Hawk Crest Wooden Shield Medium Shield
A tall, medium-sized wooden shield. Light for its size, and easy to handle.
Adorned with a long-forgotten crest of Stormveil, ancient in design.
Default Skill

The Hawk Crest Wooden Shield is a
Medium Shield that scales with Strength.
- The
Hawk Crest Wooden Shield can be found in a cellar near the
Rampart Tower Site of Grace. It is most easily accessed from this site, but you might also come across it after defeating the Grafted Scion in the main hall. You’ll need a
Stonesword Key to access the cellar.
Notable Info
Skill: Parry
Use this skill in time with a foe’s melee attack to deflect it and break that foe’s stance. This provides an opening to perform a critical hit.
The below gif shows where you can find the Hawk Crest Wooden Shield in the cellar. You’ll need to fight two mobs in here before you can access it in peace.
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