Updated Title Publisher
Updated Title Publisher
Updated Title
Published Title Score Editor's Choice Publisher
Published Title Publisher
Icon Title Overview Power Details Leader Ability Muster Summons Artwork Artwork 2 Artwork 3 Artwork 4 Artwork 5 Artwork (DLC) Description Related Add-On Faction
Item icon

Obtained from the following merchants: Shopkeeper at Crow’s…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Ranged Combat - This unit fights in the middle line. Ranged Combat - This unit fights in the middle line.

"A fireball? Of course. Whatever Your Imperial Majesty wishes."

Nilfgaardian Empire
Icon for <span>Nilfgaardian Empire</span>

Item icon

Three unique variations of this card exist, obtained through…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines. Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines.
Icon for Muster - Find any cards with the same name in your deck and play them instantly. Muster - Find any cards with the same name in your deck and play them instantly.
"Arachas" iconArachas Unit Cards

"Ugly - nature's way of saying 'Stay the fuck away.'"

Icon for <span>Monsters</span>

Item icon
Arachas Behemoth

Randomly earned when beating Gwent Players of no particular skill…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Siege Combat - This unit fights on the back line. Siege Combat - This unit fights on the back line.
Icon for Muster - Find any cards with the same name in your deck and play them instantly. Muster - Find any cards with the same name in your deck and play them instantly.
"Arachas" iconArachas Unit Cards

"Like a cross between a crab, a spider… and a ploughin' mountain."

Icon for <span>Monsters</span>

Item icon
Assire var Anahid

Randomly earned when beating Gwent Players of no particular skill…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Ranged Combat - This unit fights in the middle line. Ranged Combat - This unit fights in the middle line.

"Nilfgaardian mages do have a choice: servile submission, or the gallows."

Nilfgaardian Empire
Icon for <span>Nilfgaardian Empire</span>

Item icon

They look identical, but two copies of this card exist. Both…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Siege Combat - This unit fights on the back line. Siege Combat - This unit fights on the back line.

"Usually we give 'em female names." "Like Jenny?" "More like Bertha."

Northern Realms
Icon for <span>Northern Realms</span>

Item icon
Barclay Els

Can only be obtained once, but from multiple sources, detailed…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Close / Ranged Combat - This unit can fight on the front or middle lines. Close / Ranged Combat - This unit can fight on the front or middle lines.
Icon for Agile - Can be placed in either the Close Combat or the Ranged Combat row. Cannot be moved once placed. Agile - Can be placed in either the Close Combat or the Ranged Combat row. Cannot be moved once placed.

"Our mead smells like piss, do it? Easy to fix - I'll break your fuckin' nose!"

Icon for <span>Scoia'tael</span>

Item icon

Icon for <span>Blood and Wine</span> Blood and Wine

Related Add-On

Obtained when collecting a Skellige deck during the quest Gwent:…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines. Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines.
Icon for Berserker - Transforms into a bear when a Mardroeme card is on its row. Berserker - Transforms into a bear when a Mardroeme card is on its row.

"Kill, crush, cleave!"

Icon for <span>Blood and Wine</span> Blood and Wine

Icon for <span>Skellige</span>

Item icon

Icon for <span>Blood and Wine</span> Blood and Wine

Related Add-On
Birna Bran

Obtained when collecting a Skellige deck during the quest Gwent:…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines. Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines.
Icon for Medic - Choose one card from your discard pile and play it instantly (no Heroes or Special Cards) Medic - Choose one card from your discard pile and play it instantly (no Heroes or Special Cards)

"Skellige must have a strong king. No matter what it takes."

Icon for <span>Blood and Wine</span> Blood and Wine

Icon for <span>Skellige</span>

Item icon
Biting Frost

Three copies of this card exist; two are part of the collection…

Icon for Weather: Biting Frost - Sets the strength of all Close Combat cards to 1 for both players. Weather: Biting Frost - Sets the strength of all Close Combat cards to 1 for both players.

"Best part about frost - bodies of the fallen don't rot so quickly."

Neutral - works with any deck
Icon for <span>Neutral - works with any deck</span>

Item icon
Black Infantry Archer

Two copies of this card exist. They can be purchased from the…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Ranged Combat - This unit fights in the middle line. Ranged Combat - This unit fights in the middle line.

"I aim for the knee. Always."

Nilfgaardian Empire
Icon for <span>Nilfgaardian Empire</span>

Item icon
Blue Stripes Commando

They look identical, but three unique instances of this card…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines. Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines.
Icon for Tight Bond - Place next to a card of the same name to double the strength of both cards. Tight Bond - Place next to a card of the same name to double the strength of both cards.

"I'd do anything for Temeria. Mostly, though, I kill for her."

Northern Realms
Icon for <span>Northern Realms</span>

Item icon

Icon for <span>Blood and Wine</span> Blood and Wine

Related Add-On
Blueboy Lugos

Obtained when collecting a Skellige deck during the quest Gwent:…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines. Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines.

"I'm damn near ready to puke from boredom."

Icon for <span>Blood and Wine</span> Blood and Wine

Icon for <span>Skellige</span>

Item icon

Purchased from Jonas the Innkeep at The New Port, a tavern near…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines. Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines.

"Admit your mistakes and bury them proper - else they'll come back to haunt you."

Icon for <span>Monsters</span>

Item icon

Icon for <span>Hearts of Stone</span> Hearts of Stone

Related Add-On
Bovine Defense Force

Cannot be obtained through regular means; appears on the battlefield…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines. Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines.


Icon for <span>Hearts of Stone</span> Hearts of Stone

Neutral - works with any deck
Icon for <span>Neutral - works with any deck</span>

Item icon
Cahir Mawr Dyffryn aep Ceallach

Randomly earned when beating Gwent Players of no particular skill…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines. Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines.

"His eyes flashed under his winged helmet. Fire gleamed from his sword's blade."

Nilfgaardian Empire
Icon for <span>Nilfgaardian Empire</span>

Item icon

They look identical, but two unique instances of this card exist.…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Siege Combat - This unit fights on the back line. Siege Combat - This unit fights on the back line.
Icon for Tight Bond - Place next to a card of the same name to double the strength of both cards. Tight Bond - Place next to a card of the same name to double the strength of both cards.

"The gods help those who have better catapults."

Northern Realms
Icon for <span>Northern Realms</span>

Item icon
Celaeno Harpy

Randomly earned when beating Gwent Players of no particular skill…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Close / Ranged Combat - This unit can fight on the front or middle lines. Close / Ranged Combat - This unit can fight on the front or middle lines.
Icon for Agile - Can be placed in either the Close Combat or the Ranged Combat row. Cannot be moved once placed. Agile - Can be placed in either the Close Combat or the Ranged Combat row. Cannot be moved once placed.

"Common harpies feed on carrion. Celaeno harpies… they feed on dreams."

Icon for <span>Monsters</span>

Item icon

Icon for <span>Blood and Wine</span> Blood and Wine

Related Add-On

Obtained by beating the Innkeep at the Barrel and Bung.

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Hero - Not affected by any Special Cards or abilities. Hero - Not affected by any Special Cards or abilities.
Icon for Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines. Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines.
Icon for Summon Shield Maidens - Summons all Shield Maidens from deck and hand. Summon Shield Maidens - Summons all Shield Maidens from deck and hand.

"They call me Sparrowhawk, know why? Because I eat rats like you for breakfast."

Icon for <span>Blood and Wine</span> Blood and Wine

Icon for <span>Skellige</span>

Item icon
Ciaran aep Easnillien

Randomly earned when beating Gwent Players of no particular skill…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Close / Ranged Combat - This unit can fight on the front or middle lines. Close / Ranged Combat - This unit can fight on the front or middle lines.
Icon for Agile - Can be placed in either the Close Combat or the Ranged Combat row. Cannot be moved once placed. Agile - Can be placed in either the Close Combat or the Ranged Combat row. Cannot be moved once placed.

"The path to freedom is paved in blood, not ink."

