Dragonclaw Shield Greatshield
Greatshield said to have been whittled from the claw of a great, ancient dragon, wielded by grotesque Tree Sentinels who yet serve the Erdtree.
Imbued with lightning.
Default Skill

The Dragonclaw Shield is a
Greatshield that scales with Strength and Dexterity.
- The
Dragonclaw Shield Shield is dropped by the Draconic Tree Sentinel, which can be fought at the Capital Outskirts.
Notable Info
- Shield Skill:
Shield Bash
- Skill Description: Brace behind shield before using bodyweight to rasm foes while painting guarding stance. Weaker enemies will be shoved backwards, and can even be staggered.
- Cannot be infused with Ashes of War or buffed with Magic and Consumables.
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