Return to Artorius’ Throne and head up the stairs to the objective markers for a scene.
Boss: Heldalf (3)¶
HP | Category | Weakness | Resistance |
52,340 | Unknown | None | Neutal |
Drops: **None** |
Heldalf’s first stage is rather easy to fight, since his attack patterns are heavily telegraphed. Your main goal is to lower his HP, while guarding or avoiding his claw attacks and armatize with any of the seraphs to ignore the neutral resistance.
After dealing enough damage a scene will occur and then you’ll be faced with finishing Heldalf off. Keep up the same strategy above, but be careful because he’ll start using stronger attacks as part of his arsenal and when he reaches half health he’ll also begin to use Hellfire Release, where he’ll charge forward in a line of fire, and his True Lion’s Howl Mystic Arte.
Don’t get caught by either of these attacks and keep up your attacks until you dwindle him to 0 HP.
Boss: Armatized Heldalf¶
HP | Category | Weakness | Resistance |
200,000 | Dragon | None | None |
Drops: **None** |
This fight is more of a story-based fight rather than a strategic one. Your objective is to get Heldalf’s health down to the point where the subtitle “Let me show you fear and despair…” will pop up, after which he’ll begin casting a massive spell.
To do this it is safest to stick to one side of the boss and target one of the hands, since the majority of attacks are delivered to the center of the arena. Once the subtitle appears you need to go all out in your attacks, hopefully with all your party members, until you stun Heldalf and then armatize with any seraph to attack with Siegfried by pressing L1.
Each time you do this you’ll lose a seraph from combat, so choose the order carefully, and after firing all four seraphs Heldalf will lose his armatization.
Boss: Heldalf (4)¶
HP | Category | Weakness | Resistance |
21,935 | Unknown | None | Neutral, Fire |
Drops: **None** |
This final fight with Heldalf is done with Sorey alone, but don’t worry you only need to get enough Blast Gauge to use your Mystic Arte for a scene.
After the scene you’ll need to walk toward Heldalf for a final scene that will complete the game, but make sure to watch all the credits for additional scenes.

A Life of Moderation
On your 2nd playthrough or in Moderate difficulty, win the final battle without retrying!

A Life of Struggle
On your 3rd playthrough or in Hard difficulty, win the final battle without retrying!

A Life Facing Malice
On your 4th playthrough or in Intense difficulty, win the final battle without retrying!

A Life Torn Between Order and Chaos
On your 5th playthrough or in Chaos difficulty, win the final battle without retrying!

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