Hookclaws Claw
Weapon worn on the fist comprised of sharp parallel blades favored by those who lurk in the dark. Lacerations cause blood loss with great effect.
Claw weapons come in pairs, and two-handing this weapon will equip it to both hands.
Passive Effect 1
Causes blood loss buildup
Default Skill

The Hookclaws scale with Strength and Dexterity and it is a good Weapon for dealing an extra blood loss effect on top of the initial Physical Damage this weapon causes. Its a lightweight piece and can be equipped on both hands.
- Stormveil Castle. Take the secret back entrance of the castle as mentioned by
Gatekeeper Gostoc. You’ll find it by looting a corpse found at the first level of the wine cellar. The body is resting against the left side corner of the wall.
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