Warp back to Falkewin Hillside and exit to the southwest for a scene.
Check the pile of wooden logs to the south for the normin Rangus and then head to the objective marker at the command tent for a scene. There isn’t much else in the camp, since the chest is locked, so exit the north gate and turn around to find a Monolith on the other side.
Don’t miss Rangus by the logs (left) before heading to the comman tent (right).
There is a Dark Turtlez Emporium that you can stock up on before heading north and then head east to a large open area with a Holy Bottle , Apple Gel , and Saffron on the upper ridge. You can now backtrack and go west to find Lucas and his men for a scene and a fight.
This fight starts off easy, with only a handful of soldiers, but as you are surrounded you’ll probably need to armatize to overcome the swarm. Watch the scene that follows and then head toward the Dark Turtlez Emporium to reveal the skit The Truth Behind the Heroes .
Resuce Lucas’ group (left) and then you’ll find a skit near the Dark Turtlez (right).
Before you head towards the objective you’ll want to collect the treasure in the area, so head south of the Turtlez to the first chest with an Azure Blue in the corner and then check smack dab in the middle of the aftermath for a Verbena .
The last treasure is in the northeast corner on a high ridge and contains a C hocolate Rusk , so make sure to grab it and then head for the objective marker for another scene.
After the scene you can head south for a Monolith , but there is nothing else you can do except head toward the objective marker for another scene. Once again, you’ll have no choice except to head toward the next objective marker on your way up the ridge to trigger another scene.
Head toward the objective marker for a scene and then check the nearby Monolith.
Boss: General Landon¶
HP | Category | Weakness | Resistance |
9,901 | Therian | Neutral | Fire, Earth, Water |
Drops: **None** |
Landon’s weakness to neutral attacks means that Sorey’s martial artes are going to be much more powerful than hidden artes or armatization. Because of this it is best to just get down and dirty at close range, but you’ll need to watch out for Landon’s overhead slash and Body Press attack.
If you find yourself or your seraph low on health you can quickly armatize to heal yourself back up, but make sure that you break the armatization so that you can continue to exploit Landon’s weakness.
Once you’ve dealt enough damage the game will introduce Mystic Artes through a tutorial, so do as it says to unleash Sorey’s ultimate attack and then finish Landon off.
Use Sorey’s martial artes to dwindle Landon’s health (left) until you unlock the Mystic Arte tutorial (right).
After another scene head northwest up a small ridge with catapults to find a Chamomile and then enter the Rolance camp. Collect the Apple Gel in the chest between the two tents and make sure to check the Monolith in the northeast corner of the camp before you continue to the objective marker for a final scene.
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