An interactive map of Paldea in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet. Contains locations for stakes, gimmeghouls, items, pokemon spawns, trainers, legendaries, shops and much more!
Published: 18th of Nov, 2022
acid spray TM x6412 y10691
super potion x6445 x10834
super potion x6442 y10936
lemonade x6307 y11002
ether x6145 y10998
gimmighoul coin x6020 y10903 on the rock
hyper potion x5879 y10723
night shade TM x5885 y10625
heal ball x5871 y10515
also there is a marker for a watchtower near x5838 y10793 (grand olive orchard). on my end it looks like this may be inaccurate, I don't see a watchtower at this location but there is a sign post with a gimmighoul coin on top :) i have violet if that makes a difference
PS I've been just jotting down what i'm finding as I'm going along and now i'm realizing how much i'm commenting and i'm annoying myself. i really hope this is helpful but if its not i'm sorry everyone
There's no leaf storm tm at Only a nugget
X Sp. Attack x4761 y11492
Poke ball x4422 y11282
Lemonade x4476 y11384
Trainer x4485 y11449
Gimmighoul coin x4600 y11147
Guard spec x4789 y11342
NPC request x4932 y11254
Big root x5057 y11119
Super potion x5199 y11179
Poke ball x5217 y10886
Potion x5508 y11097
Adamant mint x5647 y11077
Hp up x5764 y10815
Revive x8501 y11143
Picnic x8479 y11279
Awesome map. Helped a ton. Some things I found:
X:2920 Y:7585 TM 83 Poison Jab X:2660 Y:7895 Assault Vest
X:5355 Y:8045 Seems to be the correct location of the Delibird Shop ("Battle items and Picnics" on the map) in this town. On this map the house next to it is marked, which is wrong. Hope that helps.
Area Zero TMs.
Leaf Storm TM, after Zero Gate landing area keep to left, pass between two rocks, TM under tree.
Earthquake TM, exit Station 1 and proceed to Station 2 by staying close to the right wall (don't slide down rocky sloped cliff), there will be a small cave in the right wall containing TM.
After Credits: Grassy Terrain TM, from Zero Gate landing area, jump over fence on the right to grassy outcrop below, slide down near vertical grassy shelf, TM is at bottom.
After Credits: Foul Play, between Stations 1 and 2 at top of rocky sloped cliff, jump/climb to the top of the rocks to the right, you should see TM across a small gap on a thin ledge.
After Credits: Surf TM, after Station 4 almost directly underneath plate with mysterious symbol.
After Credits: Stone Edge TM, to the left (if exiting) of Station 4 jump over rocks into tunnel, jump/climb up rocks on the right to into upper branched tunnel, continue through onto bridge. (Opposite side of rocks from Tera Blast at x:7706 y:8206)
(Hard to give directions)
Starting at Zero Gate landing area, using jumping/climbing/gliding to reach highest grassy areas, keeping crater edge to the players right:
Draco Meteor TM, ledge above after satellite dish 1.
Aura Sphere TM, before waterfall 1.
Fly TM, in front of satellite dish 2
Focus Blast TM, under tree on ledge before and beneath beneath satellite dish 3..
---Nothing found heading towards waterfall 2, satellite dish 4, waterfall 3, satellite dish 5, satellite dish 6,
Hydro Pump TM, in source of waterfall 4.
@staff: do you still want stuff in Area Zero reported considering most can be found in easier locations outside of it?
found some gimmeghoul coins not marked on the map.
first one is on a sign just northeast of the south province (area three) pokemon center
the next can be found in south province (area three) as well. go to the coin closest to the mesogoza gate. from there, go south down the cliff a bit. the coin will be on a small ledge
next, south of that coin head to the coin south of the damn, then jump down to the ledge going east. you'll find the coin down there
I appreciate the work you put into this! This map has been a big help in figuring out paths to take while prepping for speedruns :D I've got a couple more for ya:
Rare Candy: (5816, 8166), (2724, 9466), (11184, 5845), (11056, 5742)
Adamant Mint: (5644, 11068)
X Attack: (5051, 11308)
Exp Candy L: (2529,7621), (3832, 12265)
Exp Candy M: (11298, 5938)
I've actually found a good deal more things missing! I've tried to get as good x,y coordinates as I could
Rare Candies: (9350, 12594), (9586, 12634), (9528, 10698), (8224, 7351), (10796, 7298), (12122, 8950), (10063, 10992), (8069, 5077), (7272, 5973)
Exp. Candy S: (10714, 10922)
Exp. Candy M: (8920, 7810), (8152, 7431), (10845, 5698), (10516, 5700), (8443, 4874), (8177, 5054), (7672, 4679)
Exp Candy L: (8874, 7808), (7854, 7541), (10416, 5855), (9017, 4625), (8905, 3968), (9254, 3771)
Full Heal: (8259, 7589)
Guard Spec.: (10599, 10833)
Hasty Mint: (9357, 10854)
Pearl String: (9988, 10393)
Quick Ball: (8679, 12540)
Fixed Flamigo Encounter: (10203, 12693)
Is there any way to have items marked/greyed out when we've collected them? I do appreciate the map, but would love away to some how mark items and have them show as collected (Until we decide to reset it ourselves). I've tried clicking on things such as TM's, other items as well but it nothing happens. Maybe a 'collected' button can be added perhaps to items? It already exists on pokemon on the map.
