To reach Hexen Isle, return to Artorius’ Throne and head toward the final fight to find a teleporter that will take you to Hexen Isle.
While the island itself has new discoveries and items, the point of the island is to access the 8 dungeons via the large stone monument and defeat the boss at the end of each. Doing this will allow you to defeat the final boss of the area, a Dragon Zombie, which will strength Heldalf in the final fight for a new trophy.
Head straight ahead and use the save point and then continue north to find the remains of a dragon for the Full Dragon Skeleton discovery, followed by the Palentology for Beginners skit. Make your way southwest to spot the final Monolith in the game and grab the Red Sage directly north of it.
Ignore the path to the west, since this leads to Calix VIII, and make your way to the northern section of the map to find a Red Lavender just south of the Calix II monument. Return to the dragon skeleton and head east for a Red Rosemary and then follow the north wall to a path leading to Calix III with a Red Verbena on the east side of the area.
Head south and take the narrow path that leads to the southern section of the map and continue to the southern shore. Here you’ll find the Lost Katz, who will become the Lord of the Land, as well as the Hexen Isle: Proof of Rejuvenation and Adventure Map: Unknown Island .
The narrow path to the west has the Calix VI monument, but on the south side you’ll find Zaveid’s Malevolent Crucible: Avici . Challenging this crucible will earn you the skit Zaveid’s Challenge and if you complete it you’ll obtain his Illustrious Rosario and the Zaveid’s Victory skit.

Eight Dates With Hate
This is proof that you've returned alive from challenging all eight Malevolent Crucibles.

Continue west and head to the south immediately toward the beast for the Budding Giant Fruit discovery, followed by the Across the Sea skit, and then check the northwest corner of this area for the Red Saffron .
With the area cleared you can return to the save at the entrance for the Reading The Monolith skit, which grants the “Friendly Link” battle action and Danger Jr . fashion item, before testing your skills at the Calix dungeons.

Monolith Monomania
This is proof that you've found all the stone monoliths and ruminated on their author.

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