Dragon Communion Seal Sacred Seal
Formless drakeblood seal with a dragon communion crest. Enhances Dragon Communion incantations.
The sacrificial devouring of the heart gives power.
Indeed, Dragon Communion is too primal in nature for the term “incantation” to be appropriate.
This seal scales incantations with one’s arcane attribute.
Passive Effect 1
Boosts Dragon Communion incantations
Default Skill

The Dragon Communion Seal scales with Faith and Arcane is a good Weapon for casters that focus on
Dragon Communion Incantations.
- Found at Fringefolk Hero’s Grave, right under the beginning of the game. To get there, use 2
Stonesword Keys on the double Imp Keystone next to the
Stranded Graveyard Site of Grace and progress down the tunnel with the mechanized chariot until the path splits and you can go either up or down. Go up until you reach the end of the tunnel and inside the small room is an enemy that once killed will give you the weapon.
Notable Info
- This weapon cannot be infused with Ashes of War
Dragon Communion Seal can be upgraded by using Somber Smithing Stones
= Will increase the build up of status effect that spells cause, like madness forFrenzied Burst
- Due to it scaling with faith and highly with arcane, it is a strong all around option for
Sacred Seals if you have high arcane and faith
- At +10, with 59 faith and 53 arcane the incant scaling is 350
- At +10, with 60 faith and 10 arcane the incant scaling is 196
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