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Warp to Volgran Forest and enter Glaivend Basin for a scene and then head north through the Rolance Army camp to the abandoned town of Forton. Check the back of the village for a Strawberry Waffle and then continue north to find a Rosemary . You can now head east and then south to the objective marker for a scene.

Boss: Tiamat

HP Category Weakness Resistance
75,106 Dragon Neutral Fire, Earth, Water
Drops: **Blessing Orb** , **Dragon Reincarnation Orb**

This is a difficult fight due to Tiamat’s resistances and the fact that he just has a massive amount of HP. The good news is that Tiamat’s attacks are highly telegraphed and are pretty easy to evade or guard, but that doesn’t mean your AI allies are going to be as smart.

After doing enough damage a scene will trigger and then you’ll continue the fight.

Focus on Tiamat’s dragon category and use Sorey’s Earth Dragon Fang or armatize with Zaveid and use Dragon Blitz to maximize your damage and open the boss up to a Power Hits combo. If you stay to the sides of Tiamat and focus on hitting its hind legs you should be fine.

Armatize with Zaveid to maximize your damage until you trigger a scene.

This time Tiamat will use the Burning Strike spell, so avoid standing in front of him, and when you lower his health another scene will trigger.

From this point on Tiamat will be unable to restore his health, but he will also start using the Fire Breath attack. Keep up your attacks while avoiding the new attacks and unleash your Mystic Artes to finish this fight quickly.

In the later stages Tiamat will add new attacks to his arsenal, but your strategy will remain the same regarless.

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Tear-Soaked Battlefield

Conquer the second fierce battle at Glaivend Basin without using any items!

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After the scenes head to Tintagel Ruins for a scene and then head to the nearby save for the skit A Microcosm of Our World .

Head toward Lastonbell for a scene and then head to the Sanctuary to find Alisha and Sergei. After the event, return outside for the skit A Stone-Cold No at the save and then head east gate to trigger a long scene.

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It All Ends Here

This is proof that you're committed to engaging in the final battle.

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Once you’re dropped back in Volgran Forest head to the nearby save for the skit The Road to Camlann .

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Bandai Namco Entertainment
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS3, PS4
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    29 November 2015
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
  • Guide Author
    Stephanie Barnes

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