Icon for <span>Scoia'tael</span>

Item icon
Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon

Obtained by beating the Scoia’tael Merchant during the Gwent:…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Hero - Not affected by any Special Cards or abilities. Hero - Not affected by any Special Cards or abilities.
Icon for Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines. Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines.

"Know when fairy tales cease to be tales? When people start believing in them."

Neutral - works with any deck
Icon for <span>Neutral - works with any deck</span>

Item icon

Icon for <span>Blood and Wine</span> Blood and Wine

Related Add-On
Clan an Craite Warrior

Three copies of this card are obtained when collecting a Skellige…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines. Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines.
Icon for Tight Bond - Place next to a card of the same name to double the strength of both cards. Tight Bond - Place next to a card of the same name to double the strength of both cards.

"I'll bring the an Craites such glory, bards'll go hoarse singin' me praises!"

Icon for <span>Blood and Wine</span> Blood and Wine

Icon for <span>Skellige</span>

Item icon

Icon for <span>Blood and Wine</span> Blood and Wine

Related Add-On
Clan Brokvar Archer

They look identical, but three unique instances of this card…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Ranged Combat - This unit fights in the middle line. Ranged Combat - This unit fights in the middle line.

"So ye can hit a movin' target at two hundred paces. Me, too. In a storm."

Icon for <span>Blood and Wine</span> Blood and Wine

Icon for <span>Skellige</span>

Item icon

Icon for <span>Blood and Wine</span> Blood and Wine

Related Add-On
Clan Dimun Pirate

Obtained by beating the Shopkeeper in a building north-west of…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Ranged Combat - This unit fights in the middle line. Ranged Combat - This unit fights in the middle line.
Icon for Scorch - Discard after playing. Kills the strongest card(s) on the battlefield. Scorch - Discard after playing. Kills the strongest card(s) on the battlefield.

"Can see the fear in their eyes. Fear o' me… fear o' Clan Dimun!"

Icon for <span>Blood and Wine</span> Blood and Wine

Icon for <span>Skellige</span>

Item icon

Icon for <span>Blood and Wine</span> Blood and Wine

Related Add-On
Clan Drummond Shield Maiden

They look identical, but three unique instances of this card…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines. Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines.
Icon for Tight Bond - Place next to a card of the same name to double the strength of both cards. Tight Bond - Place next to a card of the same name to double the strength of both cards.

"They'll shatter on our shields like waves on a rocky shore."

Icon for <span>Blood and Wine</span> Blood and Wine

Icon for <span>Skellige</span>

Item icon

Icon for <span>Blood and Wine</span> Blood and Wine

Related Add-On
Clan Heymaey Skald

Obtained when collecting a Skellige deck during the quest Gwent:…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines. Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines.

"The deeds of Clan Heymaey will go down in history."

Icon for <span>Blood and Wine</span> Blood and Wine

Icon for <span>Skellige</span>

Item icon

Icon for <span>Blood and Wine</span> Blood and Wine

Related Add-On
Clan Tordarroch Armorsmith

Obtained when collecting a Skellige deck during the quest Gwent:…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines. Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines.

"Ye're in for a poundin'."

Icon for <span>Blood and Wine</span> Blood and Wine

Icon for <span>Skellige</span>

Item icon
Clear Weather

Three copies of this card exist; two are part of the collection…

Icon for Weather: Clear Weather - Removes all Weather Card (Biting Frost, Impenetrable Fog, Skellige Storm and Torrential Rain) effects. Weather: Clear Weather - Removes all Weather Card (Biting Frost, Impenetrable Fog, Skellige Storm and Torrential Rain) effects.

"The sun's shinin', Dromle! The sun's shinin'! Maybe there's hope left after all…"

Neutral - works with any deck
Icon for <span>Neutral - works with any deck</span>

Item icon

Randomly earned when beating Gwent Players of no particular skill…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Ranged Combat - This unit fights in the middle line. Ranged Combat - This unit fights in the middle line.

"Born of an egg laid by a cockerel... if you believe such peasant drivel."

Icon for <span>Monsters</span>

Item icon
Commander's Horn

Three copies of this card can be obtained; they are sold by the…

Icon for Commander's Horn - Doubles the strength of all units in that row. Limited to 1 per row. Commander's Horn - Doubles the strength of all units in that row. Limited to 1 per row.

"Plus one to morale, minus three to hearing."

Neutral - works with any deck
Icon for <span>Neutral - works with any deck</span>

Item icon

Icon for <span>Hearts of Stone</span> Hearts of Stone

Related Add-On

Obtained by entering the hayloft of a barn in Brunwich, where…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Ranged Combat - This unit fights in the middle line. Ranged Combat - This unit fights in the middle line.
Icon for Summon Avenger - When this card is removed from the battlefield, it summons the Bovine Defense Force to take its place. Summon Avenger - When this card is removed from the battlefield, it summons the Bovine Defense Force to take its place.


Icon for <span>Hearts of Stone</span> Hearts of Stone

Neutral - works with any deck
Icon for <span>Neutral - works with any deck</span>

Item icon

Icon for <span>Blood and Wine</span> Blood and Wine

Related Add-On
Crach an Craite

Obtained when collecting a Skellige deck during the quest Gwent:…

Icon for Crach an Craite - Shuffles all cards from each player's graveyard back into their decks. Crach an Craite - Shuffles all cards from each player's graveyard back into their decks.

A king's gotta be wise. A king's gotta command respect. A king's gotta have stones.

Icon for <span>Blood and Wine</span> Blood and Wine

Icon for <span>Skellige</span>

Item icon
Crinfrid Reavers Dragon Hunter

They look identical, but three unique instances of this card…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Ranged Combat - This unit fights in the middle line. Ranged Combat - This unit fights in the middle line.
Icon for Tight Bond - Place next to a card of the same name to double the strength of both cards. Tight Bond - Place next to a card of the same name to double the strength of both cards.

"Haven't had much luck with monsters of late, so we enlisted."

Northern Realms
Icon for <span>Northern Realms</span>

Item icon
Crone: Brewess

Randomly earned when beating Gwent Players of no particular skill…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines. Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines.
Icon for Muster - Find any cards with the same name in your deck and play them instantly. Muster - Find any cards with the same name in your deck and play them instantly.
"Crone: Weavess" iconCrone: Weavess Unit Cards
"Crone: Whispess" iconCrone: Whispess Unit Cards

"We'll cut you up, boy. A fine broth you will make."

Icon for <span>Monsters</span>

Item icon
Crone: Weavess

Obtained by beating the Old Sage during the Gwent: Velen Players…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines. Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines.
Icon for Muster - Find any cards with the same name in your deck and play them instantly. Muster - Find any cards with the same name in your deck and play them instantly.
"Crone: Brewess" iconCrone: Brewess Unit Cards
"Crone: Whispess" iconCrone: Whispess Unit Cards

"I sense your pain. I see your fear…"

Icon for <span>Monsters</span>

Item icon
Crone: Whispess

Purchased from Ilge, the Innkeep in Arinbjorn’s tavern.

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines. Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines.
Icon for Muster - Find any cards with the same name in your deck and play them instantly. Muster - Find any cards with the same name in your deck and play them instantly.
"Crone: Brewess" iconCrone: Brewess Unit Cards
"Crone: Weavess" iconCrone: Weavess Unit Cards

"I'd be your best - and last."

Icon for <span>Monsters</span>

Item icon

Purchased from the Quartermaster at Crow’s Perch

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Ranged Combat - This unit fights in the middle line. Ranged Combat - This unit fights in the middle line.

"Cynthia’s talents can be deadly. She needs a tight leash."

Nilfgaardian Empire
Icon for <span>Nilfgaardian Empire</span>

Item icon

Obtained by winning a Gwent tournament featured in the quest…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines. Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines.
Icon for Commander's Horn - Doubles the strength of all units in that row. Limited to 1 per row. Commander's Horn - Doubles the strength of all units in that row. Limited to 1 per row.

"Dandelion, you're a cynic, a lecher, a whoremonger, a liar - and my best friend."

