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Shopkeeper Merchants and Craftsmen

Interactive Map Locations

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1. Velen & Novigrad Map (New)

X: 7274 Y: 4989

A travelling merchant can be found wandering these roads.

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2. Velen & Novigrad Map (New)

X: 5860 Y: 5240

Only appears in the area after the "Abandoned Site" iconAbandoned Site is cleared.

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3. Velen & Novigrad Map (New)

X: 8320 Y: 6778

A merchant has a small stall set up near the fast travel signpost.

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4. Velen & Novigrad Map (New)

X: 6365 Y: 9710

Standing near the boatmaking area. Sells runes and alchemy supplies.

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5. Toussaint Map (New)

X: 6990 Y: 6980

A wandering merchant travels these roads. Sells junk and crafting items.

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6. Toussaint Map (New)

X: 7996 Y: 9794

Running a stall near the path. Sells junk, alcohol, and crafting components.

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7. Toussaint Map (New)

X: 7061 Y: 9355

After completing the "Father Knows Worst" iconFather Knows Worst quest, a shopkeeper inside a small building here will sell alcohol, food, and drink.

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8. Toussaint Map (New)

X: 7091 Y: 9181

Has a small shop in a building near the "Grandmaster Smith" iconGrandmaster Smith. Sells paintings, crafting components, and junk items.

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9. Toussaint Map (New)

X: 6905 Y: 8906

A tailor has a shop here. Sells fancy clothes and masks.

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10. Toussaint Map (New)

X: 7491 Y: 8725

A butcher sells meat in a small underground room here.

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11. Toussaint Map (New)

X: 7714 Y: 7736

The former "Person In Distress" iconPerson In Distress appears here after being saved from the bandits south of the "Fort Ussar Ruins" iconFort Ussar Ruins.

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12. The Skellige Isles Map (New)

X: 7113 Y: 7988

Inside a small building after the "Abandoned Site" iconAbandoned Site is cleared.

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13. The Skellige Isles Map (New)

X: 10502 Y: 7534

Appears here when the "Abandoned Site" iconAbandoned Site is cleared.

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14. The Skellige Isles Map (New)

X: 8767 Y: 7238

In an unmarked cave beneath the path, Yolar can be found selling alchemy ingredients and a few "Potion of Clearance" iconPotion of Clearance.

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15. The Skellige Isles Map (New)

X: 8238 Y: 7588

A traveling merchant wanders the roads here.

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16. White Orchard Map (New)

X: 4549 Y: 7506

When the nearby enemies are killed, this merchant will appear. Sells runestones, alchemy supplies and food. You can also sell excess loot here.

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17. Velen & Novigrad Map (New)

X: 5170 Y: 11208

This merchant appears after clearing the "Abandoned Site" iconAbandoned Site. Sells runestones, alchemy supplies and food.

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18. Velen & Novigrad Map (New)

X: 4597 Y: 9889

Sells armor and crafting supplies once the "Abandoned Site" iconAbandoned Site is cleared.

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19. Velen & Novigrad Map (New)

X: 5025 Y: 9741

Sells crafting supplies and the following Gwent cards:

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20. Velen & Novigrad Map (New)

X: 5413 Y: 9010

Standing by a stall in the street. Sells torches, "Fifth Essence" iconFifth Essence, and Adalbert Kermith’s First Map.

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21. Velen & Novigrad Map (New)

X: 5812 Y: 9686

Only appears here after being saved from the "Bandits' Camp" iconBandits’ Camp. Gives you 6x "Dwarven spirit" iconDwarven spirit for saving him, and sells:

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22. Velen & Novigrad Map (New)

X: 5942 Y: 10054

Sells Rugged "Saddlebags" iconSaddlebags (+70) and drink.

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23. Velen & Novigrad Map (New)

X: 6033 Y: 9217

Anselm runs a small stall here after being rescued during the Caravan Attack side quest. Sells Horse Racing Blinders (+40).