Hi, nforgy. I'm Gamer Guides' web developer. Your account had a particular set of circumstances which was triggering a bug in the logic we use to mark markers as collected. I've deployed a fix for this, so marker collecting should work again for you now. I won't go into more details about what was broken as it involves possibly private details about your account, but if you'd like more information and/or marker collection still seems broken for you, please feel free to reach out using the contact form on this page:
Too bad it is not a fully contributive one, with up/downvoting and commentaries to be more participative. I'm pretty sure, with some rules, it would be a greet success (but this website may have others maps and allready thought about this, with legitimate reason to not do so... Just my point of view, not an acerb criticism ;))
soda pop x5949 y11122 in front of the truck
super potion x5802 y10888
potion x5822 y11053
trainer x5720 y10831 Alessandro the Student (Shroomish lv. 10)
mud slap x5638 y10776
potion x5636 y10636
great ball x5743 y10429
poke ball x6125 y10350
trainer x6115 y10409 Simon the Poke Maniac (Gible lv. 12)
item x6201 y10596 (sorry I missed what it was while I was writing down location)
Trainers name is Cabbie Oriol $3200
Corvisquire lvl 20 Male
Squawkabilly lvl 20 Male (Green Form)
I found another bunch of TMs
X: 2405 Y: 7418 TM163 Hyper beam
X: 4400 Y: 7150 TM115 Dragon Pulse (in the cave on the top ridge)
X: 4370 Y: 7158 One of those chest pokemon thingys (in the cave on the top ridge)
X: 4210 Y: 7220 TM116 Stealth Rock (in the cave)
X: 2920 Y: 7585 TM83 Poison Jab (in case you missed it in the previous post)
x:3832 y:12139
TM Thunder on the top of the Watchtower
x:5461 y:12879
TM Ice Fang
x:9734 y:11295
TM Take Down
x:10293 y:12262
TM Scary Face
x:10181 y:12950
TM Sandstorm
x:6006 y:4640
TM Thunder
x:7794 y:13095
TM Pollen Puff
x:7651 y:13268
TM Grass Knot
x:8064 y:13190
TM Eerie Impulse on roof of lab
poke ball x7887 y13199 (inlet grotto)
poke ball x776 y133556 (inlet grotto)
TM tailwind x7498 y 13355
item x7401 y13548
grass knot x7652 y13267
great ball x7703 y13287
gimmighoul coin x7715 y13272
super potion x7311 y13560
exp candy 5 x7154 y13392
gimmighoul coin x7194 y13497
nugget x7202 y13549
substitute TM x7171 y13509
TM endure x7715 y12985
TM night shade x12635 y8312 (levincia lighthouse)
antidote x9663 y7793
sassy mint x9739 y7879 (inside tunnel)
rare bone x9953 y7827
drill run x6460 y11232
great ball x6177 y11068
gimmighoul coin x5619 y11129
potion x4494 y11169
potion x5011 y11829
sandstorm x4976 y11382
ultra ball x5747 y10648
poke ball x5793 y11991
x speed x5663 y12028
fake tears x5665 y11949
great ball x5206 y11929
awakening x5186 y11981
poke doll x5426 y11831
revive x5320 y11697
disarming voice x5226 y11669
tm x4952 y11835
energy powder x6756 y11759
quick ball x7016 y11782
super potion x6914 y11756
burn heal x7040 y11956
exp candy x7019 y12021
Trainer Battle at (x13426 y:9616)
Trainer Battle at (x:9280 y:9581)
Trainer Battle at (x:12752 y:10338)
Drain Punch TM at (x:9880 y:11818) Watchtower
Metronome TM at (x:9812 y:10673) Watchtower
Ice Beam TM at (x:9272 y:9989)
Electric Terrain TM at (x:9698 y:10483)
Venoshock TM at (x:9500 y:10361)
Power Gem TM at (x:9856 y:10490)
Waterfall TM at (x:9526 y:8833)
Rest TM at (x:9204 y:9601)
Giga Drain TM at (x:9155 y:9097)
Iron Defense TM at (x:9141 y:9283)
Dragon Claw TM at (x:9013 y:8654)
Bullet Seed TM at (x:4646 y:7811)
Spikes TM at (x:4236 y:7383)
Posion Jab TM at (x:12309 y:5929)
Fire Fang TM at (x:4210 y:8443)
Light Screen TM at (x:3806 y:8909)
ether x6993 y12228
paralyze heal x6821 y12428
rare candy x6869 y12105
x sp. def x6801 y12254
energy root x6699 y12109
fresh water x6217 y13210
ether x6475 y13320
super potion x6662 y13431
max ether x8510 y11164
dusk ball x8377 y11284 under bridge
gimmighoul coin x8348 y11104
super potion x8355 y11125
metal claw x8775 y10961
ultra ball x8609 y11257
revive x8849 y11510
revive x8901 y11505
poke doll x8777 y11464
agility x9680 y10925
super potion x9866 y10903
rare candy x9958 y10943
paralyze heal x9487 y10662
full heal x9467 y10549
nest ball x9399 y10577
poke doll x9433 y10581
ether x9577 y10647
antidote x9516 y10485
super potion x9228 y10546
x sp def x9276 y10495
max potion x9253 710420
heal powder x9227 y10446
awakening x9280 y10375
potion x9214 y10339
hyper potion x9139 y10427
tm x9454 y10362
great ball x9628 y10440
revive x9657 y10358
Cave entrance X6271 Y3813
Inside the cave : Yungoos, Gunshoos, Frigibax, Arctibax, Deino, Snurunt, Cubchoo, salandit, Salazzle(rare), Sableye(rare)
Tandemaus X6100 Y6382
Vaporeon X6973 Y2893
Jolteon X4642 Y4172 - X4828 Y3705
Tinkatuff X4811 Y4020
in the zone : Finneon, lumineon, Bruxish, Qwifish, Velura, Eelektrik, Tyname, Barraskewda, Arrkuda, Alomomola
The tera pokemon Raichu are not correct, The correct coordinates are X2178 Y6387
Flabebe on x:8548 y:11965 has the wrong photo. The icon is correct, the sprite art is correct, the name is correct, but the photo shows Floette, its evolution.
Similarly, Tauros (Water) on x:2948 y:6758 has the wrong photo. I'm very sure that's a regular Tauros on the photo, not a Water one. The Water one has noticeable bulging horns.
Also for some reason on x:8571 y:11830 there is a weird black spot that shouldn't be there.
would be super cool if there could be a feature added to let you add your own flag to the map. Only visible on your account, not marking them for everyone. I would love to be able to add a little star or flag or something where I'm finding items that aren't marked on the map. That way, I can add the location in the comments, and then after the official marker has been added to the map, I can see by my flag that I already collected the item in that spot and go ahead and mark it off. any chance this could be possible in the future?
Dragon Claw TM x:11845 y:7280, in small cave entrance directly north.
Reflect TM x:12385 y:9120.
To access below TMs/Items: Jump onto sign in front of outside buildings, jump onto roof of outside buildings, jump across buildings.
Iron Head TM x:12380 y:9060, Encore TM x:12315 y:8955, Psychic Fangs TM x:12355 y:8695, 3*1 Nugget x:12300 y:8880.
There are a good number of Pokemon on this map that can't appear where they're listed, or haven't provided screenshot proof indicating they can show up there.
Rookidee x:8271 y:12879 The image provided is not that location, the screenshot was taken in the higher level part of Area One.
Vigoroth: x:8268 y:13008 No proof suggesting that Vigoroth can even spawn there (It doesn't seem seem like it does)
I use this map a lot. No, in fact, I use it more than just "a lot." I've used it so much that I've identified around 50 more Gimmighoul Coin locations not on this map.
I went ahead and marked them on my spreadsheet if you'd like to add them.
Hi Kristinakotulak. I'm Garrett, the Gamer Guides web developer. I've investigated your issue and found the problem. I've deployed a fix. Loading and saving map filters should work normally for you now, but if you're still having trouble, please send us an email using those addresses in Friala's comment - it's easier for us to find and track these sorts of issues via email than site comments. Thanks for using Gamer Guides!
