Bloodhound Claws Claw
Large curved claws used by Bloodhound Knights.
The curve allows the weapon to slip through an enemy’s guard.
Passive Effect 1
Causes blood loss buildup
Default Skill

The Bloodhound Claws scale with Strength and Dexterity and it is a good Weapon for dealing an extra blood loss effect on top of the initial Physical Damage this weapon causes. Its a lightweight piece and can be equipped on both hands.
Bloodhound Claws can be droped by a bloodhound knight in the basement of the
Volcano Manor.
Notable Info
- This weapon can be infused with Ashes of War and buffed with Magic and Consumables
Bloodhound Claws can be upgraded by using Smithing Stones
- Much like
Quickstep, the innate Ash of War Skill:
Bloodhound’s Step can be use to move through Lava and other slowing environments without any movement penalties making it optimal for certain dungeons that contain them (e.g.
Gelmir Hero’s Grave and it’s lava area)
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