Neutral - works with any deck
Icon for <span>Neutral - works with any deck</span>

Item icon

Three copies of this card can be obtained; they are sold by the…

Icon for Decoy - Swap with a card on the battlefield to return it to your hand. Decoy - Swap with a card on the battlefield to return it to your hand.

"When you run out of peasants, decoys also make decent arrow fodder."

Neutral - works with any deck
Icon for <span>Neutral - works with any deck</span>

Item icon
Dennis Cranmer

Randomly earned when beating Gwent Players of no particular skill…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines. Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines.

"I know how to carry out orders, so you can shove your advice up your coal chute."

Icon for <span>Scoia'tael</span>

Item icon

Obtained automatically as part of the starting collection of…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Ranged Combat - This unit fights in the middle line. Ranged Combat - This unit fights in the middle line.

"I once made a prisoner vomit his own entrails… Ah, good times…"

Northern Realms
Icon for <span>Northern Realms</span>

Item icon
Dol Blathanna Archer

Obtained in a few different ways: Purchased from Marquise Serenity,…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Ranged Combat - This unit fights in the middle line. Ranged Combat - This unit fights in the middle line.

"Take another step, dh'oine. You'd look better with an arrow between your eyes."

Icon for <span>Scoia'tael</span>

Item icon
Dol Blathanna Scout

Three unique versions of this card exist. They are obtained in…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Close / Ranged Combat - This unit can fight on the front or middle lines. Close / Ranged Combat - This unit can fight on the front or middle lines.
Icon for Agile - Can be placed in either the Close Combat or the Ranged Combat row. Cannot be moved once placed. Agile - Can be placed in either the Close Combat or the Ranged Combat row. Cannot be moved once placed.

"They track like hounds, run like deer and kill like cold-hearted bastards."

Icon for <span>Scoia'tael</span>

Item icon

Icon for <span>Blood and Wine</span> Blood and Wine

Related Add-On
Donar an Hindar

Obtained when collecting a Skellige deck during the quest Gwent:…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines. Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines.

"I've gathered all the jarls together. Now make your case."

Icon for <span>Blood and Wine</span> Blood and Wine

Icon for <span>Skellige</span>

Item icon

Icon for <span>Blood and Wine</span> Blood and Wine

Related Add-On
Draig Bon-Dhu

Obtained by beating the Innkeep of The Pheasantry, a tavern south-west…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Siege Combat - This unit fights on the back line. Siege Combat - This unit fights on the back line.
Icon for Commander's Horn - Doubles the strength of all units in that row. Limited to 1 per row. Commander's Horn - Doubles the strength of all units in that row. Limited to 1 per row.

"Hear ye now the tale of the heroic deeds of Clan an Craite."

Icon for <span>Blood and Wine</span> Blood and Wine

Icon for <span>Skellige</span>

Item icon

Obtained by beating Crach an Craite during the Gwent: Skellige…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Hero - Not affected by any Special Cards or abilities. Hero - Not affected by any Special Cards or abilities.
Icon for Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines. Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines.

"Some men cannot admit defeat. Some keep fighting from beyond the grave."

Icon for <span>Monsters</span>

Item icon
Dun Banner Medic

Obtained automatically as part of the starting collection of…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Siege Combat - This unit fights on the back line. Siege Combat - This unit fights on the back line.
Icon for Medic - Choose one card from your discard pile and play it instantly (no Heroes or Special Cards) Medic - Choose one card from your discard pile and play it instantly (no Heroes or Special Cards)

"Stitch red to red, white to white, and everything will be all right."

Northern Realms
Icon for <span>Northern Realms</span>

Item icon
Dwarven Skirmisher

Three unique versions of this card exist. They are obtained in…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines. Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines.
Icon for Muster - Find any cards with the same name in your deck and play them instantly. Muster - Find any cards with the same name in your deck and play them instantly.
"Dwarven Skirmisher" iconDwarven Skirmisher Unit Cards

"Worked a pickaxe all me life. Battleaxe won't be any trouble."

Icon for <span>Scoia'tael</span>

Item icon
Earth Elemental

Purchased from Jonas the Innkeep at The New Port, a tavern near…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Siege Combat - This unit fights on the back line. Siege Combat - This unit fights on the back line.

"How to fight an earth elemental? You don't. You run. Fast as you can."

Icon for <span>Monsters</span>

Item icon

Obtained by beating Zoltan Chivay during the Gwent: Old Pals…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Hero - Not affected by any Special Cards or abilities. Hero - Not affected by any Special Cards or abilities.
Icon for Ranged Combat - This unit fights in the middle line. Ranged Combat - This unit fights in the middle line.

“The dryad queen has eyes of molten silver, and a heart of cold-forged steel.”

Icon for <span>Scoia'tael</span>

Item icon
Elven Skirmisher

Three unique versions of this card exist and can be obtained…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Ranged Combat - This unit fights in the middle line. Ranged Combat - This unit fights in the middle line.
Icon for Muster - Find any cards with the same name in your deck and play them instantly. Muster - Find any cards with the same name in your deck and play them instantly.
"Elven Skirmisher" iconElven Skirmisher Unit Cards

"No matter what you may have heard, elves don't take human scalps. Too much lice."

Icon for <span>Scoia'tael</span>

Item icon
Emhyr var Emreis - Emperor of Nilfgaard

This card can be purchased from two merchants: The Innkeep at…

Icon for Emperor of Nilfgaard - Look at 3 random cards from your opponent's hand. Emperor of Nilfgaard - Look at 3 random cards from your opponent's hand.

"Your motives do not interest me. Only results."

Nilfgaardian Empire
Icon for <span>Nilfgaardian Empire</span>

Item icon
Emhyr var Emreis - His Imperial Majesty

Obtained automatically as part of the starting collection of…

Icon for His Imperial Majesty - Pick a Torrential Rain card from your deck and play it instantly. His Imperial Majesty - Pick a Torrential Rain card from your deck and play it instantly.

"The skies wept when my Pavetta died. They will not weep for me."

Nilfgaardian Empire
Icon for <span>Nilfgaardian Empire</span>

Item icon

Icon for <span>Hearts of Stone</span> Hearts of Stone

Related Add-On
Emhyr var Emreis - Invader of the North

Purchased from the Shopkeeper near the circus performers north-west…

Icon for Invader of the North - Abilites that restore a unit to the battlefield restore a randomly-chosen unit. Affects both players. Invader of the North - Abilites that restore a unit to the battlefield restore a randomly-chosen unit. Affects both players.

"Emperors command multitudes, yet cannot control two things: their time and their hearts."

Icon for <span>Hearts of Stone</span> Hearts of Stone

Nilfgaardian Empire
Icon for <span>Nilfgaardian Empire</span>

Item icon
Emhyr var Emreis - The Relentless

Obtained by beating Sasha in the Gwent tournament during the…

Icon for The Relentless - Draw a card from your opponent's discard pile. The Relentless - Draw a card from your opponent's discard pile.

"They do not call me the Patient. Take care they do not call you the Headless."

Nilfgaardian Empire
Icon for <span>Nilfgaardian Empire</span>

Item icon
Emhyr var Emreis - The White Flame

Obtained by beating every named opponent in the Gwent: Skellige…

Icon for The White Flame - Cancel your opponent's Leader Ability. The White Flame - Cancel your opponent's Leader Ability.

“A sword is but one of many tools at a ruler’s disposal.”

Nilfgaardian Empire
Icon for <span>Nilfgaardian Empire</span>

Item icon
Emiel Regis Rohellec Terzieff

Randomly earned when beating Gwent Players of no particular skill…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines. Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines.

“Men, the polite ones, at least, would call me a monster. A blood-drinking freak.”

Neutral - works with any deck
Icon for <span>Neutral - works with any deck</span>

Item icon

Randomly earned when beating Gwent Players of no particular skill…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Ranged Combat - This unit fights in the middle line. Ranged Combat - This unit fights in the middle line.

"The nest! Take out the nest, or the bastards'll just keep coming!"