Hi can you please send a support ticket about this issue, what browser you’re using and device to [email protected] or [email protected]. Any bugs on the site are best sent there as your comments might be missed :)
Charm TM at (x:5188 y:6827)
U-Turn TM at (x:4746 y:6588)
U-Turn TM at (x:9912 y:4880)
Heatwave TM at (x:4700 y:6881)
Crunch TM at (x:9868 y:5741)
Toxic Spikes TM at (x:9646 y:7079)
Imprison TM at (x:7864 y:12647)
Reversal TM at (x:3261 y:7827)
Sandstorm TM at (x:3261 y:7827)
Earth Power TM at (x:9650 y:4043)
??? TM at (x:3219 y:7328)
Drain Punch TM at (x:9504 y:3956)
Cave Entrance at (x:8217 y:7253) - enter from Pokemon Center: Dalizapa Passage
Metal Claw TM at (x:8333 y:7324) - Cave at bottom, enter from Pokemon Center: Dalizapa Passage
Trainer Battle at (x:8366 y:7226) - Cave at bottom, enter from Pokemon Center: Dalizapa Passage
Rock Blast TM at (x:8692 y:12607)
Fire Blast TM at (x:11834 y:6025)
Acrobatics TM at (x:6300 y:4763)
Dig TM at (x:11487 y:11217)
Dragon Pulse TM at (x:4398 y:7185) at cave below
Grassy Terrain TM at (x:11831 y:11091)
Magical Leaf TM at (x:5666 y:12351)
Dig TM at (x:11831 y:11091)
Charm TM at (x:3520 y:4446)
Trainer Battle at (x:11869 y:11094)
You might be on the comments page? Can you try the primary URL:
Get a Gamer Guides Premium account:
Ghimmighoul at x4825 y5108. East of fast travel area by ledge.
Gimmighoul coin at just about x3453 y10500
7268 13676 you can encounter squawkabilly on the roof.
Alejandra the Dragon Tamer (pos x2725 y9148) has a Dreepy (m) at level 16
Candina the Model is found at x3242 y10038. She has Oinkologne (f) at level 20 and Luxio (m) level 20.
No rush. Thanks for the reply. Enjoy the holidays!
Thanks for your help! We're currently on holiday, but we'll update the map with your additions/corrections as soon as we're back : )
Paldea the dragon trainer (x11859 y5039) is actually named Paloma the dragon trainer
Alfredo the Student's location is slightly off. The map has x4508 y8718 but it should be 4758 y8519
x2636 y8071 trainer is Fabio the Black Belt, he has a level 21 Hawlucha
It wont save my filters, can this be fixed?
Thank you!
Hi Kristinakotulak. I'm Garrett, the Gamer Guides web developer. I've investigated your issue and found the problem. I've deployed a fix. Loading and saving map filters should work normally for you now, but if you're still having trouble, please send us an email using those addresses in Friala's comment - it's easier for us to find and track these sorts of issues via email than site comments. Thanks for using Gamer Guides!
Hi can you please send a support ticket about this issue, what browser you’re using and device to [email protected] or [email protected]. Any bugs on the site are best sent there as your comments might be missed :)
x: 6223 y: 7373 TM throat chop missing inside the little cave in indigo disk dlc
Why there are no more trainer markers on the map?
It wont save my filters, can this be fixed?
Okay, thanks for the answer :) Good Weekend
Hi, thanks for notifying us. This appears to be a visual bug due to a recent UI update. We're currently looking into the problem, but bear in mind it's the weekend right now : )
It would be great if I could mark all of a Pokemon's markers as collected once I've captured one.
there is one missing, noa the student by the west exit of mesagoza
Thanks! Added to the map.
I use this map a lot. No, in fact, I use it more than just "a lot." I've used it so much that I've identified around 50 more Gimmighoul Coin locations not on this map.
I went ahead and marked them on my spreadsheet if you'd like to add them.
Great! Just in time for me to find 50 more!
Just kidding!
...And they've all been added now : )
Thanks a lot! We'll start adding them soon.
Antidote missing at about x: 7287 y: 13748 just outside player house in the garden behind some bushes. Potion missing at about x: 7251 y: 13658 behind the player's house along the wall. TM047 (Sunny Day) missing at about x: 7264 y: 13660 on top of the player's house roof.
Sorry for the late reply. These have been added to the map now. Thanks!
Oops, forgot to properly look around near the start, haha.
Just wanted to say thanks for all your hard work!
Thanks, the team appreciates your kind words and we're glad the map is useful : )
There's no leaf storm tm at Only a nugget
Haha, that is an odd mistake. Thanks, I've changed it now.
Blackbelt jon should be changed to a child Trainer Blackbelt jon should be changed to the Position where dragon tamer alejandra is Dragon tamer alejandra should changed to x2800 y9140
Cheers, I've fixed those three trainers now.
You forgot a Trainer at about x3500 y9750
Thanks, added the trainer to the map!
There's a missing Rare Candy at about x7595, y13600
Thanks for making this!
Finally getting around to running the DLC stuff and I found some more stuff missing! From Paldea:
Substitute TM: (9823,10129)
Baton Pass TM: (7839,4847)
Guard Spec.: (7168,3837)
(I'll put the BB Academy ones in the comments on that map)
Thanks as always for keeping this updated!
Thanks a lot for adding them so quickly!
Thanks, I've added the candies, Adamant Mint etc. to the map now.
I appreciate the work you put into this! This map has been a big help in figuring out paths to take while prepping for speedruns :D I've got a couple more for ya:
Rare Candy: (5816, 8166), (2724, 9466), (11184, 5845), (11056, 5742)
Adamant Mint: (5644, 11068)
X Attack: (5051, 11308)
Exp Candy L: (2529,7621), (3832, 12265)
Exp Candy M: (11298, 5938)
All of them should be on the map now. Thanks again : )
Thanks for the detailed list!
I've added the first Rare Candy you mentioned and I'll gradually add the others.
I've actually found a good deal more things missing! I've tried to get as good x,y coordinates as I could
Rare Candies: (9350, 12594), (9586, 12634), (9528, 10698), (8224, 7351), (10796, 7298), (12122, 8950), (10063, 10992), (8069, 5077), (7272, 5973)
Exp. Candy S: (10714, 10922)
Exp. Candy M: (8920, 7810), (8152, 7431), (10845, 5698), (10516, 5700), (8443, 4874), (8177, 5054), (7672, 4679)
Exp Candy L: (8874, 7808), (7854, 7541), (10416, 5855), (9017, 4625), (8905, 3968), (9254, 3771)
Full Heal: (8259, 7589)
Guard Spec.: (10599, 10833)
Hasty Mint: (9357, 10854)
Pearl String: (9988, 10393)
Quick Ball: (8679, 12540)
Fixed Flamigo Encounter: (10203, 12693)
I found the unmarked TM for Trick Room on a ledge near Backpacker Jamie. Roughly: x6586 y12625
I also just found an unmarked TM for Scary Face at roughly x3395 y11285
Thanks, I've added those two TMs to the map!
found some gimmeghoul coins not marked on the map.
first one is on a sign just northeast of the south province (area three) pokemon center
the next can be found in south province (area three) as well. go to the coin closest to the mesogoza gate. from there, go south down the cliff a bit. the coin will be on a small ledge
next, south of that coin head to the coin south of the damn, then jump down to the ledge going east. you'll find the coin down there
Thanks, I've added those three coins to the map now!
Hassel's Haxorus is labeled Dragon/Normal in the map. Nemona's Pawmot (at least in final battle) is labeled Electric/Flying
Thanks, fixed both of those!
