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Assassin's Creed: Valhalla

Ymir's Tear Stones

Scott Peers
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Noble Harts Mystery - Ymir’s Tear Stone 1

This is the only Ymir’s Tear Stone that you will find from a mystery in Asgard. For more information and details on how to obtain it, see Noble Harts.

Northern Island - Heimdall’s Tower 1 - Ymir’s Tear Stone 2

The first Ymir’s Tear Stone near Heimdall’s Tower can be found behind the tower on its northeastern side. You’ll need to climb down the rocks to the shore at the back of the tower, where you’ll find a small camp and the chest within it. Alternatively, you can use the teleportation device east of the tower, which will transport you near the shore at the bottom of the tower.

(1 of 2) The location of the first Ymir’s Tear Stone at Heimdall’s Tower.

The location of the first Ymir’s Tear Stone at Heimdall’s Tower. (left), You’ll find the chest in a small camp by the shore. (right)

Northern Island - Heimdall’s Tower 2 - Ymir’s Tear Stone 3

To find the second Ymir’s Tear Stone near Heimdall’s Tower, use the teleportation device east of the tower. This will transport you to the bottom of Heimdall’s Tower, near the shore. From here, head southwest and then south up the broken steps, at the top of which you’ll find a fire pot. Pick this up and then climb up the rocks to the southwest, where you’ll find another fire pot near a rope line. Walk over the rope and follow the rocks and broken pillars to the barricade to the east, behind which the wealth can be found. Throw the fire pot at the barricade or shoot it with an arrow after placing it nearby to destroy the barricade.

(1 of 3) The location of the second Ymir’s Tear Stone near Heimdall’s Tower.

Northern Island - Heimdall’s Tower 3 - Ymir’s Tear Stone 4

To reach the third Ymir’s Tear Stone at Heimdall’s Tower, you should start by walking down the hill northwest of the teleportation device you used to reach the second stone. As the path bends north, turn south instead to find a hidden passage with a broken wooden bridge. At the southern end of the broken bridge you’ll find a fire pot. Pick this up and then climb back onto the bridge (you’ll need to balance on the rope), then jump down to the wooden platform to the east, and from there down to the stone ground. Here you’ll find another barricade which you can destroy with the fire pot, either by placing it on the barricade and shooting at it, or simply throwing it at the barricade. Once the barricade is destroyed you’ll be able to climb down to find the chest within.

(1 of 3) Walk down the path northwest of the teleportation device.

Central Island - Bifrost - Ymir’s Tear Stone 5

This Ymir’s Tear Stone can be found beneath the rainbow bridge, Bifrost, at its southeastern side. The bridge connects Heimdall’s Tower to the central island of Asgard. The quickest way to reach it is by jumping down from the bridge into the water below, then swimming under the waterfall. You’ll find the chest in a small cave behind the waterfall.

(1 of 3) The location of Ymir’s Tear Stone 5, beneath the rainbow bridge, Bifrost.

Central Island - North Side - Ymir’s Tear Stone 6

You’ll find this Ymir’s Tear Stone near a small bridge at the northern side of the central island in Asgard. The chest is locked behind a barricade in a structure north of the small bridge. You’ll need to take a fire pot from a small broken boat just below the bridge, then leap over the tree trunk, stone, and broken pillars to the barricade. Use the fire pot to destroy the barricade and find the wealth within.

(1 of 2) The location of the wealth at the northern side of the central island in Asgard.

The location of the wealth at the northern side of the central island in Asgard. (left), Take the fire pot from the boat and use it to destroy the barricade, circled here in red. (right)

Central Island - Northeastern Side - Ymir’s Tear Stone 7

This one is easy to find and access, since it’s not locked in any secret location. You’ll find the chest on the northeastern side of the central island in Asgard, on the balcony of a small wooden hut overlooking the shore. You can climb over the large rock to the other side where you’ll find the hut, or use the paths to the north or south of the rock.

(1 of 2) The location of the wealth on the northeastern side of the central island in Asgard.

The location of the wealth on the northeastern side of the central island in Asgard. (left), You’ll find the chest on the balcony of a small wooden hut, overlooking the sea. (right)

Central Island - Ymir’s Altar - Ymir’s Tear Stone 8

To find this Ymir’s Tear Stone, you’ll need to approach Ymir’s Altar from the south. The altar is located on the eastern side of the central island of Asgard. From the southern side of the base of the stone structure on which the altar is built, you’ll find a crack in the rock. When you slide under it you’ll find a large poison cloud blocking the way. If you have plenty of health you should be able to run through this without being damaged too much. Otherwise, you can use a torch to disperse the poison cloud, giving you enough time to loot the chest on the wooden platform nearby.

