This page details a guide for The Seas of Fate main quest in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, part of the Battle for the Northern Way story arc in Norway.
This quest begins immediately after Birthrights. You’ll find yourself back at the docks in Fornburg. From here, make your way toward the longhouse. Before you can leave the docks, one of King Harald Fairhair’s guards will stop you. Speak with him to learn of the purpose of his presence, then proceed to the longhouse and knock on the main doors.
Enter the Longhouse - The Seas of Fate Story Choices¶
At the door you’ll be greeted by Alvis, and once you enter the longhouse a cutscene will begin. Toward the end of the conversation you’ll have to make a decision about what to do with the resources gathered from Kjotve’s Fortress. Sigurd is clear in his commitment to leaving the resources behind, for his father to do with what he will, whereas Eivor proposes that they could be taken to England to aid in the process of setting up a settlement there.
(1 of 2) Enter the longhouse to begin a cutscene.
Enter the longhouse to begin a cutscene. (left), When you’re ready to leave for England, speak with Sigurd by the docks. (right)
Take the Resources to England or Leave Them With Styrbjorn?¶
“We take the resources to England.”
“We leave the resources for Styrbjorn.”
Whatever your decision, once it has been made the cutscene will end and a new day will dawn. At this point you’ll need to meet Sigurd at the docks. Inform him that you’re ready to leave for England, then wait for the cutscene to complete. Don’t worry if you’re leaving anything unfinished in Norway, although you’ll be leaving for the foreseeable future, you can actually return at any time through the Atlas.
Leaving for England unlocks the To England! trophy.
Out of the Animus¶
After Eivor sails to England, you’ll be transported back to the modern day as Layla. Take some time to explore the surroundings if you wish, but know that this isn’t necessary. You can return to the Viking Age at any time by interacting with the Animus. Once you do, the quest will complete.
(1 of 2) Take some time to explore your surroundings for snippets of information.
Take some time to explore your surroundings for snippets of information. (left), When you’re ready to return to the Viking Age, enter the Animus. (right)
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