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An interactive map of Paldea in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet. Contains locations for stakes, gimmeghouls, items, pokemon spawns, trainers, legendaries, shops and much more!
Published: 18th of Nov, 2022
There's no leaf storm tm at https://www.gamerguides.com/pokemon-scarlet-and-violet/maps/paldea-region-map#29074. Only a nugget
acid spray TM x6412 y10691
super potion x6445 x10834
super potion x6442 y10936
lemonade x6307 y11002
ether x6145 y10998
gimmighoul coin x6020 y10903 on the rock
hyper potion x5879 y10723
night shade TM x5885 y10625
heal ball x5871 y10515
also there is a marker for a watchtower near x5838 y10793 (grand olive orchard). on my end it looks like this may be inaccurate, I don't see a watchtower at this location but there is a sign post with a gimmighoul coin on top :) i have violet if that makes a difference
PS I've been just jotting down what i'm finding as I'm going along and now i'm realizing how much i'm commenting and i'm annoying myself. i really hope this is helpful but if its not i'm sorry everyone
I appreciate the work you put into this! This map has been a big help in figuring out paths to take while prepping for speedruns :D I've got a couple more for ya:
Rare Candy: (5816, 8166), (2724, 9466), (11184, 5845), (11056, 5742)
Adamant Mint: (5644, 11068)
X Attack: (5051, 11308)
Exp Candy L: (2529,7621), (3832, 12265)
Exp Candy M: (11298, 5938)
I've actually found a good deal more things missing! I've tried to get as good x,y coordinates as I could
Rare Candies: (9350, 12594), (9586, 12634), (9528, 10698), (8224, 7351), (10796, 7298), (12122, 8950), (10063, 10992), (8069, 5077), (7272, 5973)
Exp. Candy S: (10714, 10922)
Exp. Candy M: (8920, 7810), (8152, 7431), (10845, 5698), (10516, 5700), (8443, 4874), (8177, 5054), (7672, 4679)
Exp Candy L: (8874, 7808), (7854, 7541), (10416, 5855), (9017, 4625), (8905, 3968), (9254, 3771)
Full Heal: (8259, 7589)
Guard Spec.: (10599, 10833)
Hasty Mint: (9357, 10854)
Pearl String: (9988, 10393)
Quick Ball: (8679, 12540)
Fixed Flamigo Encounter: (10203, 12693)
found some gimmeghoul coins not marked on the map.
first one is on a sign just northeast of the south province (area three) pokemon center
the next can be found in south province (area three) as well. go to the coin closest to the mesogoza gate. from there, go south down the cliff a bit. the coin will be on a small ledge
next, south of that coin head to the coin south of the damn, then jump down to the ledge going east. you'll find the coin down there
Area Zero TMs.
Leaf Storm TM, after Zero Gate landing area keep to left, pass between two rocks, TM under tree.
Earthquake TM, exit Station 1 and proceed to Station 2 by staying close to the right wall (don't slide down rocky sloped cliff), there will be a small cave in the right wall containing TM.
After Credits: Grassy Terrain TM, from Zero Gate landing area, jump over fence on the right to grassy outcrop below, slide down near vertical grassy shelf, TM is at bottom.
After Credits: Foul Play, between Stations 1 and 2 at top of rocky sloped cliff, jump/climb to the top of the rocks to the right, you should see TM across a small gap on a thin ledge.
After Credits: Surf TM, after Station 4 almost directly underneath plate with mysterious symbol.
After Credits: Stone Edge TM, to the left (if exiting) of Station 4 jump over rocks into tunnel, jump/climb up rocks on the right to into upper branched tunnel, continue through onto bridge. (Opposite side of rocks from Tera Blast at x:7706 y:8206)
(Hard to give directions)
Starting at Zero Gate landing area, using jumping/climbing/gliding to reach highest grassy areas, keeping crater edge to the players right:
Draco Meteor TM, ledge above after satellite dish 1.
Aura Sphere TM, before waterfall 1.
Fly TM, in front of satellite dish 2
Focus Blast TM, under tree on ledge before and beneath beneath satellite dish 3..
