Stop at the save, just beyond the bridge to Ladylake, and watch the A World Teeming with Malevolence skit before you head off to the Galahad Ruins.
The ruins are to the far northwest, but without a map action you get later in the game you’ll need to take the longer path to the north of Ladylake. Start by crossing the small bridge to the north and head up the hill, u-turning around at the top to find a chest with the Sunglasses fashion item.
Watch the sit outside Ladylake before heading off (left). Cross the bridge and head up the hill to find some Sunglasses (right).
Follow the road to the west while looking north to spot a Lavender by the trees, just south of the abandoned village of Kylfe, and then open the chest in the northwest corner of this area for a pair of Amber Boots .
Head south to the save and across the stream to spot a Monolith before looking west to spot a large wolf with yellow accents on his head. This is a field boss, strong Hellions that roam many of the fields and dungeons, and should be avoided until later in the game when you are much stronger.
Near the Monolith you’ll spot a special optional boss walking the field.
Check the south slope for an Apple Gel and then head directly west, stopping to get the Sage near the large rock on a hill, to find the entrance to the Galahad Ruins.
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