Tera Houndoom in Alfornada Cave shows Ghost
Thanks, added the Bold Mint!
3750 12750 bold mint
Thanks. I've fixed it on the map now.
Hello, there is a problem with the Pokémon Shellder. It is written that there are 3 on the card and there are only 2 that are displayed, including one which must count as 2, because it remains unvalidated, even though it is.
Yes, Thank you so mush !! ????
Was it Sugar-N-Ice? I've fixed that one now.
This is also the case for a food and drink in X: 6591 Y:7015, no matter how much I validate it, it doesn't go gray. I am a perfectionist I like to validate everything ????????
Good catch. I've fixed it now, so there should only be 2.
how do i check my x and y cordinates on the switch
Hi, sorry I missed this earlier. Just in case, the x and y co-ordinates on our map are unique to our map. I don't believe there are any co-ordinates on the in-game map.
Nothing is showing up on the map anymore?
I haven't applied any filters. Resetting the map doesn't help. I have the same issue on chrome, opera and firefox. I've even tried on a different computer and I still have the same issue.
Did you filter the map? You can try resetting the map from the menu on the side of the map. Which browser are you using?
That didn't work unfortunately. Is there anything else I can try?
You might be on the comments page? Can you try the primary URL:
x 5362 y 8220 smart strike tm
thunder stone x: 3300 y:10085 is where i found mine
Thanks for the super detailed map!! it helps me with my shiny hunts and completing my pokedex!!!
near x 6384 y 12608 in South Province Area Four Pikachus can spawn - matches with PokemonDB and Serebii Data
x 4278 y 3601 water pulse
Black Belt Fabio is the question mark trainer in the northwest corner of the Asado Desert
Backpacker Mateo near x: 3505 y: 9730 in area one of the West Province along the path.
Gastrodon [West Sea] (pink) at X: 2733 Y: 6455. I have screenshots.
be aware that there are pokemon somewhere near 2858 y 12347
there a duplicate Gimmighoul at 7387 12977
that's a talonflame spawn x8959 y10931
Hey SeblThink,
I'm going to snap photos of Talonflame and add them now!
Thanks for your continued submissions and suggestions!
Gimmighoul Coin on the sign coordinates x:8985 y:5571
Hi again Kiko NysKo,
I'm adding this in now, thanks for your help again!
Gimmighoul Coin on a stone map coordinates x:9519 y:9834
Gimmighoul Coin on a stone map coordinates x:9928 y:12759
Gimmighoul Coin on a stone map coordinates x:8284 y:13223
Thanks Kiko NysKo,
I'm adding these right now!
maybe try putting a Violet/Scarlett ring around version exclusive Pokémon to make it easier to new players
try also Graying out the Pokémon's icon when its marker is not active so it can be more clear
Love it! Super helpful. It help me catch many pokemon.
Thanks Panton! We are glad it’s helping you catch lots of Pokemon!
Love it! Very helpful
Thanks silvdemar! We are glad you are finding it helpful! ????
Shelgon#372 is a Violet exclusive you haven't made it clear
Hey SeblThink,
Thanks again. I'm going through the exclusive list now and updating them!
Bagon also needs to noted as a that Violet exclusive
Hey SebIThink,
I added in the Violet text, thanks for catching that for us!
The Surskit in Los Platos are not catchable since they are owned by the NPC's.
However, the largest pond to the north of Los Platos (X:7500 Y:12240) does spawn Surskit.
Hey Veriliant,
I moved the Surskit location, good catch!
There are a good number of Pokemon on this map that can't appear where they're listed, or haven't provided screenshot proof indicating they can show up there.
Rookidee x:8271 y:12879 The image provided is not that location, the screenshot was taken in the higher level part of Area One.
Vigoroth: x:8268 y:13008 No proof suggesting that Vigoroth can even spawn there (It doesn't seem seem like it does)
Hey Caffeinatedking,
I just checked in on these and moved them around. I also snapped a photo of Vigoroth. We appreciate your help! :)
Dragon Claw TM x:11845 y:7280, in small cave entrance directly north.
Reflect TM x:12385 y:9120.
To access below TMs/Items: Jump onto sign in front of outside buildings, jump onto roof of outside buildings, jump across buildings.
Iron Head TM x:12380 y:9060, Encore TM x:12315 y:8955, Psychic Fangs TM x:12355 y:8695, 3*1 Nugget x:12300 y:8880.
Thanks so much TetraJajon,
It's pretty cool that they placed items on those buildings!
Area Zero TMs.
Leaf Storm TM, after Zero Gate landing area keep to left, pass between two rocks, TM under tree.
Earthquake TM, exit Station 1 and proceed to Station 2 by staying close to the right wall (don't slide down rocky sloped cliff), there will be a small cave in the right wall containing TM.
After Credits: Grassy Terrain TM, from Zero Gate landing area, jump over fence on the right to grassy outcrop below, slide down near vertical grassy shelf, TM is at bottom.
After Credits: Foul Play, between Stations 1 and 2 at top of rocky sloped cliff, jump/climb to the top of the rocks to the right, you should see TM across a small gap on a thin ledge.
After Credits: Surf TM, after Station 4 almost directly underneath plate with mysterious symbol.
After Credits: Stone Edge TM, to the left (if exiting) of Station 4 jump over rocks into tunnel, jump/climb up rocks on the right to into upper branched tunnel, continue through onto bridge. (Opposite side of rocks from Tera Blast at x:7706 y:8206)
(Hard to give directions)
Starting at Zero Gate landing area, using jumping/climbing/gliding to reach highest grassy areas, keeping crater edge to the players right:
Draco Meteor TM, ledge above after satellite dish 1.
Aura Sphere TM, before waterfall 1.
Fly TM, in front of satellite dish 2 Focus Blast TM, under tree on ledge before and beneath beneath satellite dish 3..
---Nothing found heading towards waterfall 2, satellite dish 4, waterfall 3, satellite dish 5, satellite dish 6,
Hydro Pump TM, in source of waterfall 4.
@staff: do you still want stuff in Area Zero reported considering most can be found in easier locations outside of it?
Hey TetraJajon,
We are working on snapping pictures of all of these now!
Feel free to send us more suggestions, we appreciate the help!
Alejandra the Dragon Tamer, West Province Area One top left hand corner ? trainer Jon the Black Belt, same area a little further down the path from Alejandra
Hey Crownless,
We just added these in, thanks for your help!
Map showing Krokorok is wrong. Evolve/den only.
We updated this, thanks Mulate!
Finneon's location is incorrect. It spawns in the west ocean.
Hey Gekklo,
I did some swimming about and found a few Finneon in the Northern Sea. I updated the image so there easier to find and added the western marker!
poke ball x5525 y11756 great ball x9267 y11144 heal powder x9305 y11040 nugget x9056 y10841 tm x9111 y10551
Hey Emily,
It's great to virtually meet you. I appreciate all the help you've been giving the team!
We are working on all your locations now!
