This page offers a guide on where to locate and how to complete Devil’s Hole, which is a Mystery found in Essexe, AC Valhalla.
Location: Devil’s Hole Mystery.
Head into the Cave¶
This mystery is located at Beorn Cavern, which is just west of Colcestre. Speak to the crowd of people outside the cave and you’ll learn that the “devil” resides in the cavern. Your next task is to head into the cave and speak to the Beastmaster.
You’ll learn that that his animal friends were terrorised by the nearby villages and that they attacked in self defense. You’ll have the choice to either spare the Beastmaster or fight him to the death for his crimes. If you choose to spare him, you’ll need to head outside and fight the head monk. Unfortunately, you cannot just scare him off by hitting him once, as he’ll become hostile and fight back. So you need to either kill the Beastmaster or the Monk to complete this mystery.
(1 of 3) The monk will tell you that the Devil incarnate resides inside the cave.
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