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Pokémon Scarlet & Violet

Pokémon Scarlet/Violet Mystery Gift Codes

By Christian Wait &
Jessica Dillon
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We’ve got all the Pokémon Scarlet/Violet Mystery Gift Codes that are live right now, alongside one’s trainers may have missed. One of the key features of Pokemon games that has been present over the years is Mystery Gift. This feature first appeared in generation II and allows you to receive special limited-time gifts to your game, essentially, it’s free DLC. Here’s everything you need to know about how to access, redeem and check the latest Pokémon Scarlet/Violet Mystery Gift Codes.

The feature is available for all players that have Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet, as long as they have access to the internet and an active Nintendo Online membership. Below we go over how to use the Mystery Gift feature and give you all the codes that have ever been released for Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet.

(1 of 2) Who doesn’t like free gifts?

Who doesn’t like free gifts? (left), The Flying Tera Type Pikachu Mystery Gift early purchase bonus. (right)

How to Use Pokémon Scarlet/Violet Mystery Gift Codes

To use Mystery Gift, you must already have a save file of the game. Here are the directions for claiming Pokémon Scarlet/Violet Mystery Gift Codes in the games.

  • Reach the first Pokemon Center located in Los Platos to unlock the Mystery Gift Feature.
  • Go into your in-game menu. This will be the menu that contains your current party and items.
  • Press Joy-Con-ButtonX to bring up the Poke Portal.
  • Go to the Mystery Gift option and hit Joy-Con-ButtonA.

(1 of 2) First, go to the Poke Portal.

First, go to the Poke Portal. (left), Then go all the way down to the Mystery Gift option. (right)

Once you open the Pokémon Scarlet/Violet Mystery Gift menu, there will be four different options to choose from. Here is what each of them does.

  • Obtain From Internet: This will give you the free item or Pokemon from the currently ongoing event.
  • Get With Code/Password: You will need to put in a code, which can be found below, to get the free DLC.
  • Check Mystery Gift: See what Mystery Gifts you have received.
  • Check Poke Portal News: Check announcements to see if there are any upcoming Mystery Gifts.

Once you redeem a Pokémon Scarlet/Violet Mystery Gift Code, it will automatically appear in your game. If it’s a Pokemon, it’ll be added to your party if there’s space. Otherwise it’ll be sent to your boxes.

Pokémon Scarlet/Violet Mystery Gift Codes

If you wish to use a Pokémon Scarlet/Violet Mystery Gift Code, go to the Get With Code/Password option and hit Joy-Con-ButtonA. You will then have your keyboard pop up. Enter the active codes exactly as seen below to receive your free Mystery Gift rewards.

Reward Code Status
"Sweet Herba Mystica" iconSweet Herba Mystica or "Spicy Herba Mystica" iconSpicy Herba Mystica SWEET0RSP1CY Active (Expires 18/10/23)
Paldean Winds Cetitan L1KEAFLUTE Active (31/08/24)

Expired Pokémon Scarlet/Violet Mystery Gift Codes

Here’s every Mystery Gift code that has now expired for Pokémon Scarlet and Violet:

