Ant's Skull Plate Greatshield
Huge head of one of the giant ants which inhabit the two underground rivers, used without modification as a shield. Excels at repelling enemy attacks.
Giant ants are venomous creatures, granting a boost to immunity when wielding this shield.
Passive Effect 1
Causes poison buildup
Default Skill

Hidden Effect
Raise Immunity
The Ant’s Skull Plate is a
Greatshield that scales with Strength. This shield causes poison buildup (50) and raises Immunity (50). It also features a hidden passive that makes it the best shield for repelling enemy weapon attacks.
- The
Ant’s Skull Plate Shield can be found in a small room in
Nokstella, Eternal City.
Notable Info
- Shield Skill:
Shield Bash.
- Skill Description: Brace behind shield before using bodyweight to rasm foes while painting guarding stance. Weaker enemies will be shoved backwards, and can even be staggered.
- Can’t be infused with Ashes of War
- Cn be buffed with Magic and Consumables
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