Icon for <span>Monsters</span>

Item icon
Eredin - Bringer of Death

Obtained by beating Count Tybalt in the Gwent tournament during…

Icon for Bringer of Death - Restore a card from your discard pile to your hand. Bringer of Death - Restore a card from your discard pile to your hand.

"Go on. Show me your spins, pirouettes and feints. I want to watch."

Icon for <span>Monsters</span>

Item icon
Eredin - Commander of the Red Riders

Purchased from Jonas, an Innkeep at The New Port.

Icon for Commander of the Red Riders - Double the strength of all your Close Combat units (unless a Commander's Horn is also present on that row). Commander of the Red Riders - Double the strength of all your Close Combat units (unless a Commander's Horn is also present on that row).

"Have some dignity. You know how this will end."

Icon for <span>Monsters</span>

Item icon
Eredin - Destroyer of Worlds

Obtained by beating every named opponent in the Gwent: Velen…

Icon for Destroyer of Worlds - Discard 2 cards and draw 1 card of your choice from your deck. Destroyer of Worlds - Discard 2 cards and draw 1 card of your choice from your deck.

"It is unavoidable."

Icon for <span>Monsters</span>

Item icon
Eredin - King of the Wild Hunt

Obtained automatically as part of the starting collection of…

Icon for King of the Wild Hunt - Pick any weather card from your deck and play it instantly. King of the Wild Hunt - Pick any weather card from your deck and play it instantly.

"I've long awaited this..."

Icon for <span>Monsters</span>

Item icon

Icon for <span>Hearts of Stone</span> Hearts of Stone

Related Add-On
Eredin Bréacc Glas - The Treacherous

Purchased from Dulla kh’Amanni, a Shopkeeper at the Upper Mill.…

Icon for The Treacherous - Passive - doubles the strength of all spy cards (affects both players). The Treacherous - Passive - doubles the strength of all spy cards (affects both players).

"I'm enjoying this. You are my toy."

Icon for <span>Hearts of Stone</span> Hearts of Stone

Icon for <span>Monsters</span>

Item icon

Icon for <span>Blood and Wine</span> Blood and Wine

Related Add-On

Obtained by beating the Innkeep at Francollarts.

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Hero - Not affected by any Special Cards or abilities. Hero - Not affected by any Special Cards or abilities.
Icon for Ranged Combat - This unit fights in the middle line. Ranged Combat - This unit fights in the middle line.
Icon for Mardroeme - Triggers transformation of all Berserker cards on the same row. Mardroeme - Triggers transformation of all Berserker cards on the same row.

"Only the ignorant dismiss the importance of myths."

Icon for <span>Blood and Wine</span> Blood and Wine

Icon for <span>Skellige</span>

Item icon
Esterad Thyssen

Obtained by beating Sigismund Dijkstra during the Gwent: Big…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Hero - Not affected by any Special Cards or abilities. Hero - Not affected by any Special Cards or abilities.
Icon for Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines. Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines.

"Like all Thyssen men, he was tall, powerfully built and criminally handsome."

Northern Realms
Icon for <span>Northern Realms</span>

Item icon
Etolian Auxiliary Archers

Two copies of this card exist. They can be purchased from the…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Ranged Combat - This unit fights in the middle line. Ranged Combat - This unit fights in the middle line.
Icon for Medic - Choose one card from your discard pile and play it instantly (no Heroes or Special Cards) Medic - Choose one card from your discard pile and play it instantly (no Heroes or Special Cards)

"Double or nothing, aim for his cock."

Nilfgaardian Empire
Icon for <span>Nilfgaardian Empire</span>

Item icon

Purchased from Ilge, the Innkeep at the tavern in Arinbjorn.…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines. Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines.

"A fiend looks a bit like a deer. An enormous, evil deer."

Icon for <span>Monsters</span>

Item icon
Filavandrel aén Fidháil

Randomly earned when beating Gwent Players of no particular skill…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Close / Ranged Combat - This unit can fight on the front or middle lines. Close / Ranged Combat - This unit can fight on the front or middle lines.
Icon for Agile - Can be placed in either the Close Combat or the Ranged Combat row. Cannot be moved once placed. Agile - Can be placed in either the Close Combat or the Ranged Combat row. Cannot be moved once placed.

“Though we are now few and scattered, our hearts burn brighter than ever.”

Icon for <span>Scoia'tael</span>

Item icon
Fire Elemental

Randomly earned when beating Gwent Players of no particular skill…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Siege Combat - This unit fights on the back line. Siege Combat - This unit fights on the back line.

"Fire is so delightful."

Icon for <span>Monsters</span>

Item icon

Purchased from the Innkeep in Svorlag’s tavern.

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines. Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines.

"Fog creeps on little cat feet. Foglets creep over the bodies of their victims."

Icon for <span>Monsters</span>

Item icon
Foltest - King of Temeria

Obtained automatically as part of the starting collection of…

Icon for King of Temeria - Pick an Impenetrable Fog card from your deck and play it instantly. King of Temeria - Pick an Impenetrable Fog card from your deck and play it instantly.

"It is natural and beautiful that a man should love his sister."

Northern Realms
Icon for <span>Northern Realms</span>

Item icon
Foltest - Lord Commander of the North

Sold by Elsa in the White Orchard Inn, and Bram on the road outside.…

Icon for Lord Commander of the North - Clear any weather effects (resulting from Biting Frost, Torrential Rain, Skellige Storm or Impenetrable Fog cards) in play. Lord Commander of the North - Clear any weather effects (resulting from Biting Frost, Torrential Rain, Skellige Storm or Impenetrable Fog cards) in play.

"Sod advisors and their schemes. I place my trust in my soldiers' blades."

Northern Realms
Icon for <span>Northern Realms</span>

Item icon

Icon for <span>Hearts of Stone</span> Hearts of Stone

Related Add-On
Foltest - Son of Medell

Purchased from the Shopkeeper near the circus performers north-west…

Icon for Son of Medell - Destroy your enemy's strongest Ranged Combat unit(s) if the combined strength of all their Ranged Combat unit(s) is 10 or more. Son of Medell - Destroy your enemy's strongest Ranged Combat unit(s) if the combined strength of all their Ranged Combat unit(s) is 10 or more.

"Dammit, I rule this land and I refuse to creep around its corners."

Icon for <span>Hearts of Stone</span> Hearts of Stone

Northern Realms
Icon for <span>Northern Realms</span>

Item icon
Foltest - The Siegemaster

Obtained by beating the Nilfgaardan Nobleman at the Royal Palace…

Icon for The Siegemaster - Double the strength of all your Siege units (unless a Commander's Horn is also present on that row). The Siegemaster - Double the strength of all your Siege units (unless a Commander's Horn is also present on that row).

"A well-aimed ballista razes not just the enemy's walls, but his morale as well."

Northern Realms
Icon for <span>Northern Realms</span>

Item icon
Foltest - The Steel-Forged

Obtained by beating Bernard Tulle in the Gwent tournament during…

Icon for The Steel-Forged - Destroy your enemy's strongest Siege unit(s) if the combined strength of all their Siege units is 10 or more. The Steel-Forged - Destroy your enemy's strongest Siege unit(s) if the combined strength of all their Siege units is 10 or more.

"A beautiful day for battle."

Northern Realms
Icon for <span>Northern Realms</span>

Item icon

Randomly earned when beating Gwent Players of no particular skill…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines. Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines.

“Fork tails… Bah! Fuckers' tails're more like cleavers.”

Icon for <span>Monsters</span>

Item icon
Francesca Findabair - Daisy of the Valley

Purchased from the Innkeep at the Cunny of the Goose.

Icon for Daisy of the Valley - Draw an extra card at the beginning of the battle. Daisy of the Valley - Draw an extra card at the beginning of the battle.

"The Elder Races have forgotten more than humans can ever hope to know."

Icon for <span>Scoia'tael</span>

Item icon

Icon for <span>Hearts of Stone</span> Hearts of Stone

Related Add-On
Francesca Findabair - Hope of the Aen Seidhe

Purchased from Dulla kh’Amanni, a Shopkeeper at the Upper Mill.…

Icon for Hope of the Aen Seidhe - Move Agile units to whichever row maximizes their strength (won't move units already in optimal row). Hope of the Aen Seidhe - Move Agile units to whichever row maximizes their strength (won't move units already in optimal row).

