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Pokémon Scarlet & Violet

Best Victory Road Route in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet

Ben Chard
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Pokémon Scarlet & Violet is a true open world Pokémon experience and as such, you are free to tackle the three main storylines in any order. This page will guide you on the best route through the Victory Road storyline.

Katy is but one of the Gym Leaders you will battle against in Victory Road.

Best Victory Road Gym Order

If you’ve decided to focus only on Victory Road to begin with, or you want to see what Level the next Gym is, you can refer to the table below:

Order Location Highest Pokemon Level Type Map Marker
1 Cortondo - South Province (Area Two) 15 Bug Bug Map Marker
2 Artazon - East Province (Area One) 17 Grass Grass Map Marker
3 Levincia - East Province (Area Two) 24 Electric Electric Map Marker
4 Cascarrafa - West Province (Area One) 30 Water Water Map Marker
5 Medali - West Province (Area Three) 36 Normal Normal Map Marker
6 Montenevera - Glaseado Mountains 42 Ghost Ghost Map Marker
7 Alfornada - South Province (Area Six) 45 "Psychic" iconPsychic Psychic Map Marker
8 Glaseado - Glaseado Mountains 48 Ice Ice Map Marker

As you can see from the above, you won’t be going in one direction as you tackle the Gyms, the "Psychic" iconPsychic Gym is an easy one to go to early as it’s featured in the southwest of Paldea but is actually one of the highest ones out there. You can find a few tips about each Gym below:

Where To Find The Bug Gym

This is the lowest level Gym in the game, so it shouldn’t cause you too many problems. Since you’re fighting at the Bug Gym, you’ll want to make-up a team of Pokémon that do well against Bug-types. Rock Rock, Flying Flying and Fire Fire Pokémon are all good options because they’ll do x2 damage (super effective). For those of you who took the Fire Starter, Fuecoco, you’ll have no issues here at all.

For an in-depth strategy on how to tackle the Bug Gym, head on over to our guide on How to Defeat Bug Gym Leader Katy.

Where To Find The Grass Gym

Grass-type Pokémon are weak to Bug Bug, Poison Poison, IceIce, Flying Flying and Fire Fire, two of which were strong against the previous Gym. Once again, if you have the Fire Starter, Fuecoco, you’re in luck here as you won’t need to make many changes to the previous party.

For an in-depth strategy on how to tackle the Grass Gym, head on over to our guide on How to Defeat Grass Gym Leader Brassius.

Where To Find The Electric Gym

The Electric Gym is the first one that may cause a few issues, as their only weakness is against Ground Ground Pokémon. With that said, both the Grass and Fire Starters are not weak to Electric and Electric has no resistances making them still useful here.

For an in-depth strategy on how to tackle the Electric Gym, head on over to our guide on How to Defeat Electric Gym Leader Iono.

Where To Find The Water Gym

Water-type Pokémon have two weaknesses, Electric Electric and Grass Grass. As you may expect, this is the Grass Starter’s time to shine and it will make short work of the Gym. You can also get a "Pichu" IconPichu as early as the first main area you can explore that you can raise.

For an in-depth strategy on how to tackle the Water Gym, head on over to our guide on How to Defeat the Water Gym Leader Kofu here.

Where To Find The Normal Gym

This is one of the trickier Gyms, as Normal-type Pokémon have just the one weakness, to FightingFighting. On the other hand, the Normal-type is not strong against any other type, so you’re almost free to go with any team here.

For an in-depth strategy on how to tackle the Normal Gym, head on over to our guide on How to Defeat the Normal Gym Leader Larry here.

Where To Find The Ghost Gym

The Ghost Gym has some oddities to it, as Ghost-type Pokémon are weak to Dark Dark and Ghost Ghost which may catch out newcomers to Pokémon. On top of that, Fighting Fighting and Normal Normal moves will have no effect against Ghost Pokémon.

For an in-depth strategy on how to tackle the Ghost Gym, head on over to our guide on How to Defeat the Psychic Gym Leader Ryme.

Where To Find The Psychic Gym

The Psychic Gym can also be a little tricky, as outside of its weakness to Bug Bug, the other two weaknesses, Dark Dark and Ghost Ghost are less common. They’re also resistant to Fighting on top of their own Type so you’ll need to select a specific team for this Gym.

For an in-depth strategy on how to tackle the Psychic Gym, head on over to our guide on How to Defeat Psychic Gym Leader Tulip.

Where To Find The Ice Gym

The Ice Gym is the final destination for those on the Victory Road path, and you’ll find them weak to Fire Fire, Fighting Fighting, Steel Steel, and Rock Rock, that’s a lot of weaknesses. As always, if you have the final evolution of the Fire Starter, you should make short work of this Gym.

For an in-depth strategy on how to tackle the Ice Gym, head on over to our guide on How to Defeat the Ice Gym Leader Grusha.

Victory Road Rewards

Victory Road is the most traditional Pokémon storyline out of the three available in Scarlet & Violet. You’ll be tasked with visiting each of the Gyms to defeat the Gym Leaders that are there.

For completing each one, you’ll obtain a TM pertaining to the Type that you fought at the Gym along with a Badge. Each Badge will allow higher level Pokémon obey you more so you’ll want to sprinkle Gyms in between whatever other activities you undertake (such as the Titans).

Number of Badges Lv Pokemon will obey
1 25
2 30
3 35
4 40
5 45
6 50
7 55
8 Any

If you wish to know a bit more detail about specific routes (for example, if you wanted to focus on one at a time), then head to the following pages for more information:

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Nintendo, Pokemon Company International
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    16 November 2022
  • Last Updated
    10 May 2024
    Version History
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