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To enter Lastonbell you’ll need to head to the southwest exit of Volgran Forest for a scene that will grant you entrance into Rolance. Backtrack to the save for the Rose’s True Name skit and make sure to get the Monolith across the way and then head to the Inn to rest to activate the following skits:

  • Fusion 101 - (must be lvl 12 with Lailah’s Fusion)
  • Interest and Experience - (must be lvl 12 with Sorey’s PoI Detection)
  • Stop Agreeing With Me… - (must have purchased # of items at shops)
  • Mikleo’s Skill Training - (must have seen the My Own Artes skit)
  • Inspector Improv - About the inspection
  • Edna’s Boots - About Edna’s boots
  • Lailah’s Gratitude - Lailah will thank Rose
  • Beef Bourguignon: Serious Business - (must order Beef Bourguignon)

Head to the save for a skit and then rest at the Inn for even more skits.

Head south of the Equipment Shop to find a Life Bottle hidden behind one of the buildings and then continue south. Follow the fence to a silver chest with 3000 gald and make sure to check the fence near Mayvin to discover the Radishbell , followed by the Radishbells, A Hidden Menace skit.

The woman nearby will tell you a little bit about the old man on the park terrace and to the north is a Turtlez selling the Adventure Map: Near the Border for 300 gald. Make sure to head up the steps to the terrace to find Plezur on the railing and then collect the Rosemary in the corner before exiting to the north for a scene.

Make sure to purchase the next Adventure Map from the Turtlez (left) and recruit the Normin on the terrace (right).

Head east down the alley and check the small grassy area for some Saffron and then continue to the Equipment Shop. Head west along the main path this time and you should get the Check message about halfway up to discover the Great Belfry of Lastonbell , followed by The Belfry skit, and then return to the Inn and head along the north alley this time.

Enter the graveyard and immediately look right, between the wall and the hedge, to find Blude and then check the Monolith before you continue west to the Sanctuary to overhear some dialogue.

Check the main road for a discovery and skit (left) and recruit the Normin Blude at the graveyard (right).

Check the Monolith in the courtyard and then follow the cobblestone path to the east of the Sanctuary for a Melancholic Din .

Ignore the objective marker for now and exit the Sanctuary to the save for the skit Memorizing the True Names and then hug the wall of the Sanctuary to find a Chamomile and Madeline . You can now head west and speak to the three NPCs marked on the map about a girl named Margaret and some murders before returning to the Sanctuary for a scene.

Memorization sure looks difficult when Rose does it (left). The people around town will mention murders and a girl named Margaret (right).

Boss: Sergei

HP Category Weakness Resistance
2,966 Person None None
Drops: **None**

The first half of this fight is rather easy, since Sergei doesn’t attack much with his artes, but as soon as he reaches 50% health he’ll start to spam them. Focus on lowering his HP with martial and hidden artes while sidestepping his attacks and when he reaches about half health you can unleash your Mystic Arte. If he’s still alive after this you’ll want to approach him carefully to avoid his Lion’s Howl attack and finish him off.

Chain your attacks together to dwindle Sergei’s HP, but watch out for his spammy attacks when he is below half health.

After another scene you’ll need to head toward the terrace to the south to meet up with Sergei for another scene and then head back toward the Sanctuary and speak with the man with a purple star.

Watch the Knights vs. Church , Dezel and the Dogs , and You Can Do a Lot with One Stone skit at the save and then return to the Inn.

Head to the save to watch a bunch of skits, some of them pretty cute.

Head to the save for the It Takes Some Getting Used To skit and then rest to trigger the following skits:

  • Taking a Side Trek About the many rumors around town
  • Tactical Armatization - Dezel schools Sorey on artes
  • Letting Her Hair Down - Lailah has her hair down
    You can now head toward the west gate to encounter the Sparrowfeathers for a scene.
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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Bandai Namco Entertainment
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS3, PS4
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    29 November 2015
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
  • Guide Author
    Stephanie Barnes

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Tales of Zestiria takes place on the continent of Glenwood, which is governed over by two warring counties. Through the hatred of man an impurity known as “malevolence” is generated and all living things on the continent are turned into beasts known as Hellions. Humans live unaware of the corruption caused by the Lord of Calamity and the hidden race known as the Seraphim.

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