"Daede sian caente, Aen Seidhe en'allane ael coeden…"

Icon for <span>Hearts of Stone</span> Hearts of Stone

Icon for <span>Scoia'tael</span>

Item icon
Francesca Findabair - Pureblood Elf

Obtained automatically as part of the starting collection of…

Icon for Pureblood Elf - Pick a Biting Frost card from your deck and play it instantly. Pureblood Elf - Pick a Biting Frost card from your deck and play it instantly.

"Ash shall fertilize the soil. By spring, the valley shall bloom once more."

Icon for <span>Scoia'tael</span>

Item icon
Francesca Findabair - Queen of Dol Blathanna

Obtained by beating Finneas in the Gwent tournament during the…

Icon for Queen of Dol Blathanna - Destroy your enemy's strongest Close Combat unit(s) if the combined strength of all their Close Combat units is 10 or more. Queen of Dol Blathanna - Destroy your enemy's strongest Close Combat unit(s) if the combined strength of all their Close Combat units is 10 or more.

"To live in peace, we first must kill. This is human oppression's cruel finale."

Icon for <span>Scoia'tael</span>

Item icon
Francesca Findabair - The Beautiful

Obtained by beating every named opponent in the Gwent: Big City…

Icon for The Beautiful - Double the strength of all your Ranged Combat units (unless a Commander's Horn is also present on that row). The Beautiful - Double the strength of all your Ranged Combat units (unless a Commander's Horn is also present on that row).

"Do not let my beauty distract your aim."

Icon for <span>Scoia'tael</span>

Item icon

Randomly earned when beating Gwent Players of no particular skill…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines. Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines.

"What have I done?" the mage cried out, frightened of his own creation.

Icon for <span>Monsters</span>

Item icon
Fringilla Vigo

Obtained in a few different ways: Stealing it from Caesar Bilzen’s…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Ranged Combat - This unit fights in the middle line. Ranged Combat - This unit fights in the middle line.

"Magic is the highest good. It transcends all borders and divisions."

Nilfgaardian Empire
Icon for <span>Nilfgaardian Empire</span>

Item icon

Randomly earned when beating Gwent Players of no particular skill…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Ranged Combat - This unit fights in the middle line. Ranged Combat - This unit fights in the middle line.

"Ancient sculptors' nightmarish fantasies, brought to life by bored mages."

Icon for <span>Monsters</span>

Item icon

Icon for <span>Hearts of Stone</span> Hearts of Stone

Related Add-On
Gaunter O'Dimm

Obtained by beating Robert Hilbert during Open Sesame!, a main…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Siege Combat - This unit fights on the back line. Siege Combat - This unit fights on the back line.
Icon for Muster - Find any cards with the same name in your deck and play them instantly. Muster - Find any cards with the same name in your deck and play them instantly.
"Gaunter O'Dimm: Darkness" iconGaunter O'Dimm: Darkness Unit Cards

"He always grants exactly what you wish for. That's the problem."

Icon for <span>Hearts of Stone</span> Hearts of Stone

Neutral - works with any deck
Icon for <span>Neutral - works with any deck</span>

Item icon

Icon for <span>Hearts of Stone</span> Hearts of Stone

Related Add-On
Gaunter O'Dimm: Darkness

Exclusive to the Hearts of Stone expansion. They look identical,…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Ranged Combat - This unit fights in the middle line. Ranged Combat - This unit fights in the middle line.
Icon for Muster - Find any cards with the same name in your deck and play them instantly. Muster - Find any cards with the same name in your deck and play them instantly.
"Gaunter O'Dimm: Darkness" iconGaunter O'Dimm: Darkness Unit Cards

"Fear not the shadows, but the light."

Icon for <span>Hearts of Stone</span> Hearts of Stone

Neutral - works with any deck
Icon for <span>Neutral - works with any deck</span>

Item icon
Geralt of Rivia

Obtained by beating Thaler during the Gwent: Playing Thaler or…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Hero - Not affected by any Special Cards or abilities. Hero - Not affected by any Special Cards or abilities.
Icon for Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines. Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines.

"If that's what it takes to save the world, it's better to let that world die."

Neutral - works with any deck
Icon for <span>Neutral - works with any deck</span>

Item icon

Three unique versions of this card exist and can be obtained…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines. Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines.
Icon for Muster - Find any cards with the same name in your deck and play them instantly. Muster - Find any cards with the same name in your deck and play them instantly.
"Ghoul" iconGhoul Unit Cards

“If ghouls are part of the Circle of Life... then it's a damn vicious circle.”

Icon for <span>Monsters</span>

Item icon
Grave Hag

Randomly earned when beating Gwent Players of no particular skill…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Ranged Combat - This unit fights in the middle line. Ranged Combat - This unit fights in the middle line.

"Their long tongues're for slurping marrow - and whipping prey."

Icon for <span>Monsters</span>

Item icon

Randomly earned when beating Gwent Players of no particular skill…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines. Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines.

"Griffins like to toy with their prey. Eat 'em alive, piece by piece."

Icon for <span>Monsters</span>

Item icon
Gwent Player

Put your skills to the test against this Gwent player. Winners may receive a card.

Neutral - works with any deck
Icon for <span>Neutral - works with any deck</span>

Item icon

Purchased from the Innkeep at a tavern in Harviken.

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Close / Ranged Combat - This unit can fight on the front or middle lines. Close / Ranged Combat - This unit can fight on the front or middle lines.
Icon for Agile - Can be placed in either the Close Combat or the Ranged Combat row. Cannot be moved once placed. Agile - Can be placed in either the Close Combat or the Ranged Combat row. Cannot be moved once placed.

"There are many species of harpy, and all are kleptomaniacs."

Icon for <span>Monsters</span>

Item icon
Havekar Healer

Three unique versions of this card exist. They are obtained in…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Ranged Combat - This unit fights in the middle line. Ranged Combat - This unit fights in the middle line.
Icon for Medic - Choose one card from your discard pile and play it instantly (no Heroes or Special Cards) Medic - Choose one card from your discard pile and play it instantly (no Heroes or Special Cards)

"Sure, I'll patch you up. Gonna cost you, though."

Icon for <span>Scoia'tael</span>

Item icon
Havekar Smuggler

Three unique versions of this card exist. They are obtained in…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines. Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines.
Icon for Muster - Find any cards with the same name in your deck and play them instantly. Muster - Find any cards with the same name in your deck and play them instantly.
"Havekar Smuggler" iconHavekar Smuggler Unit Cards

"I fight for whoever's paying the best. Or whoever's easiest to rob."

Icon for <span>Scoia'tael</span>

Item icon
Heavy Zerrikanian Fire Scorpion

Purchased from the Shopkeeper in Lindenvale.

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Siege Combat - This unit fights on the back line. Siege Combat - This unit fights on the back line.

"Not the best for taking cities, but great for razing them to the ground."

Nilfgaardian Empire
Icon for <span>Nilfgaardian Empire</span>

Item icon

Icon for <span>Blood and Wine</span> Blood and Wine

Related Add-On

Cannot be obtained through regular means; appears on the battlefield…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Hero - Not affected by any Special Cards or abilities. Hero - Not affected by any Special Cards or abilities.
Icon for Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines. Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines.

"When the time of the White Frost comes, Hemdall will sound the call for battle."

Icon for <span>Blood and Wine</span> Blood and Wine

Icon for <span>Skellige</span>

Item icon

Icon for <span>Blood and Wine</span> Blood and Wine

Related Add-On

Obtained when collecting a Skellige deck during the quest Gwent:…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Hero - Not affected by any Special Cards or abilities. Hero - Not affected by any Special Cards or abilities.
Icon for Ranged Combat - This unit fights in the middle line. Ranged Combat - This unit fights in the middle line.

"Instead of mournin' the fallen, let's drink to their memory!"

