The following sections cover the optional content and areas that you can progress/complete at this point.
Optional Bosses
Warp to Aifrea’s Hunting Ground and walk toward the Weylish Ruins:
Boss: Spider Queen¶
HP | Category | Weakness | Resistance |
16,416 | Crustacean | None | Neutral, Earth, Water |
Drops: **Anomalous Orb** |
Like many other bosses at this point you’ll need to focus on the Spider Queen’s category weaknesses by using Sword Rain or Shatterfang artes to allow your party to maximize their damage.
While doing this you’ll want to attack from the sides or from behind to avoid her attacks from the front, but she will still cast a damaging net on the ground around her with Spider Net that can do some decent damage. Watch out for her jump attack and move if you see her fly into the air, or armatize with a seraph if she appears to be targeting them, and try to interrupt her when she casts Gravity Well.
Use Shatterfang to exploit her weakness and prevent her from casting Gravity Well.
Enter or warp to the Weylish Ruins and make your way to the boss room:
Boss: Duhvision¶
HP | Category | Weakness | Resistance |
19,401 | Amorphous | None | Neutral, Fire, Earth |
Drops: **Anomalous Orb** |
This huge eyeball can only attack from the front, but the few abilities it does do can destroy a character with ease. Focus on attacking from behind with Sorey’s Searing Gale or Shadow Shock artes to exploit the enemy’s category weakness and try to keep it on the ground, preventing it from using Atomic Ray on your allies.
If you find yourself alone make sure to sidestep whenever Duhvision gets too close and avoid its Mindflayer attack until your party members can be revived.
Exploit the bosses weakness with artes like Shadow Shock (left), but be wary of attacking him directly and being hit with Atomic Ray (right).
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