Vintner Merchants and Craftsmen
Location Description
Wine merchants, also known as vintners, are found all throughout Toussaint - usually in vineyards.
Interactive Map Locations

1. Toussaint Map (New)
X: 8669 Y: 9242
Can be traded with after completing Vintner’s Contract: Cleaning Those Hard-to-Reach Places. Sells wine.

2. Toussaint Map (New)
X: 8356 Y: 6910
Sells alchemy supplies inside the nearby cave after completing Vintner’s Contract: Dun Tynne Hillside

3. Toussaint Map (New)
X: 5903 Y: 8852
Can be traded with after completing Vintner’s Contract: Duchaton Crest.

4. Toussaint Map (New)
X: 7526 Y: 7197
Sells junk items, wine, and Dye solution after you complete his contract.
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