Hello, did some testing in Tagtree Thicket and the level ranges appear to be level 25 to 32.
Hey Veriliant,
Just spent some time in Tagtree Thicket and updated the map with the correct levels.
Thank you for your help!
poke ball x6555 y11080
gimmighoul coin x6375 y11181
exp candy x6141 y11190
revive x5528 y10523
gimmighoul coin x5413 y10555
Hey thanks for all these. We will get round to adding these as soon as we can. Just taking a break for the holidays :)
nugget x7276 y12822
super potion x7529 y12828
calcium x7604 y12917
full heal x8806 y11759
x speed x6778 y11366
gimmighoul coin x8928 y13002
gimmighoul coin x8982 y12745
zinc x8650 y12589
cave entrance x7618 y13153
ultra ball x7411 y12796
revive x7668 y13447
acid spray x9163 y13456
net ball x9186 y13297
revive x9120 y13288
hp up x9083 y13319 top of pillar
rare candy x7420 y13773
gimmighoul coin x7445 y13778
gimmighoul coin x7725 y13837
great ball x7716 y13811
poke ball x7613 y13605
ether x6734 y4003
carbos x7431 y13217
great ball x7435 y13072
paralyze heal x7237 y13385
rare candy x7590 y13904
would be super cool if there could be a feature added to let you add your own flag to the map. Only visible on your account, not marking them for everyone. I would love to be able to add a little star or flag or something where I'm finding items that aren't marked on the map. That way, I can add the location in the comments, and then after the official marker has been added to the map, I can see by my flag that I already collected the item in that spot and go ahead and mark it off. any chance this could be possible in the future?
I like this idea! Will make a note of it for the future. Thanks emilychristen!
X: 12350 y: 8691 TM 063 Pyschobeißer auf dem Dach des Gebäudes.
Vermisse TM Sonnentag
Hi everyone,
On behalf of the Pokémon team I just wanted to thank everyone who commented and has used our map so far. It's been a real pleasure working on this with you all and the community response has made it even more worthwhile. You guys are all legends <3
X: 10636 Y: 9369
Trainer: Rebeca the Dragon Tamer
Skrelp 26 poison/water Swablu 26 normal/flying Goomy 26 dragon
Awesome stuff - thanks. Added all the trainer info to the map. Forgot we didn't have the full details :)
X: 12227 Y: 9440
Anas the Student
Lokix 26 bug/dark Rufflet 26 flying/normal
X: 11376 Y: 9165
Rosario the Student
Oricorio 24 fire/flying Houndoom 24 dark/fire
x: 10913 y: 9341
Trainer: Ramon the Student Rufflet 23 flying/normal Drednaw 23 Rock/water
Dusk Stone: x:5810 y:8440 and behind the gym at Montenevera
Ahh great spots, thank you. Added both of these :)
Missing Youssef the Poké Maniac who uses a Slowpoke and Axew both at level 36 at Dalizapa Passage
x11838 y10983 Pineco pokemon, i use Koraidon dashing into big trees and it drop
Thank you for this info. Sneaky one but added him to the map :)
Missing Luvdisc and Alomomola locations
TM 128 Amnesia at (x:7527 y:10366) - Just outside the Academy premises
TM 018 Thief at (x:6219 y:11033)
TM 064 Bulk Up (x:5357 y:10520)
Thanks Shadoxs, added these to the map :)
trainer x:12281 y:9726
Found her, thanks for the tip Doubledog :)
??? TM at (x:9091 y:12898)
Overheat TM at (x:9054 y:11507)
Eerie Impulse TM at (x:6862 y:7209)
Psybeam TM at (x:7386 y:7448)
Flamethrower TM at (x:7111 y:7458)
Bulldoze TM at (x:4236 y:3954)
Added all of these to the map, thanks again Xallista :)
X11492 Y10815 X11818 Y9939 X7531 Y7288
Added these to the map, thanks again Skara :)
TM 31 Metal Claw near 7923, 12376
Added this to the map, thanks Herofthyme :)
6563, 4378 Cetitan caught, went to this area for abomasnow
Hey McGlub. The Pokemon markers represent the general area in which a Pokemon spawns, not a precise area (unlike the fixed Tera markers). If you look, we have a Cetitan just above that Abomasnow to represent that area :)
Flabebe on x:8548 y:11965 has the wrong photo. The icon is correct, the sprite art is correct, the name is correct, but the photo shows Floette, its evolution.
Similarly, Tauros (Water) on x:2948 y:6758 has the wrong photo. I'm very sure that's a regular Tauros on the photo, not a Water one. The Water one has noticeable bulging horns.
Also for some reason on x:8571 y:11830 there is a weird black spot that shouldn't be there.
Is there a way to keep the filters on whenever I open the page? Every time I close it the filters reset
Hey there! We have implemented a fix for this now. You can save your filter state when using the map and it should reload where it was.
We are working on a fix for this now. We will try to get something live in the next few days.
Bruxish can be found around the water at x10118 and y 13683
Thanks for the tip Bruxish, added this to the map now :)
Trainer: Backpacker Mateo x: 3480 y: 9735
Found him, thanks for the tip Yurian :)
There's a delivery man up next to the bridge x:9716 y:6602 ????
Nice spot SawakoSora, added Courier Pol to the map :)
There's two other trainers inside of the Tagtree Thicket:
Courier Pol and Student Malak
Managed to find them both and add them to the map, thanks for the info Moop :)
Trainer: Maren the Student x: 3530 y: 11375
Thanks for the tip Yurian, added Maren to the map :)
Charm TM at (x:5188 y:6827)
U-Turn TM at (x:4746 y:6588)
U-Turn TM at (x:9912 y:4880)
Heatwave TM at (x:4700 y:6881)
Crunch TM at (x:9868 y:5741)
Toxic Spikes TM at (x:9646 y:7079)
Imprison TM at (x:7864 y:12647)
Reversal TM at (x:3261 y:7827)
Sandstorm TM at (x:3261 y:7827)
Earth Power TM at (x:9650 y:4043)
??? TM at (x:3219 y:7328)
Drain Punch TM at (x:9504 y:3956)
Cave Entrance at (x:8217 y:7253) - enter from Pokemon Center: Dalizapa Passage
Metal Claw TM at (x:8333 y:7324) - Cave at bottom, enter from Pokemon Center: Dalizapa Passage
Trainer Battle at (x:8366 y:7226) - Cave at bottom, enter from Pokemon Center: Dalizapa Passage
Rock Blast TM at (x:8692 y:12607)
Fire Blast TM at (x:11834 y:6025)
Acrobatics TM at (x:6300 y:4763)
Dig TM at (x:11487 y:11217)
Dragon Pulse TM at (x:4398 y:7185) at cave below
Grassy Terrain TM at (x:11831 y:11091)
Magical Leaf TM at (x:5666 y:12351)
Dig TM at (x:11831 y:11091)
Charm TM at (x:3520 y:4446)
Trainer Battle at (x:11869 y:11094)
Thanks for this list Xallista, added them to the map :)
Gimmighoul Coin under the bridge in south area : x: 7880 y: 12976
Added, thanks Thalyssandre :)
Is there a way to load the map on a separate page w/o the whole comments list? The Page gets buggy as hell having to load all comments.