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24. Velen & Novigrad Map (New)

X: 6019 Y: 9182

Running a small stall at the side of the road. Sells food, alcohol, and the following gwent cards:

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25. Velen & Novigrad Map (New)

X: 9682 Y: 10876

Standing amidst the wooden structures. Sells herbs and crafting components.

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26. Velen & Novigrad Map (New)

X: 9740 Y: 10863

Standing beside the path. Sells armor, diagrams, and crafting materials.

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27. Velen & Novigrad Map (New)

X: 9748 Y: 10821

Standing amidst the building supplies. Sells weapons, diagrams, and crafting components.

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28. Velen & Novigrad Map (New)

X: 9698 Y: 11121

Quartermaster Eggebracht can be found in a tent here. Sells weapons, armor, and alchemy supplies.

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29. Velen & Novigrad Map (New)

X: 8046 Y: 9848

This shopkeeper disappears some time after the “"Family Matters" iconFamily Matters” quest. Sells food, drink, and alcohol.

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30. Velen & Novigrad Map (New)

X: 7568 Y: 9206

Appears after liberating the area. Sells alchemy supplies and food.

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31. Velen & Novigrad Map (New)

X: 6967 Y: 9247

Despite his "Shopkeeper" iconShopkeeper label, this innkeeper sells food, drink, alcohol, and the following Gwent cards:

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32. Velen & Novigrad Map (New)

X: 7003 Y: 9235

Sells crafting supplies, horse gear, and the following Gwent cards:

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33. Velen & Novigrad Map (New)

X: 8978 Y: 8585

Appears once the area is liberated. Sells weapons and crafting supplies.

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34. Velen & Novigrad Map (New)

X: 8446 Y: 8158

Appears after liberating the area. Sells runestones, alchemy supplies and food.

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35. Velen & Novigrad Map (New)

X: 8104 Y: 7875

Wandering the roads in the area. Sells runestones, alchemy supplies and food.

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36. Velen & Novigrad Map (New)

X: 7150 Y: 7753

Appears here when the person in distress down the road is freed. Sells alchemy supplies and food.

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37. Velen & Novigrad Map (New)

X: 6045 Y: 9106

Sells food, drink, and the following gwent cards:

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38. Velen & Novigrad Map (New)

X: 9465 Y: 8345

The nearby person in distress comes here and sells various items when rescued.

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39. Velen & Novigrad Map (New)

X: 8549 Y: 7526

Standing in the market area. Sells "Paint" iconPaint, animal hides, and drinks.

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40. Velen & Novigrad Map (New)

X: 6438 Y: 7282

Sells armor and crafting supplies.

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41. Velen & Novigrad Map (New)

X: 6379 Y: 6932

A wandering merchant can be found on these roads during the early morning, travelling from "Lucian's Windmill" iconLucian’s Windmill to the "Portside Gate" iconPortside Gate. Sells runestones, alchemy supplies and food.

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42. Velen & Novigrad Map (New)

X: 6206 Y: 6747

Standing in the small camp. Sells crafting supplies, food and weapons.

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43. Velen & Novigrad Map (New)

X: 7251 Y: 6964

A wandering merchant can be found on these roads. Sells runestones, alchemy supplies and food.

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44. Velen & Novigrad Map (New)

X: 7091 Y: 6420

"Elihal" iconElihal is a clothes merchant that sells masks and high-quality clothing here.

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45. Velen & Novigrad Map (New)

X: 6738 Y: 6402

Inside the hideout of "Francis Bedlam, the King of Beggars" iconFrancis Bedlam, the King of Beggars. Sells "Zerrikanian saddlebags" iconZerrikanian saddlebags, and crafting / alchemy supplies.

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46. Velen & Novigrad Map (New)

X: 6650 Y: 6352

The Madame of Crippled Kate’s "Brothel" iconBrothel sells food, drink, and junk items.

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47. Velen & Novigrad Map (New)

X: 6695 Y: 6236

Standing in the market area. Sells alchemy supplies, food and drink.

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48. Velen & Novigrad Map (New)

X: 6971 Y: 6248

Sells crafting supplies, weapons, food, and drinks.

