Gelmir Glintstone Staff Glintstone Staff
Staff with a forked tip, embedded with red glintstones. Enhances lava sorceries.
The Man-Serpents of Mt. Gelmir draw from faith in addition to intelligence to enhance the potency of their sorcery.
Passive Effect 1
Boosts lava sorcery
Default Skill

The Gelmir Glintstone Staff scales with Strength, Intelligence, and Arcane.
- The
Gelmir Glintstone Staff is a rare drop from the staff-wielding Man-Serpent in the throne room above
Volcano Manor. It is recommended that players use a
Silver-Pickled Fowl Foot for each run up to the throne room to boost item discovery from killing enemies as well as unlock the lift leading from the
Temple of Eiglay site of grace to the throne room. Due to the rare drop rate, it may take multiple runs and teleports back to the site of grace to see a staff drop
Notable Info
- This weapon cannot be infused with Ashes of War or buffed with Magic and Consumables.
Gelmir Glintstone Staff can be upgraded by using Smithing Stones
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