EDIT: Thanks so much for the map btw, and all the people helping to keep it updated!
Hey, we will look into that. Can you tell me what device you're using as that will help us test and figure out what's going wrong. Thanks!
Fast Travel Point: North Province (Area Three) Lighthouse X:7131 Y:2890
Nice find Drknss, added to the map :)
Cave entrance X6271 Y3813
Inside the cave : Yungoos, Gunshoos, Frigibax, Arctibax, Deino, Snurunt, Cubchoo, salandit, Salazzle(rare), Sableye(rare)
Tandemaus X6100 Y6382
Vaporeon X6973 Y2893
Jolteon X4642 Y4172 - X4828 Y3705
Tinkatuff X4811 Y4020
in the zone : Finneon, lumineon, Bruxish, Qwifish, Velura, Eelektrik, Tyname, Barraskewda, Arrkuda, Alomomola
The tera pokemon Raichu are not correct, The correct coordinates are X2178 Y6387
Thanks for this list Skara. Added to the map, will get to the sea pokes tomorrow :)
Alfredo the student at X:4780 Y:8520
Thanks superatom, added to the map :)
At the sandy beach of south of South Province (Area Four) you can find Wattrel X: 5650 Y: 13260
Nice spot Veriliant, added Wattrel to the map :)
X:11922 Y:8961 pokemon trade npc(Pincurchin-Gengar)
There's a pokemaniac trainer at X:9604 Y:12356 that I don't see on the map yet!
Thanks for info RaeOSunshine24, added him to the map :)
? the student at x:4820 y:7820 The fat one, he is kinda closer to the pkm center than raquel the student
X:11948 y: 8964 pokemon trade npc
X:5194 y:8190 pokemon trade npc
Added both, thanks :)
Is there a way to keep the filters on whenever I open the page? Every time I close it the filters reset
It should be working? Try a force refresh. I don’t think there’s a reason it should be broken. I can get someone to double check though.
seem like the map cant be loaded
Cracked pot @ roughly x4101 y4031 a couple feet from the solitary tree and near the river next to the groundblight shrine.
Thanks for the info Kelpy, added this to the map :)
Trainer: Backpacker Alex x: 6780 y: 11400
Didn't see him there! Thanks for the tip, added him now :)
-Levincia - Exchange NPC 1
-Cascarrafa - Exchange NPC 1
I'm Korean. It might be weird to translate it. Please reflect on it. :)
Trainer underground x8392 y6991
Thanks for the tip! Added this now :)
x: 11606 y: 6577 Gimmighoul
Wow, this was well hidden! Thanks Calaverycx, added it to the map.
Gimmighouls (x:9754 y: 8528) and (x:9984 y: 8398) have inverted images
x3979 y7325 Fly move TM Above Colonnade Hollow
x8838 y11366 Flash cannon TM
x3580 y12956 Substitute TM
x9656 y10283 Dig TM
I found it in Alfornada, between the south of white house and the wall
I've added the top two, but had a bit of trouble trying to locate Substitute, any more info for that one?
We have one trade npc in Nuruks City and one trade npc in Karaf Village
X:6490 Y:7210
TM Reflect in an alley
Just added this, thanks for the tip CeraCymmetry :)
two more trainers and several items on the downhill slope area towards the beach near x12750 y10407, plus another item behind the TM Snarl in that same area
Added the Trainers, thanks for the tip :)
confuse ray x9321 y10654
poke ball x9758 y10633
poke ball x9981 y10601
heal ball x9831 y10667
rest x9740 711829
rare candy x10018 y11901
scary face x10322 y12267
nest ball x9692 y11913
poke doll x9384 y11589
swift x9222 y11801
trainer x12294 y10789
Lovely, thanks so much for these. Added them all (will get the Trainer later) :)
agility x9680 y10925
super potion x9866 y10903
rare candy x9958 y10943
paralyze heal x9487 y10662
full heal x9467 y10549
nest ball x9399 y10577
poke doll x9433 y10581
ether x9577 y10647
antidote x9516 y10485
super potion x9228 y10546
x sp def x9276 y10495
max potion x9253 710420
heal powder x9227 y10446
awakening x9280 y10375
potion x9214 y10339
hyper potion x9139 y10427
tm x9454 y10362
great ball x9628 y10440
revive x9657 y10358
Got around to adding these now. Thanks :)
Trainer: x: 8173 y: 7726 in the cave x: 8485 y: 7409
There is a passage a passage that connects the cave "Towards Mezclamora and "Towards Pinchoria" via the Pokémon center the passage is just above Mihai the Student. Sorry for the late reply
Hi SawakoSora, I've added the second but couldn't find the cave for the first. Do you know where the cave entrance is?
Trainer X:6602 Y:7613
Well spotted, added it to the map. Thanks :)
Hey, there is still another Fast Travel point : at the total north of the map in the Team Star Fairy camp x: 7130 y: 2898
Ah so there is. I'll add that tomorrow! Thank you :)
I recommend adding feature which rotate the map to the north. With this its easier to compare with in-game map since the game have that feature too
Hi, thanks for the suggestion. We will look into this though I suspect that might be quite tricky to do.
X:2620 Y:8959
X:2280 Y:9275
Added both of these, thanks :)
Would you be able to add a section for the people that you can trade pokemon with? like in cortondo the one you can trade a flabebe and the others as well like for haunter
Hi, yeah, we plan on adding those for sure. Just trying to finish adding all the missing suggestions and things first but will make a note :)
Pokemon League Rep at (x:5250 y:11290)
Can't believe I missed this one. Thanks for the heads-up :)
Porto Marinada Lighthouse @ x:2444 y:7403
Thanks, added this now.
Naia the student Battle at (x:10350 y:6420)
Good spot Superatom, added this Trainer :)
Trainer Battle at (x:12000 y:6220)
That's well hidden! Added, thanks :)
ether x6993 y12228
paralyze heal x6821 y12428
rare candy x6869 y12105
x sp. def x6801 y12254
energy root x6699 y12109
fresh water x6217 y13210
ether x6475 y13320
super potion x6662 y13431
max ether x8510 y11164
dusk ball x8377 y11284 under bridge
gimmighoul coin x8348 y11104
super potion x8355 y11125
metal claw x8775 y10961
ultra ball x8609 y11257
revive x8849 y11510
revive x8901 y11505
poke doll x8777 y11464
yay happy to help! :D
Added most of these. Will add any missing ones tomorrow! Thanks again for all the help.