(1 of 3) The location of the wealth in the cave beneath Ymir’s Altar.

Central Island - West of Ymir’s Altar - Ymir’s Tear Stone 9

This one can be tricky to reach if you don’t know where to start. From the main courtyard at the bottom of Odin’s throne, you’ll find a red pennant banner stretching from a tree at the northwestern side of the courtyard, to a stone platform containing the chest at the southeastern side. You’ll need to climb onto the rope holding the banner in place, but to do so you’ll first need to climb the stone pillars beneath it. At the top of the pillars you’ll find a lamp post, from which you can jump to the banner rope, and then balance along it to the chest.

(1 of 3) The location of the wealth at the end of the banner in the centre of Asgard.

Central Island - Ivaldi’s Forge 1 - Ymir’s Tear Stone 10

There are two Ymir’s Tear Stones within Ivaldi’s Forge on the central island of Asgard. The first can be accessed by climbing down into the forge from the entrance at the top. As you climb down to the wooden platforms you’ll notice a ladder with a link that can be shot to release it. Use Odin’s Sight to highlight the link in red, then shoot it to climb up the ladder to the highest wooden platform, where the chest containing the first Ymir’s Tear Stone can be found.

(1 of 3) The location of the first Ymir’s Tear Stone within Ivaldi’s Forge.

Central Island - Ivaldi’s Forge 2 - Ymir’s Tear Stone 11

The second Ymir’s Tear Stone in Ivaldi’s Forge is a little easier to obtain. From the bottom of the forge, turn southeast so that you’re facing the large golden statue. You’ll find a crack in the rock behind it. Go through the crack to find a hidden room, where the chest can be found behind a desk with scrolls on it.

(1 of 3) The location of the second Ymir’s Tear Stone at Ivaldi’s Forge.

Western Island - Beneath Mountain - Ymir’s Tear Stone 12

This Ymir’s Tear Stone can be found beneath the large mountain at the northern end of the western island. To access it, you’ll need to approach the mountain from the southeastern side, where you’ll find a large crack in the rock at its base. Pass through this crack and move the large stone blocking the way forward. Beyond this stone you’ll see two cracks in the rock to your left and right. With torch in hand to disperse the poison cloud, jump through the crack to your right to reach the chest containing the wealth.

(1 of 4) The location of the wealth on the western island within Asgard.

Southern Island - Southeast of Utangard Chasm - Ymir’s Tear Stone 13

This Ymir’s Tear Stone is most easily accessed by first travelling to the synchronization point atop Litamiotvir. From here, you can jump down into the pond directly beneath it, then turn south to find a cave entrance. Once inside, you’ll have to complete a light beam puzzle to proceed. You should begin by shining the beam at the orb to the southeast, then link this orb to the one to the southwest. Finally, link the southwestern beam to the orb directly beneath it. You can now jump into the water and swim under the crack beneath it to access the chest containing the wealth.

(1 of 4) The location of the wealth southeast of Utangard Chasm.

Southern Island - Utangard Chasm 1 - Ymir’s Tear Stone 14

There are three Ymir’s Tear Stones in and around Utangard Chasm. The first can be found in a chest which isn’t hidden away anywhere in particular. However, it is heavily guarded by numerous Jotnar. From the cave entrance where you found Ymir’s Tear Stone 13, climb down the rocks to the north until you reach the edge of Utangard Chasm. From here you’ll be able to see the chest on a platform within the chasm. Before you can loot it, you’ll need to kill the Jotnar surrounding the chest and then find a nearby key to open it. The key can be found through a crack to the northeast of the chest, on the body of a Jotnar Murderer. Kill the Jotnar and then return to the chest to open it.

(1 of 3) The location of the wealth at Utangard Chasm.

Southern Island - Utangard Chasm 2 - Ymir’s Tear Stone 15

The second Ymir’s Tear Stone in Utangard Chasm can be found through the crack where you found the Jotnar with the key for the first chest. Once you’re through the crack you’ll see the chest locked behind a gate to the northwest. To access it, climb the pillar to the right of the gate and kill any Jotnar at the top of it. You’ll find a breakable wooden barricade at the top. Break it and climb down into the enclosure to loot the chest.

