword
"Sword of Night and Flame" iconSword of Night and Flame Straight Sword
"Velvet Sword of St. Trina" iconVelvet Sword of St. Trina Straight Sword
"Stone-Sheathed Sword" iconStone-Sheathed Sword Straight Sword
"Sword of Light" iconSword of Light Straight Sword
"Sword of Darkness" iconSword of Darkness Straight Sword
Item icon
Thrusting Sword
"Rapier" iconRapier Thrusting Sword
"Estoc" iconEstoc Thrusting Sword
"Noble's Estoc" iconNoble's Estoc Thrusting Sword
"Cleanrot Knight's Sword" iconCleanrot Knight's Sword Thrusting Sword
"Rogier's Rapier" iconRogier's Rapier Thrusting Sword
"Antspur Rapier" iconAntspur Rapier Thrusting Sword
"Frozen Needle" iconFrozen Needle Thrusting Sword
"Carian Sorcery Sword" iconCarian Sorcery Sword Thrusting Sword
Item icon
Item icon
Item icon
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