Wooden Greatshield Greatshield
Wooden greatshield reinforced with a metal ornamentation.
Greatshields boast high damage negation and guard capacity, making enemy attacks easy to repel.
Default Skill

The Wooden Greatshield is a
Greatshield that scales with Strength.
- The
Wooden Greatshield can be found on a balcony in the main courtyard of the castle, just southeast of
Liftside Chamber. You’ll only need to kill one enemy to reach it from the Liftside Chamber Site of Grace if you’re careful, as shown in the gif below.
The video below shows exactly where you need to go to find the shield from the Liftside Chamber Site of Grace.
Notable Info
This armament has no skill. If the armament in the other hand has a skill, that skill will be used instead.
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