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Pokémon Scarlet & Violet

How to Beat Tyme (Academy Ace Tournament)

Vincent Lau
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This is a guide for defeating Tyme the Instructor during the Academy Ace Tournament in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet.

This is the only time (pun not intended) that you can battle Ms. Tyme.

Ms. Tyme, the mathematics teacher, is one of the trainers you can fight in the Academy Ace Tournament. She is a random participant during the second tournament onwards. She can appear during the first, second and third rounds.

What is the Academy Ace Tournament?

The Academy Ace Tournament is a single elimination tournament, consisting of 4 rounds, that you can participate in during the postgame. Your opponents will be trainers and faculty members from Naranja/Uva Academy.

To unlock the Academy Ace Tournament, you must complete the Area Zero story, perform the Gym Inspection for Geeta and report the results to her back at Naranja/Uva Academy.

Recommended Pokémon for Tyme (Academy Ace Tournament)

Tyme’s team is full of Rock type Pokémon, so Grass, Water, Fighting, Ground and Steel types would be great to have.

Her Pokémon are between Level 65 to 66, so you should be fine with Level 66+ Pokémon.

Here are some recommendations, if you need help:

  • The Level 75 Tera "Lucario" IconLucario at Dalizapa Passage, in the underground tunnel. High level and can solo Tyme’s squad.
  • If playing Scarlet, Great Tusk, a Ground and Fighting Paradox found in Area Zero.
  • If playing Violet, Iron Treads, a Ground and Steel Paradox found in Area Zero.
  • If playing Scarlet, Koraidon, a powerful Dragon and Fighting Legendary obtained in the postgame.

What Pokémon Does Tyme (Academy Ace Tournament) Use?

Pokémon Level Type
"Lycanroc" IconLycanroc (Midday) 65 Rock Rock
"Lycanroc" IconLycanroc (Midnight) 65 Rock Rock
"Drednaw" IconDrednaw 65 Water Water Rock Rock
"Stonjourner" IconStonjourner 65 Rock Rock
"Coalossal" IconCoalossal 65 Rock Rock Fire Fire
Garganacl 66 Rock Rock (Tera Type: Rock Rock)

Lycanroc (Midday)

Koraidon or Lucario can blitz through Tyme’s team.

First up is a Midday form "Lycanroc" IconLycanroc. This one can use "Stone Edge" iconStone Edge for hard hitting STAB, Accelerock to try and attack first, "Crunch" iconCrunch for general coverage, and "Stealth Rock" iconStealth Rock to damage switch-ins.

Crush it with super-effective Grass, Water, Fighting, Ground or Steel types

Lycanroc (Midnight)

Tyme also has a Midnight form Lycanroc. This one can use Stone Edge for devastating STAB, "Thunder Punch" iconThunder Punch to tickle Water types, "Fire Punch" iconFire Punch to counter Grass and Steel types, plus Crunch for additional coverage.

This time, use Fighting or Ground types if you can.


It’s a little unfair, but where else would you use your Legendaries?

"Drednaw" IconDrednaw is one of the few dual types here. It can use Razor Shell and "Rock Blast" iconRock Blast for STAB, Jaw Lock to prevent its opponent and itself from switching out, plus "Ice Fang" iconIce Fang to mess with Ground and Grass types. Its Strong Jaw ability boosts the power of Jaw Lock and Ice Fang. Ouch.

Despite Ice Fang, Grass types are the best, since they deal quadruple damage. However, if they’re somehow slower than Drednaw, exercise caution. Otherwise, go with Electric or Fighting types.


"Stonjourner" IconStonjourner is a solid support Pokémon in Double Battles, but it’s a bit lonely here. It can use Stone Edge for STAB, "Earthquake" iconEarthquake to topple Rock types, "Body Press" iconBody Press to smash Steel types, and "Heavy Slam" iconHeavy Slam for good measure.

Go with Grass, Water or Fighting types.


"Coalossal" IconCoalossal is an interesting dual type. It can use Stone Edge and "Heat Crash" iconHeat Crash for STAB, Body Press to counter Steel types, and Heavy Slam to demolish opposing Rock types. If hit by a Fire or Water move, its Speed increases by 6 stages because of its Steam Engine ability.

We recommend Ground types, since they deal quadruple damage. Water types also deal quadruple damage, but there’s a miniscule chance they’ll trigger Steam Engine if Coalossal somehow survives. Ground and Fighting types are also good.

Terastallized Garganacl

Smash up Garganacl with a reliable Fighting type.

To seal the deal, Tyme will Terastallize her Garganacl. It will remain a pure Rock type, while its Rock moves are further enhanced.

For attacks, it’s got Stone Edge for STAB, Fire Punch to deter Grass and Steel types, "Ice Punch" iconIce Punch to terrorize Ground types, and "Thunder" iconThunder Punch to electrocute Water types. Purifying Salt protects it from status ailments.

This leaves Fighting types as the only safe counter.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Nintendo, Pokemon Company International
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    16 November 2022
  • Last Updated
    10 May 2024
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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