Reward Code Status
"Mew" IconMew GETY0URMEW Expired 09/18/23
5 "Banana" iconBananas, 5 "Butter" iconButter, 5 "Peanut Butter" iconPeanut Butter, 5 "Red Poké Ball Pick" iconRed Poké Ball Picks NATSUN0T0KKUN Expired 09/31/23
10 "Rare Candy" iconRare Candy LEVELUP Expired 10/02/23
5 "Max Revive" iconMax Revive REV1VE Expired 10/02/23
5 "Dusk Ball" iconDusk Ball, 5 "Luxury Ball" iconLuxury Ball, 5 "Nest Ball" iconNest Ball, 5 "Quick Ball" iconQuick Ball and 5 "Timer Ball" iconTimer Ball CATCHBYBALL Expired 10/02/23
20,000 League Points (LP) READY4RA1D Expired 01/31/23
10 "Peanut Butter" iconPeanut Butter, 10 "Prosciutto" iconProsciutto, 10 "Hamburger" iconHamburger, 10 "Cream Cheese" iconCream Cheese, 10 "Noodles" iconNoodles, 10 "Rice" iconRice HAJ1ME0R1G1NAL Expired on 01/31/23
Random assortment of sandwich ingredients BANANACREAM Expired on 12/18/22
Random assortment of sandwich ingredients HAMCHEESE Expired on 12/18/22
Random assortment of sandwich ingredients LETTUCEBAC0N Expired on 12/18/22
Random assortment of sandwich ingredients PEANUTBUTTER Expired on 12/18/22
Random assortment of sandwich ingredients SALTV1NEGAR Expired on 12/18/22
Random assortment of sandwich ingredients SANDW1CH Expired on 12/18/22
Random assortment of sandwich ingredients T0MAT0SL1CE Expired on 12/18/22
50 "Ice Tera Shard" iconIce Tera Shards HAPPYH0L1DAYS Expired on 25/12/22
A "Comet Shard" iconComet Shard, "Star Piece" iconStar Piece, or "Stardust" iconStardust (one, at random) HAPPYH0L1DAYS Expired on 01/15/23
A "Comet Shard" iconComet Shard, "Star Piece" iconStar Piece, or "Stardust" iconStardust (one, at random) MAKEWA2AMACH1NE Expired on 01/15/23
A "Comet Shard" iconComet Shard, "Star Piece" iconStar Piece, or "Stardust" iconStardust (one, at random) ENJ0YG0URUMET Expired on 01/15/23
A "Comet Shard" iconComet Shard, "Star Piece" iconStar Piece, or "Stardust" iconStardust (one, at random) BEFASH10NLEADER Expired on 01/15/23
A "Comet Shard" iconComet Shard, "Star Piece" iconStar Piece, or "Stardust" iconStardust (one, at random) G0FR1ENDLYSH0P Expired on 01/15/23
A "Comet Shard" iconComet Shard, "Star Piece" iconStar Piece, or "Stardust" iconStardust (one, at random) 1TSUPT0Y0U Expired on 01/15/23
20,000 League Points READY4RA1D Expired on 01/31/23
10 "Peanut Butter" iconPeanut Butter, 10 "Prosciutto" iconProsciutto, 10 "Hamburger" iconHamburger, 10 "Cream Cheese" iconCream Cheese, 10 "Noodles" iconNoodles, 10 "Rice" iconRice HAJ1ME0R1G1NAL Expired on 01/31/23
Garganacl (Poison Tera Type) 1STCHAMPSV Expired on 02/20/23
Flying Tera Type "Pikachu" IconPikachu Obtain via the Internet Expired on 02/28/23
"Ability Capsule" iconAbility Capsule T0KUSE1STUDY Expired on 02/28/23
Adventure Set (10 "Potion" iconPotion, 5 "Full Heal" iconFull Heal, 3 "Revive" iconRevive, 3 "Ether" iconEther, 1 "Rare Candy" iconRare Candy, 1 "Nugget" iconNugget) Emailed to eShop customers (pre-order bonus) Expired on 03/07/23
2 "Love Ball" iconLove Balls L0VEL0VEL0VE Expired on 03/14/23
1 "Destiny Knot" iconDestiny Knot HAPPYVALENT1NE Expired on 03/14/23
TM171 "Tera Blast" iconTera Blast LETSTERA Expired on 03/31/23
10 "Carbos" iconCarbos M0RESPEED Expired 03/31/23
Palafin (Water Tera Type) 0C1CV1CT0RGAV1N Expired on 04/17/23
TM082 "Thunder Wave" iconThunder Wave and TM087 "Taunt" iconTaunt ENJ0YBATTLE Expired on 04/30/23
TM116 "Stealth Rock" iconStealth Rock and TM132 "Baton Pass" iconBaton Pass R0CKANDBAT0N Expired on 05/07/23
"Gold Bottle Cap" iconGold Bottle Cap GETG0LD Expired on 06/04/23
"Bronzong" IconBronzong 22SEN10RCHAMP Expired 06/11/23
East Sea "Gastrodon" IconGastrodon PTCCHAMP10N2122 Expired on 06/19/23
TM028 "Bulldoze" iconBulldoze and TM086 "Rock Slide" iconRock Slide PLAYD0UBLE Expired on 06/30/23
Shiny "Arcanine" IconArcanine PAULEU1CW1N Expired on 07/03/23
1 "Friend Ball" iconFriend Ball, 10 "Nugget" iconNugget and 10 "Rare Candy" iconRare Candy TREASUREHUNT Expired on 07/31/23
50 "Fighting Tera Shard" iconFighting Tera Shards TERATYPECHANGE 07/31/23
"Gastrodon" IconGastrodon 23WCSGASTR0D0N 08/14/23
Shiny "Grimmsnarl" IconGrimmsnarl THA12022CHAMP 08/18/23
Cetitan L1KEAFLUTE Active (Expires 08/31/23)
Dark-Tera Type "Charizard" IconCharizard DARKTERA0006 Active (Expires 08/31/23)
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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Nintendo, Pokemon Company International
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    16 November 2022
  • Last Updated
    10 May 2024
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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