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Make your way to the save for the skits The Malevolence in Camlann and Like a Blank Page and then enter the fortress.

Head northeast at the four-way split to a wall of malevolence and remove it with Lailah’s map action to exit through the door and then enter the other door for a Hourglass and Aqua Interrupter . Return to the four-way split and head through the northwest door, since the southwestern path is a dead end, and then open the chest with an Arcane Bottle to the left.

You can now head to the opposite side of the upper level to a room with an altar that can be examined for The Crest of Innominat , followed by the skit The Unknown Crest .

Collect the Arcane Bottle and cross the upper level to find a discovery and skit.

Head back to the previous area and enter the northeast door and then head through the northwest door to a dead end with an Elixir .

Backtrack to the previous area and continue northeast to exit the building and then pick up the Survivor’s Garb and continue along the path, using Lailah’s map action and Wind Rush across the gap to reach a Red Rosemary .

Enter the next building and light the torches, using the roman numerals on the ground for direction and order, and then enter the western door for a Strawberry Shortcake before heading through the north door and up the stairs.

Light the torches to unlock the northwest door and then collect the shortcake.

Boss: Catoblepas

HP Category Weakness Resistance
36,457 Undead Water Neutral, Earth
Drops: **Imbued Orb** , **Decayed Paper**

This boss is a caster that is similar to the other skeleton casters you’ve encountered throughout the game, teleporting away and casting powerful spells. Armatize with Mikleo to exploit the boss’ weakness and keep him from casting spells while building a combo for your Mystic Arte.

Attack the boss’ weakness and armatize with Mikleo to use his Mystic Arte

Head back down the stairs and enter the eastern door to another set of stairs heading down and then enter the first room for an Elixir and Kaleidoscepter .

Exit the building and Wind Rush across the gaps heading north to a dead end with a Slaven Shadow and then cross back and continue all the way to the southern corner of the area for a Hourglass . The gap behind the malevolence to the northwest leads back to the four-way split at the beginning of the fortress, so head northeast to the door to enter then next building.

Enter the door on the right for the Fairy Piercings and then head up the stairs and cross the room to a dead end with a Death Sheet and Chiffon Cake . Return to the previous room and use Wind Rush to activate each of the three windmills and then exit through the northern door and head upstairs to another optional boss.

Collect the treasure from the side room and then activate the windmills.

Boss: Hippogriff

HP Category Weakness Resistance
57,181 Dragon/Winged Fire Earth, Wind
Drops: **Imbued Orb** , **Worn Out Pendulum**

The Hippogriff is similar to the Griffin in Biroclef Ridge, so armatize with Lailah to take advantage of the boss’ weakness and lay into the winged-dragon in the hopes of interrupting its attacks.

Avoid his flame breath, indicated by the bird rearing back in the air pretty slowly, by sidestepping out of its face and continue your attacks. If you can avoid or defend against these attacks you shouldn’t have much trouble finishing off the boss rather easily.

Focus on the Hippogriff’s weakness’ while easily avoiding his flame breath.

Return downstairs and cross the room to exit the southern door and look right to spot a Red Chamomile and then follow the path to enter another building. Enter the second door to find a Melon Gel and then return to the first door and clear the malevolence to cross to the other side of the area.

Enter the door to the left for a Caliburnus and then continue southwest. The second room is empty, so ignore it and take the first door to cross to the other side of the area and enter the door on your left to find a Helmwige . You can now continue southwest and open the chest with an All-Divide before exiting the building.

Make sure to collect the chests in each of the rooms and the halls as you progress.

Cross the gaps to the next building and enter the northwest door to find some columns that you can smash with Edna’s map action to find a Viking Hat and then destroy the blocks by the other door to take the stairs up to another optional boss.

Boss: Ammit

HP Category Weakness Resistance
57,181 Dragon Wind Earth, Water
Drops: **Imbued Orb** , **Mangled Umbrella**

Despite being a dragon, Ammit is more of a caster than a fire-breathing type dragon and he will usually walk away and cast a spell instead of attacking you directly with melee attacks. Focus on exploiting the boss’ weakness by armatizing with Zaveid to prevent him from casting spells and you shouldn’t have have much trouble defeating this slow boss.

Attack the boss’ weakness with Earth Dragon Fang or Zaveid (left) to keep him staggered and not casting spells (right).

Return downstairs and take the staircase to the south and enter the first room for a Pound Cake and then continue outside. Head east first to grab a Melon Gel and then backtrack and continue north to enter another building, ignoring the path with malevolence that lead back to the beginning of the fortress.

Enter the main hall and head up the stairs to enter a hallway and check the northern path for the Normin Invalada and A Hoard of Ritual Swords discovery, followed by the Relics of the Shepherds skit.

Don’t miss the Normin in the corner, along with the ritual swords discovery.

Exit the building and cross the gaps to the south for a chest with Marron Glace and then backtrack and continue northwest to enter another building. Grab the Athena’s Hairband and Drop Bottle in the first room and then head up the stairs to the next room with a pool of water.

Cross to the northeast door and use Mikleo’s map action to pass the eye on the wall and open the chest with a Roll Cake and then return to the main room and head up the stairs, while being careful of the eyes on the wall, to reach the final optional boss.

Use Spectral Cloak to reach the Roll Cake and head up the stairs to the next boss.

Boss: Dinosaur

HP Category Weakness Resistance
66,469 Dragon Earth Fire, Water
Drops: **Imbued Orb** , **Decrepit Staff**

The Dinosaur is a slow boss whose primary attack is his Fire Breath, which you can avoid by attacking his side without him turning. Armatize with Edna to exploit the boss’ weakness and keep him in a Power Hits combo for as much as possible and you should finish this battle with little effort.

Attack the dragon’s side with Earth Dragon Fang or by armatizing with Edna (left) and avoid his Fire Breath attack (right).

Exit the building to the southeast and check the left side of the area for a Red Saffron and then follow the path to the final staircase for a scene. After obtaining Sorey’s Shepherd’s Outfit: Determination , head to the nearby save for the skit At the Heart of the Malevolence and then warp out of the area.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Bandai Namco Entertainment
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS3, PS4
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    29 November 2015
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
  • Guide Author
    Stephanie Barnes

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Tales of Zestiria takes place on the continent of Glenwood, which is governed over by two warring counties. Through the hatred of man an impurity known as “malevolence” is generated and all living things on the continent are turned into beasts known as Hellions. Humans live unaware of the corruption caused by the Lord of Calamity and the hidden race known as the Seraphim.

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  • Don’t miss a single skit or Normin;
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