cave entrance X:9748 Y:8860
rest area, fast travel X10918 Y:8339
Trainer Battle at (x13426 y:9616)
Trainer Battle at (x:9280 y:9581)
Trainer Battle at (x:12752 y:10338)
Drain Punch TM at (x:9880 y:11818) Watchtower
Metronome TM at (x:9812 y:10673) Watchtower
Ice Beam TM at (x:9272 y:9989)
Electric Terrain TM at (x:9698 y:10483)
Venoshock TM at (x:9500 y:10361)
Power Gem TM at (x:9856 y:10490)
Waterfall TM at (x:9526 y:8833)
Rest TM at (x:9204 y:9601)
Giga Drain TM at (x:9155 y:9097)
Iron Defense TM at (x:9141 y:9283)
Dragon Claw TM at (x:9013 y:8654)
Bullet Seed TM at (x:4646 y:7811)
Spikes TM at (x:4236 y:7383)
Posion Jab TM at (x:12309 y:5929)
Fire Fang TM at (x:4210 y:8443)
Light Screen TM at (x:3806 y:8909)
Thank you for all these. Added them and just grabbing screenshots :)
antidote x9663 y7793
sassy mint x9739 y7879 (inside tunnel)
rare bone x9953 y7827
drill run x6460 y11232
great ball x6177 y11068
gimmighoul coin x5619 y11129
potion x4494 y11169
potion x5011 y11829
sandstorm x4976 y11382
ultra ball x5747 y10648
poke ball x5793 y11991
x speed x5663 y12028
fake tears x5665 y11949
great ball x5206 y11929
awakening x5186 y11981
poke doll x5426 y11831
revive x5320 y11697
disarming voice x5226 y11669
tm x4952 y11835
energy powder x6756 y11759
quick ball x7016 y11782
super potion x6914 y11756
burn heal x7040 y11956
exp candy x7019 y12021
poke ball x7887 y13199 (inlet grotto)
poke ball x776 y133556 (inlet grotto)
TM tailwind x7498 y 13355
item x7401 y13548
grass knot x7652 y13267
great ball x7703 y13287
gimmighoul coin x7715 y13272
super potion x7311 y13560
exp candy 5 x7154 y13392
gimmighoul coin x7194 y13497
nugget x7202 y13549
substitute TM x7171 y13509
TM endure x7715 y12985
TM night shade x12635 y8312 (levincia lighthouse)
Thanks. Adding the TMs now and will get to the items shortly :)
Rare Candy : X:11781 Y:6226
x:10192 y:13727
Trainer Battle: Naiara the Model
Finneon Lv. 25
x:5647 y:5000
Trainer Battle: Cabbie ?
Copperajah Lv. 54
Thanks for this :) Added both.
x:3832 y:12139
TM Thunder on the top of the Watchtower
x:5461 y:12879
TM Ice Fang
x:9734 y:11295
TM Take Down
x:10293 y:12262
TM Scary Face
x:10181 y:12950
TM Sandstorm
x:6006 y:4640
TM Thunder
x:7794 y:13095
TM Pollen Puff
x:7651 y:13268
TM Grass Knot
x:8064 y:13190
TM Eerie Impulse on roof of lab
Thank you for all these! Adding them now :)
I found another bunch of TMs
X: 2405 Y: 7418 TM163 Hyper beam
X: 4400 Y: 7150 TM115 Dragon Pulse (in the cave on the top ridge)
X: 4370 Y: 7158 One of those chest pokemon thingys (in the cave on the top ridge)
X: 4210 Y: 7220 TM116 Stealth Rock (in the cave)
X: 2920 Y: 7585 TM83 Poison Jab (in case you missed it in the previous post)
Ahh great spot with that Gimmighoul. What a sneaky boy! Also grabbed the TMs mentioned (and several other items) which I'm adding right now. Thanks!
Hello, I've seen Pachirisu climbing the tree on the northwest of Youngster Luka
x:7755 y:12155
It's a rare spawn, it took multiple attempts to encounter it again.
Thank you! I've added it for now and will try and get a screenshot later :)
Awesome map. Helped a ton. Some things I found:
X:2920 Y:7585 TM 83 Poison Jab X:2660 Y:7895 Assault Vest
X:5355 Y:8045 Seems to be the correct location of the Delibird Shop ("Battle items and Picnics" on the map) in this town. On this map the house next to it is marked, which is wrong. Hope that helps.
Thanks for the tips. I've updated the Delibird Presents marker (forgot to update the name) and will grab the other items shortly! :)
Thank you for your kind words and marker suggestions!
Trainers name is Cabbie Oriol $3200
Corvisquire lvl 20 Male
Squawkabilly lvl 20 Male (Green Form)
Thank you. Updated the marker :)
is there a way to uncollect all without having to manually do it?
Hi there! Yes, you can use the “Reset Collected” filter underneath the Filters and Search menu in the sidebar (or the dropdown if on mobile).
Missing Pokemon League Rep next to the Casseroya Watchtower No. 2 X:5950 Y:5800
He gives the Hydro Pump TM
So there is. Thank you!
Spiritomb the night X:5056 Y:3885
Found a super potion at @ x2927 - y7598 and a chipped pot in violet at I believe it was x2894 - y7752, though I forgot to mark the spot when I first found the pot so I may be remembering wrong.
Yep it's there! Looked around a bit but got it. It's the same in Scarlet too :)
Missing Ten Sights of Paldea
x:6136 y:4758
Casseroya Falls
x:3237 y:3973
Gracia Stones
x:10682 y:12648
Secluded Beach
Thanks. Forgot to add these on the map. Added them now!
Where is TM false swipe?
You can get this from Professor Jacq after registering 30 or more species in your Pokedex! Talk to him in the Biology Lab at the Acadamy.
Does anyone know if items respawn?
They do respawn after a while but the first instance is always the same. Then I believe there’s an item pool of potential items. I think TMs may respawn from what I’ve heard from others but I’ve not seen that myself yet.
x: 11415 y: 8533 Great Sights of Paldea : Million Volt Skyline
Thank you. Added this :)
X Sp. Attack x4761 y11492
Poke ball x4422 y11282
Lemonade x4476 y11384
Trainer x4485 y11449
Gimmighoul coin x4600 y11147
Guard spec x4789 y11342
NPC request x4932 y11254
Big root x5057 y11119
Super potion x5199 y11179
Poke ball x5217 y10886
Potion x5508 y11097
Adamant mint x5647 y11077
Hp up x5764 y10815
Revive x8501 y11143
Picnic x8479 y11279
Adding most of these right now! Thanks again. Also added a Pokemon Trade NPC marker :)
Gimmighoul @ x5075 y3735
acid spray TM x6412 y10691
super potion x6445 x10834
super potion x6442 y10936
lemonade x6307 y11002
ether x6145 y10998
gimmighoul coin x6020 y10903 on the rock
hyper potion x5879 y10723
night shade TM x5885 y10625
heal ball x5871 y10515
also there is a marker for a watchtower near x5838 y10793 (grand olive orchard). on my end it looks like this may be inaccurate, I don't see a watchtower at this location but there is a sign post with a gimmighoul coin on top :) i have violet if that makes a difference
PS I've been just jotting down what i'm finding as I'm going along and now i'm realizing how much i'm commenting and i'm annoying myself. i really hope this is helpful but if its not i'm sorry everyone
Alright. Checked and added all these. Thank you again for the tips. Feel free to throw any more our way; it's always appreciated :)
Oh god, no, don't apologise at all! This is super helpful. I was just taking a break. Will go and check all these and add them. Thank you so much for all the info! :)
Guys, can anyone please share how you can download the blank copy of the in-game map? I want to create my own map offline. Any help would be appreciated.