(1 of 3) The location of the second Ymir’s Tear Stone in Utangard Chasm.

Southern Island - Utangard Chasm 3 - Ymir’s Tear Stone 16

To find the third Ymir’s Tear Stone within Utangard Chasm, you’ll need to find a crack in the wall facing north, at the northern end of the chasm, as shown below. Once inside, you’ll need to complete a puzzle which involves moving some barricades. this puzzle is surprisingly easy: move the first three single barricades as far south as you can, then the last to the east. Finally, move the larger barricade to the east, providing access to the chest.

(1 of 3) The location of the third Ymir’s Tear Stone within Utangard Chasm.

Southern Island - East of Utangard Chasm 1 - Ymir’s Tear Stone 17

The first Ymir’s Tear Stone that can be found east of Utangard Chasm is incredibly easy to find. Just ride east of the chasm until you reach an open glade with a circular stone platform. From here, face south and look up to find a crack in the rock. Shoot the link holding the cargo in place and then climb up to the crack to find the chest inside.

(1 of 2) The location of the Ymir’s Tear Stone east of Utangard Chasm.

The location of the Ymir’s Tear Stone east of Utangard Chasm. (left), Shoot the link holding the cargo in place to gain access to the chest through the crack. (right)

Southern Island - East of Utangard Chasm 2 - Ymir’s Tear Stone 18

The second Ymir’s Tear Stone that can be found east of Utangard Chasm can be found in the ruins up the hill and southeast of the first one that you just looted. To access the chest within these ruins, you’ll need to walk behind the entrance with the steps going down (facing south), and aim your bow at the fire pots within from the hole above. Shooting them will destroy the barricade and give you access to the chest.

(1 of 2) The location of the second Ymir’s Tear Stone that can be found east of Utangard Chasm.

The location of the second Ymir’s Tear Stone that can be found east of Utangard Chasm. (left), Shoot the fire pots from the hole above the ruins to destroy the barricade at the entrance. (right)

Eastern Island - Southwest of Well of Urdr - Ymir’s Tear Stone 19

This Ymir’s Tear Stone can be found deep underwater off the southwestern coast of the eastern island. All you need to do is dive into the water and swim to the bottom to find and loot the chest.

(1 of 2) The location of the Ymir’s Tear Stone beneath the water southwest of the Well of Urdr.

The location of the Ymir’s Tear Stone beneath the water southwest of the Well of Urdr. (left), You’ll find the chest deep at the bottom of the water between the southern and eastern islands. (right)

Eastern Island - Well of Urdr 1 - Ymir’s Tear Stone 20

To access this wealth you’ll need to enter the Well of Urdr, the location of the entrance to which can be found on the map below. Once inside, keep to the right of the stone wall and walk along it until you reach the light beam. Align the beam with the orb in front of you, then continue southeast through the cave system. You’ll find more platforms that you can climb to the north in the first chamber here, which you can reach from the dying tree. Follow the path to the ledge at the top of the western end of the chamber, near the large tree with purple leaves, where you’ll find the chest.

(1 of 3) The location of the entrance to the Well of Urdr, with the first chest circled in red.

Eastern Island - Well of Urdr 2 - Ymir’s Tear Stone 21

Now that you’ve got the first Ymir’s Tear Stone within the first chamber of the Well of Urdr, go back the way you came beyond the light mechanism that you aligned, and jump in the water to the northwest of it. Dive under the water and through the hole beneath it to find a hidden chamber, where you’ll find the second Ymir’s Tear Stone in the Well of Urdr.

(1 of 3) The location of the second Ymir’s Tear Stone in the Well of Urdr.

Small Southeastern Island - Southeast of Well of Urdr - Ymir’s Tear Stone 22

This Ymir’s Tear Stone can be found on a small island in the southeastern most part of Asgard. More specifically, you’ll find the island southeast of the Well of Urdur. All you need to do to reach it is hop along the shipwrecks from the shore of the eastern island to the ship where the chest can be found on the small island.

(1 of 3) The location of the Ymir’s Tear Stone on the small island in the southeast of the map.

