Venomous Fang Claw
One of the weapons designed for gladiatorial combat. Used by duelists who were exiled from the colosseum.
The black fang protruding from the bronze snake head is coated in deadly poison.
Passive Effect 1
Causes poison buildup
Default Skill

Venomous Fang is a
Claw in Elden Ring. The Venomous Fang scales with Strength and Dexterity and is a good Weapon for an extra poison effect on top of the initial Physical Damage this weapon causes.
- Can be found in the
Abandoned Cave in Caelid. The cave is above the swamp area and you have to walk along a branch to get to it. It’s also completely filled with rot.
Notable Info
- This weapon can be infused with Ashes of War
Venomous Fang can be upgraded by using Smithing Stones
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