Being able to encase your Pokémon in crystal to change their type is a big part of Pokémon Scarlet and Violet and you may wish to know if it is indeed possible to change the Tera Type of your Pokémon. This page will give you all the details on how to go about doing that.
You can change your Tera Type by heading to the restaurant in Medali.
When you look at your Pokémon in the Summary screen, you’ll notice that they have another Type next to their usual, this is their Tera Type and will be what they change to when you use the Tera Orb in battle. This is effective because it opens up a whole new world of possibilities when it comes to battle.
You may be forgiven into thinking that your Pokémon are locked into their Tera Type, but that’s not the case thankfully. It does, however, require a bit of preparation on your behalf of before you get the ball rolling. This will also become a lot easier to achieve the further through the game you are.
Using Tera Shards at Medali Restaurant¶
This feature can be easy to miss if you’re not in the habit of going around speaking to everyone. You won’t be able to access the person who unlocks this feature until you defeat Larry in the Normal Gym so make sure you’ve done that first.
Once you’ve done, this speak to the chef at the restaurant, standing behind the bar. You can’t miss him with his yellow speech bubble saying “Want to change any Pokémon’s Tera Type?”. You’ll learn more about Tera Shards here and be given 50 Normal Tera Shards so that you can learn the system.
And that’s about all there is to changing your Tera Type. You’ll need to source 50 Tera Shards of the corresponding Type you’re trying to change to, and this can be time consuming so make sure you have a plan in mind when changing Tera Types.
Where to get Tera Shards?¶
The next question, then, becomes where do you actually source these Tera Shards that you’ll need in abundance? Unfortunately, there’s no easy solution to this and the best methods all involve being in the postgame with high-level Pokémon.
(1 of 2) Getting Tera Shards from 5 and 6 Star Tera Raids is the quickest method
Getting Tera Shards from 5 and 6 Star Tera Raids is the quickest method (left), although you can find the odd Tere Shard in the world, especially Area Zero. (right)
The first, and by far the quickest if you’re able to find them, is by completing the 5 and 6 Star Tera Raids as you’ll often receive many of them at once in the rewards at the end of the battle.
The second way of finding these Tera Shards are by heading to Area Zero, which first becomes available during the Way Home Storyline after completing the three main paths. In this area, you’ll often come across Tera Shards when picking up the sparkling items on the ground. There’s no surefire way to determine if it will be a Tera Shard, so all you can do is wander around Area Zero picking up the items.
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