In Ledecestrescire, you’ll be able to collect five different Roman Artifacts.
Venonis - Roman Artifact¶
This artifact is found atop the roman ruins near the main Venonis temple. Head up the ladder then climb up onto the top. The artifact is guarded by a Goliath and another weaker enemy.
(1 of 2) An artifact can be found atop some roman ruins in Venonis
An artifact can be found atop some roman ruins in Venonis (left), but you’ll need to slay a Goliath that’s guarding it first! (right)
Southwest of Lyftmere’s Pond - Roman Artifact¶
This artifact is found amid Roman ruins southwest of Lyftmere’s Pond. To get to it, you’ll need to destroy container and then loot the Roman Artifact beneath it.
(1 of 2) South of Tonnastadir, you’ll find some roman ruins
South of Tonnastadir, you’ll find some roman ruins (left), and if you break the pot on the platform you’ll be able to collect a Roman Artifact. (right)
Southeast of Ledecestre¶
This artifact is found southeast of Ledecestre. Shoot through wooden barricade in ruins to enter the underground area, then head through into a cave where you’ll find a Roman Artifact on the hand of a statue.
(1 of 2) A Roman Artifact can be found in the southeast of Ledecestre
A Roman Artifact can be found in the southeast of Ledecestre (left), you’ll need to head underground and climb the statue to grab the artifact. (right)
Northeast of Ledecestre¶
This artifact is found northeast of Ledecestre and south of Sudwella Monastery. Throw fire pot from above, near the statue, down on the rocks to break them.
(1 of 2) This Roman Artifact can be found between Ledecestre and Sudwella Monastery
This Roman Artifact can be found between Ledecestre and Sudwella Monastery (left), use the oil vases to smash the ground open to reach the Roman Artifact. (right)
Southwest of Repton¶
This artifact is located within ruins found southwest of Repton. Within the ruins, you’ll find the artifact on a wooden platform above, near a statue. You’ll need to move a barricade to access it.
(1 of 2) There are Roman ruins southwest of Repton
There are Roman ruins southwest of Repton (left), climb up onto the higher platform then move the barricade near the statue to reach the Roman Artifact. (right)
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