Icon for <span>Blood and Wine</span> Blood and Wine

Icon for <span>Skellige</span>

Item icon

Icon for <span>Blood and Wine</span> Blood and Wine

Related Add-On
Holger Blackhand

Obtained when collecting a Skellige deck during the quest Gwent:…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Siege Combat - This unit fights on the back line. Siege Combat - This unit fights on the back line.

"Now let's drink to Emperor of Nilfgaard - may his prick forever stay limp!"

Icon for <span>Blood and Wine</span> Blood and Wine

Icon for <span>Skellige</span>

Item icon
Ice Giant

Purchased from the Innkeep at the tavern in Svorlag.

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Siege Combat - This unit fights on the back line. Siege Combat - This unit fights on the back line.

"Fled one time in my life. From the Ice Giant. And I'm not a bit ashamed."

Icon for <span>Monsters</span>

Item icon
Ida Emean aep Sivney

Randomly earned when beating Gwent Players of no particular skill…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Ranged Combat - This unit fights in the middle line. Ranged Combat - This unit fights in the middle line.

"I am a Sage. My power lies in possessing knowledge. Not sharing it."

Icon for <span>Scoia'tael</span>

Item icon

Randomly earned when beating Gwent Players of no particular skill…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Hero - Not affected by any Special Cards or abilities. Hero - Not affected by any Special Cards or abilities.
Icon for Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines. Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines.

"Ladd nahw! Kill them! Litter the earth with their entrails!"

Icon for <span>Monsters</span>

Item icon
Impenetrable Fog

Three copies of this card exist; two are part of the collection…

Icon for Weather: Impenetrable Fog - Sets the strength of all Ranged Combat cards to 1 for both players. Weather: Impenetrable Fog - Sets the strength of all Ranged Combat cards to 1 for both players.

"A good commander's dream... a bad one's horror."

Neutral - works with any deck
Icon for <span>Neutral - works with any deck</span>

Item icon
Impera Brigade Guard

They look identical, but four unique instances of this card exist.…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines. Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines.
Icon for Tight Bond - Place next to a card of the same name to double the strength of both cards. Tight Bond - Place next to a card of the same name to double the strength of both cards.

"The Impera Brigade never surrenders. Ever."

Nilfgaardian Empire
Icon for <span>Nilfgaardian Empire</span>

Item icon

Obtained by beating the Shock Therapy quest.

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Hero - Not affected by any Special Cards or abilities. Hero - Not affected by any Special Cards or abilities.
Icon for Ranged Combat - This unit fights in the middle line. Ranged Combat - This unit fights in the middle line.

"King or beggar, what's the difference? One dh'oine less."

Icon for <span>Scoia'tael</span>

Item icon
Isengrim Faoiltiarna

Obtained in two different ways: Looting the bandits that stole…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Hero - Not affected by any Special Cards or abilities. Hero - Not affected by any Special Cards or abilities.
Icon for Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines. Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines.
Icon for Morale Boost - Adds +1 to all units in the row (excluding itself) Morale Boost - Adds +1 to all units in the row (excluding itself)

“It dawns on them once they notice my scar: a realization of imminent death.”

Icon for <span>Scoia'tael</span>

Item icon
John Natalis

Obtained in a few different ways: Beating Earl at Gwent during…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Hero - Not affected by any Special Cards or abilities. Hero - Not affected by any Special Cards or abilities.
Icon for Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines. Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines.

“That square should bear the names of my soldiers, of the dead. Not mine.”

Northern Realms
Icon for <span>Northern Realms</span>

Item icon
Kaedweni Siege Expert

They look identical, but three copies of this card exist. All…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Siege Combat - This unit fights on the back line. Siege Combat - This unit fights on the back line.
Icon for Morale Boost - Adds +1 to all units in the row (excluding itself) Morale Boost - Adds +1 to all units in the row (excluding itself)

“You gotta recalibrate the arm by five degrees.” “Do what by the what now?”

Northern Realms
Icon for <span>Northern Realms</span>

Item icon

Icon for <span>Blood and Wine</span> Blood and Wine

Related Add-On

Obtained by beating the Armorer (Master) in their shop south…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines. Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines.
Icon for Summon Avenger - When this card is removed from the battlefield, it summons Hemdall to take its place. Summon Avenger - When this card is removed from the battlefield, it summons Hemdall to take its place.

"When the time comes, the cockerel Kambi shall crow and awaken Hemdall."

Icon for <span>Blood and Wine</span> Blood and Wine

Icon for <span>Skellige</span>

Item icon

Randomly earned when beating Gwent Players of no particular skill…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Hero - Not affected by any Special Cards or abilities. Hero - Not affected by any Special Cards or abilities.
Icon for Close / Ranged Combat - This unit can fight on the front or middle lines. Close / Ranged Combat - This unit can fight on the front or middle lines.
Icon for Morale Boost - Adds +1 to all units in the row (excluding itself) Morale Boost - Adds +1 to all units in the row (excluding itself)

“Kill a kayran? Simple. Take your best sword... then sell it and hire a witcher.”

Icon for <span>Monsters</span>

Item icon
Keira Metz

Obtained automatically as part of the starting collection of…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Ranged Combat - This unit fights in the middle line. Ranged Combat - This unit fights in the middle line.

"If I'm to die today, I wish to look smashing for the occasion."

Northern Realms
Icon for <span>Northern Realms</span>

Item icon

Icon for <span>Blood and Wine</span> Blood and Wine

Related Add-On
King Bran

Obtained by beating the Ducal Camerlengo.

Icon for King Bran - Units only lose half their Strength in bad weather conditions. King Bran - Units only lose half their Strength in bad weather conditions.

"No one can replace Bran. Though they're sure to try."

Icon for <span>Blood and Wine</span> Blood and Wine

Icon for <span>Skellige</span>

Item icon

Obtained by beating Ermion during the Gwent: Skellige Style quest.…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Hero - Not affected by any Special Cards or abilities. Hero - Not affected by any Special Cards or abilities.
Icon for Ranged Combat - This unit fights in the middle line. Ranged Combat - This unit fights in the middle line.

"We never hunt in these woods. Not even if it means the whole village starves."

Icon for <span>Monsters</span>

Item icon
Letho of Gulet

Obtained by beating the Boatwright during the Gwent: Velen Players…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Hero - Not affected by any Special Cards or abilities. Hero - Not affected by any Special Cards or abilities.
Icon for Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines. Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines.

"Witchers never die in their beds."

Nilfgaardian Empire
Icon for <span>Nilfgaardian Empire</span>

Item icon

Icon for <span>Blood and Wine</span> Blood and Wine

Related Add-On
Light Longship

They look identical, but three unique instances of this card…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Ranged Combat - This unit fights in the middle line. Ranged Combat - This unit fights in the middle line.
Icon for Muster - Find any cards with the same name in your deck and play them instantly. Muster - Find any cards with the same name in your deck and play them instantly.
"Light Longship" iconLight Longship Unit Cards

"Escape them? In the waters of Skellige? Good luck."

Icon for <span>Blood and Wine</span> Blood and Wine

Icon for <span>Skellige</span>

Item icon

Icon for <span>Blood and Wine</span> Blood and Wine

Related Add-On
Madman Lugos

Obtained when collecting a Skellige deck during the quest Gwent:…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines. Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines.


Icon for <span>Blood and Wine</span> Blood and Wine

Icon for <span>Skellige</span>

Item icon
Mahakaman Defender

Five unique versions of this card exist. They are obtained in…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines. Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines.

“I’m telling ye, we’re born fer battle - we slash straight at their knees!”

Icon for <span>Scoia'tael</span>

Item icon

Icon for <span>Blood and Wine</span> Blood and Wine

Related Add-On

Three copies of this card can be obtained from the following…

Icon for Mardroeme - Triggers transformation of all Berserker cards on the same row. Mardroeme - Triggers transformation of all Berserker cards on the same row.