soda pop x5949 y11122 in front of the truck
super potion x5802 y10888
potion x5822 y11053
trainer x5720 y10831 Alessandro the Student (Shroomish lv. 10)
mud slap x5638 y10776
potion x5636 y10636
great ball x5743 y10429
poke ball x6125 y10350
trainer x6115 y10409 Simon the Poke Maniac (Gible lv. 12)
item x6201 y10596 (sorry I missed what it was while I was writing down location)
TM 012 Low Kick x5991 y11522
Gimmighoul coin x9130 y13332
super potion x5933 y11302
Unmarked Pokemon Trainer around x:6279 y:11611 Sergio the Office Worker Wooper: level 8
10182-13771 : Water TM Surf
Ah no. I tend to not collect anything unless I can screenshot it so I will grab it later when I'm back in-game :)
did you start a new game to take screenshots ? (or maybe a new profile one only ?)
Thank you. Added. Will get a screenshot later cos I know it's definitely there just haven't been back to that little island :)
Hello, How do I contribute to the map ? Created my account in this only purpose :D
At the moment we aren't really set up for open source projects. We keep them in-house for now just so we can keep an eye on the info and accuracy of what we do. We have considered opening things up for the future though so watch this space!
Too bad it is not a fully contributive one, with up/downvoting and commentaries to be more participative. I'm pretty sure, with some rules, it would be a greet success (but this website may have others maps and allready thought about this, with legitimate reason to not do so... Just my point of view, not an acerb criticism ;))
Hi Baltius, you can add comments here and we can mark them off. Thank you so much for your help :)
Unmarked Pokemon Trainer at 12392 10122
Added this, thanks for the tip :)
Happiny location in South Province Area 3 is wrong, it should be near the south province area 3 fast travel location
Glad you've found it useful! It's been a blast to work on.
You're welcome! I love the map, it's helped out a lot
Hey there. Happiny spawns all around that area. I've moved the marker to be a bit more central and included a bit more info about where it spawns as well. Thanks for the feedback!
Sunstone 11811,7242 in cave.
Gimmichoul coin 10960, 7348.
Gimmighoul 10823, 7442
Gimmighoul 11678, 6737
Added all of these, thanks DesurtFawks :)
Spotted Rulios at cacnea region right by the Pascal Student
Sableye can also spawn in Dalizapa Passage next to the pokemon center.
It does indeed. Added another marker in there. Thanks!
hey guys! Found a missing travel spot! x:8970 y:5570 "Paldea's Highest Peak"
Hey thanks for this! Added :)
Hello! Any idea of how long does day time and night time long?
Hi! The Morning lasts around 6mins, the Day lasts 30mins, Evenings 6 mins and Night 30 mins. So the entire cycle is 72mins long. Hope that helps!
found trainers at x11175 y8677 (dragon tamer) and x11199 and y8523 (student)
So for the pokemon on the map is it just a guess basically for everyone else besides the person who found a disguised ditto somewhere or is it the same for everyone?
Ditto will spawn on the region where it’s marked but it will be disguised as one of the Pokemon there so, yeah, it’s a bit of RNG essentially. I might add some other markers to other possible areas but it’s generally a random chance.
Found a Gimmeghoul roaming at x8496 y11461 on the edge of a very small cliff.
Does anyone know what the top right part of the map is
Hi Keend, we believe the top right of the map may be a future DLC area, but nothing is confirmed yet.
Pretty sure there's a watchtower at 4800 x 6640 (Casseroya Watchtower No.1) looking at my map.
Added. Thanks for the tip :)
Found Nacli at 8495, 11319
I think I have a different tera maps than everybody, because I don't have any of that tera pokemon.
EDIT: NVM my bad.
Some of the markers aren’t perfect as they sometimes spawn in a little range. I’m working to sort of get them as central as I can so you should be able to see their sparkle. Also trying to add more detail if they’re in caves or underground (which they often are).
Gimmighoul @ 8500 11465 on a cliff ledge
Added, thanks for the tip :)
are the levels highlighted the recommended level for our pokemon or wild pokemon?
Additionally, these are the kind of Lv ranges you can expect any Trainers in that area to use.
A bit of both. They correlate to wild Pokemon but obviously it helps if your general team are within their range (unless you cheese with Poison etc).
They are the level ranges of the wild Pokemon in that area.
Found one more Gimmighoul at 9516, 13386
Added some of these other ones too. Thanks AxBlaise!
Found more! 9003 13268 + 8946 13304 (one is already marked but there are 3 there)
8503 11430
10650 9721
4 in ruins: 10980 9396 + 10905 9447 + 10914 9479 + 10859 9446
9969 9495
Thanks for this, added to the map!
I'm no longer able to check anything off as collected. Is there something wrong?
Hi, caj. You helped us find a bug too - it looks like we weren't loading marker collection data for some users after the map loaded. Collected markers should now appear properly for you. Sorry about that.
If it helps, I just signed up, and it's not working for me. Everything resets once I leave the page.
It has been fixed, thank you so much for the rapid responses!
Hi, nforgy. I'm Gamer Guides' web developer. Your account had a particular set of circumstances which was triggering a bug in the logic we use to mark markers as collected. I've deployed a fix for this, so marker collecting should work again for you now. I won't go into more details about what was broken as it involves possibly private details about your account, but if you'd like more information and/or marker collection still seems broken for you, please feel free to reach out using the contact form on this page:
Hi there! Sorry about that - we pushed a few fixes live and it seemed to break that feature. It should be working now, Can you please check again and let me know if it’s working for you?
You can find Larvitar at the same place as Axew
On the top of the eastern side of the Great crater of Paldea theres a magnezone
Great spot! I've added it to the map, thanks :)
In NNE of Asado Desert, where the gimmighoul are, there is a chest form in the bottom-left of the ruins
Added this. Thanks for the tip!
Is there any way to have items marked/greyed out when we've collected them? I do appreciate the map, but would love away to some how mark items and have them show as collected (Until we decide to reset it ourselves). I've tried clicking on things such as TM's, other items as well but it nothing happens. Maybe a 'collected' button can be added perhaps to items? It already exists on pokemon on the map.
Hey there! This should be fixed now. We were linking items from our database to the map so it originally didn't have the "Collect" feature. Should all be working for you now though :)
On top the North-East walls of Cascarrafa theres a nugget and TM to be found.
Thanks for the tip. Added to the map (along with a few other TMs) :)
You can also find Sinistea under level 25 in East Province (Area Three) just north east of Zapapico, right above the border of the city and the Pokemon Center.
Thanks! Added a marker to the map :)
You can find Rotom on the beach West of Levincia.
Added! Thanks for the tip :)