Monk's Flameblade Curved Greatsword
Curved sword with a flickering flame motif.
Wielded by the Fire Monks who came from the Mountaintops of the Giants.
The monks came to the land of Liurnia in pursuit of a fugitive who stole their fire.
Default Skill

Monk’s Flameblade is a
Curved Greatsword in Elden Ring. The Monk’s Flameblade scales with Strength and Dexterity.
- Dropped by Firemonks (Mountaintops of the Giants).
- In
Giant-Conquering Hero’s Grave. From the site of grace, go to the right sneaking past the Firemonk until you reach the end of the hallway. Jump down through one of the windows and continue forward, the Firemonk is located in the small room used to hide from the flamethrower turret
- In
Notable Info
- This weapon can be infused with Ashes of War.
Monk’s Flameblade can be upgraded by using Smithing Stones
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