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Pokémon Scarlet & Violet

How to Evolve Greavard Into Houndstone

Jessica Dillon
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While many Pokemon will level up just by going through battles, some have special circumstances that need to occur in order for them to evolve. Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet have added in several new Pokemon that have evolution tricks like having to walk a certain number of steps. The adorable Greavard, which was teased before the game’s release, has an evolution that only occurs under special circumstances. Below we go over where to find your very own Greavard and how to evolve it into Houndstone.

Greavard evolving into Houndstone.

Where to Catch Greavard

You will need to make it quite a ways into the game before being able to catch and command Greavard. The Ghost-type Pokemon is only found in the northern region of the map in North Area 3. Pokemon in this area are in their high 30s, so they won’t obey you until you have five gym badges. Luckily, Greavard is a rather common spawn, especially on your way to Montenevera. Just look for the little candles sticking out of the ground and approach them to find Greavard.

How to Evolve Greavard Into Houndstone

Since you will likely catch your first Greavard in the high 30s, you don’t have to do much work to get it to evolve. There are two requirements to get Houndstone, the first is the Greavard is at least level 30, and the second is that it levels up at night. The in-game clock takes around 35 minutes to cycle around, so keep busy until you see the time of day change from evening to night. At this point, simply go on a battling spree or use some candies to level up your Greavard so that it will evolve into Houndstone.

There is also the option to go out and catch a Houndstone, but it’s a rare spawn that is a little less happy with the thought of being placed inside a Pokeball.

Where to Catch Houndstone

You can find Houndstone around the same area where you found Greavard in North Area 3. You will usually find it around a bunch of Greavards, and it will be in its 40’s. Exercise caution when fighting this Pokemon as it may have the move Last Respects, which becomes more powerful with each Pokemon that has fainted on your team.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Nintendo, Pokemon Company International
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    16 November 2022
  • Last Updated
    10 May 2024
    Version History
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