Gwent Player Gwent Players
Interactive Map Locations

1. The Skellige Isles Map (New)
The former Person In Distress, a
Herbalist, plays gwent here. If he cannot be interacted with, meditate until 6AM and enter his house.

2. The Skellige Isles Map (New)
After completing Echoes of the Past, you can play Gwent against
Ermion while he walks away. If you miss this opportunity, he’ll eventually appear at
Beating him will reward you with a Leshen card.

3. The Skellige Isles Map (New)
Crach an Craite plays gwent here. Beating him will reward you with the
Draug card.
If you don’t beat him before the On Thin Ice quest, you’ll get the Draug card automatically.

4. The Skellige Isles Map (New)
The barber here, Sjusta, plays gwent - but only if you’ve beaten Crach an Craite.
Beating Sjusta rewards you with the Yaevinn card.

6. Velen & Novigrad Map (New)
The shopkeeper here plays Gwent, but may disappear after the Family Matters quest.

10. Velen & Novigrad Map (New)
After saving them from the Bandits’ Camp, the shopkeeper here plays Gwent.

17. Velen & Novigrad Map (New)
Fergus Graem, the journeyman armorer here, plays Gwent.

18. Velen & Novigrad Map (New)
Yoana, the master armorer of Crow’s Perch, plays Gwent.

19. Velen & Novigrad Map (New)
The Bloody Baron plays Gwent, and has a unique
Sigismund Dijkstra card up for grabs.
If you didn’t play against him before the end of his questline, the card can be found in his office.

20. Velen & Novigrad Map (New)
The amateur armorer here plays Gwent. Before they appear here, however, they must be saved from Peet’s Landing to the south-west.

22. Velen & Novigrad Map (New)
The innkeeper here, Stjepan, plays Gwent. Beating him will unlock the Yennefer of Vengerberg card.

25. Velen & Novigrad Map (New)
Otto Bamber can be found and challenged to a game of Gwent here.

27. Velen & Novigrad Map (New)
The Seven Cats Inn’s owner plays Gwent here during the evenings and nights.

28. Velen & Novigrad Map (New)
Elihal, the clothing merchant here, can be challenged to a game of Gwent.

29. Velen & Novigrad Map (New)
The Rosemary and Thyme’s innkeeper plays Gwent here after the tavern is refurbished. Note that he only appears during evenings and nights.

31. Velen & Novigrad Map (New)
The madame of Crippled Kate’s Brothel plays gwent here.

36. Velen & Novigrad Map (New)
Vimme Vivaldi plays went here. Beating him will unlock the
Vesemir card.

37. Velen & Novigrad Map (New)
Markus T.K. Hodgson, a book merchant in a small shop near Hierarch Square, plays gwent here.

49. Velen & Novigrad Map (New)
The eternal fire priest that sells alchemy supplies here also plays Gwent.

56. Toussaint Map (New)
The owner of the Adder and Jewels Winery, a tavern beneath the street, plays gwent here.

66. Toussaint Map (New)
The owner of the Barrel and Bung Inn plays gwent behind the bar here.

67. Toussaint Map (New)
The owner of The Cockatrice Inn plays gwent behind the bar here.

69. The Skellige Isles Map (New)
Madman Lugos plays Gwent here. You can get the Vampire: Katakan card from him during the
Gwent: Skellige Style quest.
If you didn’t play against him before The Sunstone, the card can be found in his bedroom at
Kaer Muire.

75. The Skellige Isles Map (New)
The Blacksmith (Amateur) here plays Gwent, and can usually be found around mid-day.

84. The Skellige Isles Map (New)
The former Person In Distress from the north-west, a
Blacksmith (Amateur), plays gwent here.

86. The Skellige Isles Map (New)
The Shopkeeper in the middle of
Blandare plays Gwent.

87. The Skellige Isles Map (New)
Gremist plays gwent here, but can only be challenged after completing the Practicum in Advanced Alchemy quest. Beating him will unlock the
Mysterious Elf card.
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