"Eat enough of them, and the world will never be the same…"

Icon for <span>Blood and Wine</span> Blood and Wine

Icon for <span>Skellige</span>

Item icon
Menno Coehoorn

Obtained by beating the Innkeep at the Inn at the Crossroads…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Hero - Not affected by any Special Cards or abilities. Hero - Not affected by any Special Cards or abilities.
Icon for Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines. Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines.
Icon for Medic - Choose one card from your discard pile and play it instantly (no Heroes or Special Cards) Medic - Choose one card from your discard pile and play it instantly (no Heroes or Special Cards)

“I'll take an attentive reconnaissance unit over a fine cavalry brigade any day.”

Nilfgaardian Empire
Icon for <span>Nilfgaardian Empire</span>

Item icon

Obtained by beating Vladimir de Cret in a gwent tournament featured…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Ranged Combat - This unit fights in the middle line. Ranged Combat - This unit fights in the middle line.
Icon for Morale Boost - Adds +1 to all units in the row (excluding itself) Morale Boost - Adds +1 to all units in the row (excluding itself)

“With each arrow I loose, I think of my da. He'd be proud. I think.“

Icon for <span>Scoia'tael</span>

Item icon

Purchased from the Shopkeeper in Midcopse.

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines. Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines.

"No Nordling pikemen or dwarven spearbearers can hope to best trained cavalry."

Nilfgaardian Empire
Icon for <span>Nilfgaardian Empire</span>

Item icon
Morvran Voorhis

Obtained by beating Marquise Serenity, madame of the Passiflora…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Hero - Not affected by any Special Cards or abilities. Hero - Not affected by any Special Cards or abilities.
Icon for Siege Combat - This unit fights on the back line. Siege Combat - This unit fights on the back line.

“Summer sun reflecting in the quiet waters of the Alba - that’s Nilfgaard to me.”

Nilfgaardian Empire
Icon for <span>Nilfgaardian Empire</span>

Item icon
Mysterious Elf

Obtained by beating Gremist during the Gwent: Skellige Style…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Hero - Not affected by any Special Cards or abilities. Hero - Not affected by any Special Cards or abilities.
Icon for Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines. Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines.
Icon for Spy - Place on your opponent's battlefield (counts towards opponent's total) and draw 2 cards from your deck. Spy - Place on your opponent's battlefield (counts towards opponent's total) and draw 2 cards from your deck.

"You humans have… unusual tastes."

Neutral - works with any deck
Icon for <span>Neutral - works with any deck</span>

Item icon
Nausicaa Cavalry Rider

They look identical, but three unique instances of this card…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines. Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines.
Icon for Tight Bond - Place next to a card of the same name to double the strength of both cards. Tight Bond - Place next to a card of the same name to double the strength of both cards.

"The Emperor will teach the North discipline."

Nilfgaardian Empire
Icon for <span>Nilfgaardian Empire</span>

Item icon

Three unique versions of this card exist and can be obtained…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines. Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines.
Icon for Muster - Find any cards with the same name in your deck and play them instantly. Muster - Find any cards with the same name in your deck and play them instantly.
"Nekker" iconNekker Unit Cards

"Damn things are almost cute, if you ignore the whole vicious killer aspect."

Icon for <span>Monsters</span>

Item icon

Icon for <span>Blood and Wine</span> Blood and Wine

Related Add-On

Obtained by beating the owner of the Adder and Jewels Winery,…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Close / Ranged Combat - This unit can fight on the front or middle lines. Close / Ranged Combat - This unit can fight on the front or middle lines.
Icon for Morale Boost - Adds +1 to all units in the row (excluding itself) Morale Boost - Adds +1 to all units in the row (excluding itself)

"Many've tried to defeat Olaf. But won't hear about it from them - they're dead."

Icon for <span>Blood and Wine</span> Blood and Wine

Icon for <span>Skellige</span>

Item icon

Icon for <span>Hearts of Stone</span> Hearts of Stone

Related Add-On
Olgierd von Everec

Obtained by beating Shani before the end of the Whatsoever a…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Close / Ranged Combat - This unit can fight on the front or middle lines. Close / Ranged Combat - This unit can fight on the front or middle lines.
Icon for Morale Boost - Adds +1 to all units in the row (excluding itself) Morale Boost - Adds +1 to all units in the row (excluding itself)

"At least you now know I don't easily lose my head."

Icon for <span>Hearts of Stone</span> Hearts of Stone

Neutral - works with any deck
Icon for <span>Neutral - works with any deck</span>

Item icon
Philippa Eilhart

Randomly earned when beating Gwent Players of no particular skill…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Hero - Not affected by any Special Cards or abilities. Hero - Not affected by any Special Cards or abilities.
Icon for Ranged Combat - This unit fights in the middle line. Ranged Combat - This unit fights in the middle line.

"Soon the power of kings will wither, and the Lodge shall seize its rightful place."

Northern Realms
Icon for <span>Northern Realms</span>

Item icon
Plague Maiden

Randomly earned when beating Gwent Players of no particular skill…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines. Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines.

"The sick rave about a boil-pocked woman surrounded by herds of rabid rats…"

Icon for <span>Monsters</span>

Item icon
Poor Fucking Infantry

They look identical, but three unique instances of this card…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines. Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines.
Icon for Tight Bond - Place next to a card of the same name to double the strength of both cards. Tight Bond - Place next to a card of the same name to double the strength of both cards.

"I's a war veteran! ... spare me a crown?"

Northern Realms
Icon for <span>Northern Realms</span>

Item icon
Prince Stennis

Obtained automatically as part of the starting collection of…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines. Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines.
Icon for Spy - Place on your opponent's battlefield (counts towards opponent's total) and draw 2 cards from your deck. Spy - Place on your opponent's battlefield (counts towards opponent's total) and draw 2 cards from your deck.

“He ploughin’ wears golden armor. Golden. ‘Course he’s an arsehole.”

Northern Realms
Icon for <span>Northern Realms</span>

Item icon

Purchased from a former Person In Distress (the Shopkeeper kept…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Ranged Combat - This unit fights in the middle line. Ranged Combat - This unit fights in the middle line.

"Learned a lot at Braibant Military Academy. How to scrub potatoes, for instance."

Nilfgaardian Empire
Icon for <span>Nilfgaardian Empire</span>

Item icon

Purchased from the Shopkeeper in Lindenvale.

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines. Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines.

"You'll die as painfully as that pathetic traitor Windhalm did."

Nilfgaardian Empire
Icon for <span>Nilfgaardian Empire</span>

Item icon
Redanian Foot Soldier

Two copies of this card exist. Both are obtained automatically…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines. Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines.

"I've bled for Redania! I've killed for Redania... Dammit, I've even raped for Redania!"

Northern Realms
Icon for <span>Northern Realms</span>

Item icon
Renuald aep Matsen

Randomly earned when beating Gwent Players of no particular skill…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Ranged Combat - This unit fights in the middle line. Ranged Combat - This unit fights in the middle line.

"They say the Impera fear nothing. Untrue. Renuald scares them shitless."

Nilfgaardian Empire
Icon for <span>Nilfgaardian Empire</span>

Item icon

Randomly earned when beating Gwent Players of no particular skill…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Ranged Combat - This unit fights in the middle line. Ranged Combat - This unit fights in the middle line.

“Stare into their eyes, feast on their terror. Then go in for the kill.”

Icon for <span>Scoia'tael</span>

Item icon

Obtained by playing the standalone Gwent game while owning the…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines. Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines.

"Come on, Roach! Faster!"

Neutral - works with any deck
Icon for <span>Neutral - works with any deck</span>

Item icon
Rotten Mangonel

Randomly earned when beating Gwent Players of no particular skill…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Siege Combat - This unit fights on the back line. Siege Combat - This unit fights on the back line.

"The rotten smell brings back childhood memories"

Nilfgaardian Empire
Icon for <span>Nilfgaardian Empire</span>

Item icon
Sabrina Glevissig

Obtained automatically as part of the starting collection of…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Ranged Combat - This unit fights in the middle line. Ranged Combat - This unit fights in the middle line.

"The Daughter of the Kaedweni Wilderness."