Eastern Island - Trolltonn 1 - Ymir’s Tear Stone 23

There are a total of 4 Ymir’s Tear Stones within Trolltonn. The first can be found in the centre of the ruins, surrounded by a number of Jotnar warriors. You can either kill all the Jotnar and then loot the chest, or just run in and loot the chest for the stone, then run out again if you don’t want to fight them.

(1 of 2) The location of the first Ymir’s Tear stone within Trolltonn.

The location of the first Ymir’s Tear stone within Trolltonn. (left), You’ll find the chest in the centre of the ruins, surrounded by Jotnar. (right)

Eastern Island - Trolltonn 2 - Ymir’s Tear Stone 24

For the second Ymir’s Tear Stone in Trolltonn, turn east from the first chest and look for a breakable wall of ice in the walls of the ruins. Destroy the ice with a melee or ranged attack and then go down the slope to the depths of the ruins. As soon as you hit the ground from the slope, turn south to see a crack in the wall. Go through here and make your way to the easternmost point within this room. You can now look north to shoot a fire pot behind the barricade at the other side. Go back through the crack at the bottom of the slope and walk east, then turn south and slide under the hole where the barricade once was to find the chest.

(1 of 4) The location of the second Ymir’s Tear Stone within Trolltonn.

Eastern Island - Trolltonn 3 - Ymir’s Tear Stone 25

Following on from the second chest in Trolltonn which we covered above, take the fire pot from within this room and slide back under the hole with it. You can now throw this at the barricade immediately to the north to gain access to the third chest containing an Ymir’s Tear Stone within Trolltonn.

(1 of 3) The location of the third Ymir’s Tear Stone within Trolltonn.

Eastern Island - Trolltonn 4 - Ymir’s Tear Stone 26

From the place where you found the third chest within Trolltonn, head down the slope to the north and then climb up to the ice sheet above you. You’ll need to break this by shooting at it to return to the ruins above. From here, climb the wall to the south and then turn west to climb another wall. Now you can jump between some wooden polls as you climb to the top of the tower while avoiding the ice. When you reach the second set of wooden poles, climb on to the middle one and then look up to the southeast. You’ll see a way that you can climb up the tower without any ice in the way. Once you’re atop the tower, loot the chest to find the fourth and final Ymir’s Tear Stone within Trolltonn.

(1 of 6) The location of the fourth Ymir’s Tear Stone in Trolltonn.

Eastern Island - North of Trolltonn 1 - Ymir’s Tear Stone 27

To reach the first Ymir’s Tear Stone north of Trolltonn, you’ll need to climb the large tree between the two trees connected by the rope. Once you’re atop the first wooden platform, turn south to find the chest on the platform at the other end of the rope.

(1 of 3) The location of the first Ymir’s Tear Stone that can be found north of Trolltonn.

Eastern Island - North of Trolltonn 2 - Ymir’s Tear Stone 28

This one is very simple, with the abundance of arrows surrounding the house providing a clue to the solution for entering the house. All you need to do is shoot the wooden barricade at the back of the house (eastern side), then climb through the hole to find the chest within.

(1 of 3) The location of the second Ymir’s Tear Stone that can be found north of Trolltonn.

Indre Holm - Northern Side - Ymir’s Tear Stone 29

There are two Ymir’s Tear Stones on Indre Holm, with the first being covered on the northern side of the island here. To find it, you’ll need to dive under the water at the northern end of the island, to find a wooden barricade blocking the entrance to a hidden cave beyond it. Use a basic melee attack to destroy the barricade and then swim to the surface on the other side. Here you’ll find a light beam puzzle, which can be solved by aiming the light at the nearest reflector, then aiming the light beam to the south at the reflector to the northeast. This will disable the magical barrier and allow you to destroy the wooden barricade to the east, behind which the chest can be found.

(1 of 4) The location of the Ymir’s Tear Stone at the northern end of Indre Holm.

Indre Holm - Southern Side - Ymir’s Tear Stone 30

This Ymir’s Tear Stone at the southern side of Indre Holm can be found within the Builder’s hideout. To find it, cross the bridge to the south of the Builder’s Tower and continue south through the woods until you find the entrance to a cave. Once inside, turn north to the main chamber, where you’ll find the chest near a statue in the centre of it.

(1 of 3) The location of the chest containing the Ymir’s Tear Stone on the southern side of Indre Holm.

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  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, PS5, XB One, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    9 November 2020
  • Last Updated
    11 November 2023
    Version History
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