---Nothing found heading towards waterfall 2, satellite dish 4, waterfall 3, satellite dish 5, satellite dish 6,
Hydro Pump TM, in source of waterfall 4.
@staff: do you still want stuff in Area Zero reported considering most can be found in easier locations outside of it?
Awesome map. Helped a ton. Some things I found:
X:2920 Y:7585 TM 83 Poison Jab X:2660 Y:7895 Assault Vest
X:5355 Y:8045 Seems to be the correct location of the Delibird Shop ("Battle items and Picnics" on the map) in this town. On this map the house next to it is marked, which is wrong. Hope that helps.
X Sp. Attack x4761 y11492
Poke ball x4422 y11282
Lemonade x4476 y11384
Trainer x4485 y11449
Gimmighoul coin x4600 y11147
Guard spec x4789 y11342
NPC request x4932 y11254
Big root x5057 y11119
Super potion x5199 y11179
Poke ball x5217 y10886
Potion x5508 y11097
Adamant mint x5647 y11077
Hp up x5764 y10815
Revive x8501 y11143
Picnic x8479 y11279
Hi Kristinakotulak. I'm Garrett, the Gamer Guides web developer. I've investigated your issue and found the problem. I've deployed a fix. Loading and saving map filters should work normally for you now, but if you're still having trouble, please send us an email using those addresses in Friala's comment - it's easier for us to find and track these sorts of issues via email than site comments. Thanks for using Gamer Guides!
Hi can you please send a support ticket about this issue, what browser you’re using and device to [email protected] or [email protected]. Any bugs on the site are best sent there as your comments might be missed :)
Get a Gamer Guides Premium account:
Ghimmighoul at x4825 y5108. East of fast travel area by ledge.
Gimmighoul coin at just about x3453 y10500
7268 13676 you can encounter squawkabilly on the roof.
Alejandra the Dragon Tamer (pos x2725 y9148) has a Dreepy (m) at level 16
Candina the Model is found at x3242 y10038. She has Oinkologne (f) at level 20 and Luxio (m) level 20.
No rush. Thanks for the reply. Enjoy the holidays!
Thanks for your help! We're currently on holiday, but we'll update the map with your additions/corrections as soon as we're back : )
Paldea the dragon trainer (x11859 y5039) is actually named Paloma the dragon trainer
Alfredo the Student's location is slightly off. The map has x4508 y8718 but it should be 4758 y8519
x2636 y8071 trainer is Fabio the Black Belt, he has a level 21 Hawlucha
It wont save my filters, can this be fixed?
Thank you!
Hi Kristinakotulak. I'm Garrett, the Gamer Guides web developer. I've investigated your issue and found the problem. I've deployed a fix. Loading and saving map filters should work normally for you now, but if you're still having trouble, please send us an email using those addresses in Friala's comment - it's easier for us to find and track these sorts of issues via email than site comments. Thanks for using Gamer Guides!
Hi can you please send a support ticket about this issue, what browser you’re using and device to [email protected] or [email protected]. Any bugs on the site are best sent there as your comments might be missed :)
x: 6223 y: 7373 TM throat chop missing inside the little cave in indigo disk dlc
Why there are no more trainer markers on the map?
It wont save my filters, can this be fixed?
Okay, thanks for the answer :) Good Weekend
Hi, thanks for notifying us. This appears to be a visual bug due to a recent UI update. We're currently looking into the problem, but bear in mind it's the weekend right now : )
It would be great if I could mark all of a Pokemon's markers as collected once I've captured one.
there is one missing, noa the student by the west exit of mesagoza
Thanks! Added to the map.
I use this map a lot. No, in fact, I use it more than just "a lot." I've used it so much that I've identified around 50 more Gimmighoul Coin locations not on this map.
I went ahead and marked them on my spreadsheet if you'd like to add them.
Great! Just in time for me to find 50 more!
Just kidding!
...And they've all been added now : )
Thanks a lot! We'll start adding them soon.
