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The group will discuss Sorey’s growing power and then you can head down the staircase for a scene.

Boss: Slime Glutton

HP Category Weakness Resistance
1,398 Amorphous Fire Water
Drops: **Blessing Orb** , **Copper Key**

Slimes are weak to Lailah’s fire-based artes and this will allow you to exploit the weakness and create Power Hit chains for Sorey’s attacks, which are useless without the exploit. Consider waiting for Lailah to attack with an arte before blowing your SC on the enemy or take command of Lailah yourself and open up on the boss to maximize the AI’s damage on Sorey.

Watch out for the boss’ Maul attack that it likes to spam when it gets low health, eating Sorey and causing a lot of damage, and keep the combos going to quickly end this fight.

Allow Lailah to exploit the boss’ weakness to defeat the boss.

After another scene you’ll finally be able to explore the ruins, but first you should leave the aqueduct and open the copper chest on the area outside the aqueduct for some Amber Boots .

Return to the aqueduct and ignore the first set of steps leading into the water, since this is a dead end. The large door in front of you is locked, but after a short scene you’ll be able to present the Royal Knife to unlock the seal and check the Monolith on the other side.

There isn’t anything on this level, except enemies, so slide down the slope to encounter the Dark Turtlez Emporium and open a chest with a Life Bottle . Grab the Amber Paper and then make your way to the objective marker to learn more about the Shepherds and Seraphim to obtain the Red Iris Gem: Tre .

Check the large sword to discover the Altar of the Sacred Blade and then watch the The Sacred Blade Altar skit. You can now make your way to the next objective marker to unlock Lailah’s map action, allowing you to use the flames of purification on the torch to open the door.

Follow Lailah to the altar for a scene and make sure to check it for the discovery.

Follow the path west to a split with two chests to the north containing an Apple Gel x2 and Amber Tiara and then continue southwest. You’ll want to ignore the objective marker for a moment and check the dead end to the west for a Soft-Serve Ice Cream and then backtrack for a scene.

Fight off the large number of slimes and don’t be afraid to back up to avoid being surrounded until the tutorial kicks in that teaches you how to armatize. Armatization is a huge part of the game and it allows you to combine Sorey’s attacks with whatever seraphic artes the seraph he armatizes with naturally uses, in this case it will allow Sorey’s attacks to be fire-based and allow him to cast her artes.

Fight off the slimes until you get a scene and then armatize for the first time.

After the scene you can continue north to a Monolith and then take the eastern stairs to find another Monolith and a chest with a Void Ring .

Light both torches with Lailah’s map action and then head east toward the ladder, since the door to the west is locked from the other side. Make sure to get the Sage near the ladder before you knock it down and then exit the ruins.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Bandai Namco Entertainment
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS3, PS4
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    29 November 2015
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
  • Guide Author
    Stephanie Barnes

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