Ability Patch Special
A patch that can be used to change the regular Ability of a Pokémon to a rarer Ability.
You can obtain an
Ability Patch for winning the Academy Ace Tournament. This is a random chance from the pool of items available.
You can obtain an Ability Patch as a rare drop from 6 Star Tera Raids.
7 Star Tera Raid Events have an increased chance to drop the Ability Patch.
Tera Raids
More Info
Using an
Ability Patch will change your Pokémon’s current Ability into their Hidden Ability if they one. Such as
Sylveon learning the Pixilate Hidden Ability.
Ability Patches are arguably the rarest items in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet at the time of writing.
Interactive Map Locations

1. The Indigo Disk Map
Atop the large Tera Orb near the ceiling of the Terarium.
Requires Koraidon/Miraidon’s improved flight, after completing the Indigo Disk story and speaking to Amarys.
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