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All 6-Star Tera Raids show that Pokémon games can rock a solid difficulty curve thanks to level 90 Pokémon (Level 75 when caught) sporting six perfect IVs (Individual Values). This means players are getting high value and desirable Pokémon with all six statistics being at their peak. It’s a good place to start for trainers looking for Pokémon to breed for competitive play, or for great competitive Pokémon off the bat.

Another solid reason to fight in as many 6-Star Tera Raid battles as possible is for the items. We’re talking guaranteed "Exp. Candy L" iconExp. Candy L and "Exp. Candy XL" iconExp. Candy XL with chances to get some rare valuables. There’s even solid chances to get useful items such as Mints, Herba Mystica and more. Trainers need to bring their A-Game and best Tera Raid Builds to All 6-Star Tera Raids, this includes making sure their Pokémon have appropriate Effort Value training and being members of the level 100 club.

6_Star Tyranitar Raid catch screen in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet.

All 6-Star Tera Raid Drops

The below table give trainers a good idea of what they can expect in all 6-Star Tera Raids. There’s some variables as stated in the table, but there’s also some guaranteed drops in the mix too. Regardless of strategy here, it’s always worth taking on one of these Tera Raids when stumbling across Crystals in Paldea or via the Poké Portal:

Tera Raid Item Drop
"Ability Capsule" iconAbility Capsule x 1 (9.09% Chance) "Ability Patch" iconAbility Patch (4.55% Chance) "Bottle Cap" iconBottle Cap x 1 (18.18% Chance)
"Comet Shard" iconComet Shard (9.09% Chance) Current Standard Type Feather x 2 (45.45 % Chance) Current Standard Type Feather x 3
Current Tera Type Shard x 1 (22.73% Chance) Current Tera Type Shard x 3 Current Tera Type Shard x 3 (For Hosts)
"Exp. Candy L" iconExp. Candy L x 4 "Exp. Candy L" iconExp. Candy L x 2 (36.36 % Chance) "Exp. Candy XL" iconExp. Candy XL x 1
"Exp. Candy XL" iconExp. Candy XL x 1 (22.73% Chance) Herba Mystica x 1 (13.64 % Chance) Mint x 4 (13.64 % Chance)
"Nugget" iconNugget x 1 (22.73 % Chance) Pokémon Material x 2 (45.45% Chance) Pokémon Material x 3 (For Guests)
Pokémon Material x 5 "PP Up" iconPP Up x 1 (22.73% Chance) "Rare Candy" iconRare Candy x 1 (22.73 % Chance)
"Star Piece" iconStar Piece x 1 (45.45 % Chance) - -

All 5-Star Tera Raid Pokémon

There’s a healthy selection of final evolutions and harder-to-find Pokémon in the mix all 6-Star Tera Raids. With appearances being random, it’s always good to check daily spawns wither on the map of Paldea or Tera Raids via the Poké Portal for those with a Switch Online Membership. Tackling these Terastalized Pocket Monsters is a great way to fill out a trainers Pokédex whilst gaining some impressive clout for anyones team. Catch ’Em All in the table provided below:

"Amoonguss" IconAmoonguss Annihilape Armarouge "Avalugg" IconAvalugg Baxicalibur
"Blissey" IconBlissey Bombirdier "Breloom" IconBreloom Ceruledge Cetitan
"Clawitzer" IconClawitzer Clodshire "Corviknight" IconCorviknight Cyclizar Dachsbun
"Ditto" IconDitto Dondozo "Dragalge" IconDragalge "Dragapult" IconDragapult "Dragonite" IconDragonite
"Espeon" IconEspeon Farigiraf "Flareon" IconFlareon "Frosmoth" IconFrosmoth "Gallade" IconGallade
"Garchomp" IconGarchomp "Gardevoir" IconGardevoir Garganacl "Gengar" IconGengar "Glaceon" IconGlaceon
Glimmora "Goodra" IconGoodra Grafaiai "Gyarados" IconGyarados "Haxorus" IconHaxorus
"Heracross" IconHeracross "Hippowdon" IconHippowdon "Hydreigon" IconHydreigon "Jolteon" IconJolteon Kilowattrel
Kingambit Klawf "Leafeon" IconLeafeon "Lycanroc" IconLycanroc (Midday) Mabosstiff
"Magnezone" IconMagnezone Maushold "Mimikyu" IconMimikyu Orthworm Pawmot
"Pelipper" IconPelipper "Pincurchin" IconPincurchin Revavroom "Salamence" IconSalamence "Scizor" IconScizor
"Slowking" IconSlowking "Staraptor" IconStaraptor "Sylveon" IconSylveon "Talonflame" IconTalonflame "Tauros" IconTauros (Fighting)
"Tauros" IconTauros (Fire) "Tauros" IconTauros (Water) Tinkaton Toedscruel "Torkoal" IconTorkoal
"Toxapex" IconToxapex "Tyranitar" IconTyranitar "Umbreon" IconUmbreon "Vaporeon" IconVaporeon "Volcarona" IconVolcarona
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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Nintendo, Pokemon Company International
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    16 November 2022
  • Last Updated
    10 May 2024
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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