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49. Velen & Novigrad Map (New)

X: 6731 Y: 6153

"Vimme Vivaldi" iconVimme Vivaldi can be found here, and offers currency exchanging services. You can also take out a loan with him.

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50. Velen & Novigrad Map (New)

X: 6767 Y: 6146

Running a stall in "Hierarch Square" iconHierarch Square. Sells alcohol, crafting components, and fish.

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51. Velen & Novigrad Map (New)

X: 6782 Y: 6093

Markus T.K. Hodgson can be found selling books in a small shop near "Hierarch Square" iconHierarch Square.

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52. Velen & Novigrad Map (New)

X: 6543 Y: 6103

Standing near the market stalls. Sells "Fish" iconFish, Gutted Fish, and Dried Fish.

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53. Velen & Novigrad Map (New)

X: 6591 Y: 6024

Inside the building. Sells alchemy supplies, food and drink.

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54. Velen & Novigrad Map (New)

X: 6503 Y: 5971

Sells runestones and alchemy supplies. First encountered in a nearby alley, and tracked down during the "Hey, You Wanna Look at my Stuff?" iconHey, You Wanna Look at my Stuff? quest.

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55. Velen & Novigrad Map (New)

X: 6479 Y: 5930

The merchant standing by the docks here sells "Empty bottle" iconEmpty bottles.

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57. Velen & Novigrad Map (New)

X: 7104 Y: 6036

A loan shark inside the building sells various items.

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58. Velen & Novigrad Map (New)

X: 7074 Y: 6073

Standing in the street. Sells various junk items.

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59. Velen & Novigrad Map (New)

X: 7019 Y: 6014

Standing in the street. Sells crafting supplies.

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60. Velen & Novigrad Map (New)

X: 8521 Y: 5467

A travelling merchant roams these roads. Sells runestones, alchemy supplies and food.

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61. Toussaint Map (New)

X: 8481 Y: 8439

A merchant runs a stall here.

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62. Toussaint Map (New)

X: 8042 Y: 5601

Stands here after being saved from captivity. Sells junk items, alcohol, and Dye solution.

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63. The Skellige Isles Map (New)

X: 10879 Y: 7427

Standing in a penned-off area next to the tavern. Sells crafting supplies and fish.

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64. The Skellige Isles Map (New)

X: 5530 Y: 5818

Standing beneath a wooden structure near the docks. Sells crafting supplies and fish.

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65. The Skellige Isles Map (New)

X: 7100 Y: 7873

A traveling merchant wanders these roads. Sells maps and crafting supplies.

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66. The Skellige Isles Map (New)

X: 7029 Y: 8582

A traveling merchant wanders these roads. Sells maps and crafting supplies.

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67. The Skellige Isles Map (New)

X: 7130 Y: 8786

Standing in the middle of Holmstein. Sells maps, crafting supplies, fish and a Mastercrafted Cavalry Saddle.

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68. The Skellige Isles Map (New)

X: 7995 Y: 8406

Running a stall near the water. Sells crafting supplies and fish.

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69. The Skellige Isles Map (New)

X: 7590 Y: 7687

Standing in the center of town. Sells maps and crafting supplies.

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70. The Skellige Isles Map (New)

X: 8283 Y: 7477

Runs a stall in the center of "Blandare" iconBlandare. Sells maps, crafting supplies, food, and drinks.

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71. The Skellige Isles Map (New)

X: 7772 Y: 7289

A traveling merchant wanders these roads. Sells maps, crafting supplies, and alchemy ingredients.

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72. The Skellige Isles Map (New)

X: 7828 Y: 7247

Appears beneath a wooden structure after clearing the "Abandoned Site" iconAbandoned Site. Sells armor and crafting supplies.

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73. The Skellige Isles Map (New)

X: 7541 Y: 7028

Has a small stall by the side of the path. Sells maps and crafting supplies.

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74. The Skellige Isles Map (New)

X: 7320 Y: 6853

Standing near the docks. Sells maps and crafting supplies.

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75. White Orchard Map (New)

X: 7323 Y: 7498
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