Executioner's Greataxe Greataxe
Bulky cleaver welded to a long haft. Said to have been used to dispatch the remnants of defeated armies, felling them like timber.
Perhaps that is the reason it excels at critical hits.
Default Skill

The Executioner’s Greataxe scales primarily with Strength and to a lesser extent Dexterity. Its unique Skill,
War Cry, grants the user the ability to temporarily increase attack power. While active, strong attacks change to charging attacks.
- From the
Lake-Facing Cliffs site of grace in Liurnia of The Lakes, go to the right side of The Church of Irith. Follow the side of the cliff until you reach the top where you will find two hanging Skeletons. Getting closer will spawn a Skeleton wielding the
Executioner’s Greataxe to the right of the monument with the
Warming Stone in a small grave patch.
- The graveyard above Selia.
Notable Info
- This weapon can be infused with Ashes of War and buffed with Magic and Consumables
- Executioner’s
Axe can be upgraded by using Smithing Stones
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