Antidote missing at about x: 7287 y: 13748 just outside player house in the garden behind some bushes. Potion missing at about x: 7251 y: 13658 behind the player's house along the wall. TM047 (Sunny Day) missing at about x: 7264 y: 13660 on top of the player's house roof.
Sorry for the late reply. These have been added to the map now. Thanks!
Oops, forgot to properly look around near the start, haha.
Just wanted to say thanks for all your hard work!
Thanks, the team appreciates your kind words and we're glad the map is useful : )
There's no leaf storm tm at https://www.gamerguides.com/pokemon-scarlet-and-violet/maps/paldea-region-map#29074. Only a nugget
Haha, that is an odd mistake. Thanks, I've changed it now.
Blackbelt jon should be changed to a child Trainer Blackbelt jon should be changed to the Position where dragon tamer alejandra is Dragon tamer alejandra should changed to x2800 y9140
Cheers, I've fixed those three trainers now.
You forgot a Trainer at about x3500 y9750
Thanks, added the trainer to the map!
There's a missing Rare Candy at about x7595, y13600
Thanks for making this!
Thanks, I've added the candies, Adamant Mint etc. to the map now.
I appreciate the work you put into this! This map has been a big help in figuring out paths to take while prepping for speedruns :D I've got a couple more for ya:
Rare Candy: (5816, 8166), (2724, 9466), (11184, 5845), (11056, 5742)
Adamant Mint: (5644, 11068)
X Attack: (5051, 11308)
Exp Candy L: (2529,7621), (3832, 12265)
Exp Candy M: (11298, 5938)
All of them should be on the map now. Thanks again : )
Thanks for the detailed list!
I've added the first Rare Candy you mentioned and I'll gradually add the others.
I've actually found a good deal more things missing! I've tried to get as good x,y coordinates as I could
Rare Candies: (9350, 12594), (9586, 12634), (9528, 10698), (8224, 7351), (10796, 7298), (12122, 8950), (10063, 10992), (8069, 5077), (7272, 5973)
Exp. Candy S: (10714, 10922)
Exp. Candy M: (8920, 7810), (8152, 7431), (10845, 5698), (10516, 5700), (8443, 4874), (8177, 5054), (7672, 4679)
Exp Candy L: (8874, 7808), (7854, 7541), (10416, 5855), (9017, 4625), (8905, 3968), (9254, 3771)
Full Heal: (8259, 7589)
Guard Spec.: (10599, 10833)
Hasty Mint: (9357, 10854)
Pearl String: (9988, 10393)
Quick Ball: (8679, 12540)
Fixed Flamigo Encounter: (10203, 12693)
2 more replies
I found the unmarked TM for Trick Room on a ledge near Backpacker Jamie. Roughly: x6586 y12625
I also just found an unmarked TM for Scary Face at roughly x3395 y11285
Thanks, I've added those two TMs to the map!
found some gimmeghoul coins not marked on the map.
first one is on a sign just northeast of the south province (area three) pokemon center
the next can be found in south province (area three) as well. go to the coin closest to the mesogoza gate. from there, go south down the cliff a bit. the coin will be on a small ledge
next, south of that coin head to the coin south of the damn, then jump down to the ledge going east. you'll find the coin down there
Thanks, I've added those three coins to the map now!
Hassel's Haxorus is labeled Dragon/Normal in the map. Nemona's Pawmot (at least in final battle) is labeled Electric/Flying
Thanks, fixed both of those!
Tera Houndoom in Alfornada Cave shows Ghost
Thanks, added the Bold Mint!
3750 12750 bold mint
Thanks. I've fixed it on the map now.
Hello, there is a problem with the Pokémon Shellder. It is written that there are 3 on the card and there are only 2 that are displayed, including one which must count as 2, because it remains unvalidated, even though it is.
Yes, Thank you so mush !! ????
Was it Sugar-N-Ice? I've fixed that one now.
This is also the case for a food and drink in X: 6591 Y:7015, no matter how much I validate it, it doesn't go gray. I am a perfectionist I like to validate everything ????????
Good catch. I've fixed it now, so there should only be 2.