Northern Realms
Icon for <span>Northern Realms</span>

Item icon

Obtained by beating Vernon Roche during the Gwent: Old Pals quest.…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Hero - Not affected by any Special Cards or abilities. Hero - Not affected by any Special Cards or abilities.
Icon for Ranged Combat - This unit fights in the middle line. Ranged Combat - This unit fights in the middle line.

"Beautiful, pure, fierce - the perfect icon for a rebellion."

Icon for <span>Scoia'tael</span>

Item icon

Icon for <span>Hearts of Stone</span> Hearts of Stone

Related Add-On

Obtained by beating the Shopkeeper near the circus performers…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Siege Combat - This unit fights on the back line. Siege Combat - This unit fights on the back line.
Icon for Scorch - Siege - Destroy your enemy's strongest Siege Combat unit(s) if the combined strength of all their Siege Combat units is 10 or more. Scorch - Siege - Destroy your enemy's strongest Siege Combat unit(s) if the combined strength of all their Siege Combat units is 10 or more.

"Time to look death in the face."

Icon for <span>Hearts of Stone</span> Hearts of Stone

Icon for <span>Scoia'tael</span>

Item icon

Three copies of this card can be obtained; they are sold by the…

Icon for Scorch - Discard after playing. Kills the strongest card(s) on the battlefield. Scorch - Discard after playing. Kills the strongest card(s) on the battlefield.

"Pillars of flame turn the mightiest to ash. All others tremble in shock and awe."

Neutral - works with any deck
Icon for <span>Neutral - works with any deck</span>

Item icon
Sheldon Skaggs

Obtained automatically as part of the starting collection of…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Ranged Combat - This unit fights in the middle line. Ranged Combat - This unit fights in the middle line.

"I was there, on the front lines! Right where the fightin' was the thickest!"

Northern Realms
Icon for <span>Northern Realms</span>

Item icon
Shilard Fitz-Oesterlen

Randomly earned when beating Gwent Players of no particular skill…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines. Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines.
Icon for Spy - Place on your opponent's battlefield (counts towards opponent's total) and draw 2 cards from your deck. Spy - Place on your opponent's battlefield (counts towards opponent's total) and draw 2 cards from your deck.

"Warfare is mere sound and fury - diplomacy is what truly shapes history."

Nilfgaardian Empire
Icon for <span>Nilfgaardian Empire</span>

Item icon
Siege Engineer

Purchased from the Innkeeps at the Lindenvale Tavern or Inn at…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Siege Combat - This unit fights on the back line. Siege Combat - This unit fights on the back line.

"Wielded correctly, a protractor can be a deadly weapon."

Nilfgaardian Empire
Icon for <span>Nilfgaardian Empire</span>

Item icon
Siege Technician

This card is sold by two merchants: The Innkeep at The Golden…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Siege Combat - This unit fights on the back line. Siege Combat - This unit fights on the back line.
Icon for Medic - Choose one card from your discard pile and play it instantly (no Heroes or Special Cards) Medic - Choose one card from your discard pile and play it instantly (no Heroes or Special Cards)

"I never miss twice."

Nilfgaardian Empire
Icon for <span>Nilfgaardian Empire</span>

Item icon
Siege Tower

Randomly earned when beating Gwent Players of no particular skill…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Siege Combat - This unit fights on the back line. Siege Combat - This unit fights on the back line.

"I love the clamor of siege towers in the morning. Sounds like victory."

Northern Realms
Icon for <span>Northern Realms</span>

Item icon
Siegfried of Denesle

Obtained automatically as part of the starting collection of…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines. Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines.

"We're on the same side, witcher. You'll realize this one day."

Northern Realms
Icon for <span>Northern Realms</span>

Item icon
Sigismund Dijkstra

Obtained by beating the Bloody Baron, Philip Strenger, during…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines. Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines.
Icon for Spy - Place on your opponent's battlefield (counts towards opponent's total) and draw 2 cards from your deck. Spy - Place on your opponent's battlefield (counts towards opponent's total) and draw 2 cards from your deck.

"Gwent's like politics, just more honest."

Northern Realms
Icon for <span>Northern Realms</span>

Item icon
Síle de Tansarville

Obtained automatically as part of the starting collection of…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Ranged Combat - This unit fights in the middle line. Ranged Combat - This unit fights in the middle line.

"The Lodge lacks humility. Our lust for power may yet be our undoing."

Northern Realms
Icon for <span>Northern Realms</span>

Item icon

Icon for <span>Blood and Wine</span> Blood and Wine

Related Add-On
Skellige Storm

Three copies of this card can be obtained from the following…

Icon for Weather: Skellige Storm - Reduces the Strength of all Range and Siege Units to 1. Weather: Skellige Storm - Reduces the Strength of all Range and Siege Units to 1.

"This ain't no normal storm. This here's the wrath of the gods."

Icon for <span>Blood and Wine</span> Blood and Wine

Neutral - works with any deck
Icon for <span>Neutral - works with any deck</span>

Item icon
Stefan Skellen

Randomly earned when beating Gwent Players of no particular skill…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines. Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines.
Icon for Spy - Place on your opponent's battlefield (counts towards opponent's total) and draw 2 cards from your deck. Spy - Place on your opponent's battlefield (counts towards opponent's total) and draw 2 cards from your deck.

"My mark scars the face of our future empress. That is my proudest achievement."

Nilfgaardian Empire
Icon for <span>Nilfgaardian Empire</span>

Item icon

Icon for <span>Blood and Wine</span> Blood and Wine

Related Add-On

Obtained when collecting a Skellige deck during the quest Gwent:…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines. Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines.

"The emperor also thought him an accidental king. At first."

Icon for <span>Blood and Wine</span> Blood and Wine

Icon for <span>Skellige</span>

Item icon

Purchased from a former Person In Distress (the Shopkeeper kept…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Ranged Combat - This unit fights in the middle line. Ranged Combat - This unit fights in the middle line.

"And hands off the girl! Whatever we may be, we're not savages."

Nilfgaardian Empire
Icon for <span>Nilfgaardian Empire</span>

Item icon

Purchased from the Innkeep in the Arinbjorn Tavern.

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Siege Combat - This unit fights on the back line. Siege Combat - This unit fights on the back line.
Icon for Spy - Place on your opponent's battlefield (counts towards opponent's total) and draw 2 cards from your deck. Spy - Place on your opponent's battlefield (counts towards opponent's total) and draw 2 cards from your deck.

"Fuck off! We aren't all ploughin' philanderers. Some of us have depth..."

Northern Realms
Icon for <span>Northern Realms</span>

Item icon
Tibor Eggebracht

Obtained by beating Olivier, the Innkeep at The Kingfisher Inn,…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Hero - Not affected by any Special Cards or abilities. Hero - Not affected by any Special Cards or abilities.
Icon for Ranged Combat - This unit fights in the middle line. Ranged Combat - This unit fights in the middle line.

“Albaaaa! Forward!! Alba! Long live the Emperor!”

Nilfgaardian Empire
Icon for <span>Nilfgaardian Empire</span>

Item icon

Icon for <span>Hearts of Stone</span> Hearts of Stone

Related Add-On

If the Hearts of Stone expansion is installed, it is obtained…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Ranged Combat - This unit fights in the middle line. Ranged Combat - This unit fights in the middle line.
Icon for Scorch - Ranged Combat - Destroy your enemy's strongest Ranged Combat unit(s) if the combined strength of all their Ranged Combat units is 10 or more. Scorch - Ranged Combat - Destroy your enemy's strongest Ranged Combat unit(s) if the combined strength of all their Ranged Combat units is 10 or more.

"Big. Bad. Ugly. Squats in the sewers."

Icon for <span>Hearts of Stone</span> Hearts of Stone

Icon for <span>Monsters</span>

Item icon
Torrential Rain

Three copies of this card exist; two are part of the collection…

Icon for Weather: Torrential Rain - Sets the strength of all Siege Combat cards to 1 for both players. Weather: Torrential Rain - Sets the strength of all Siege Combat cards to 1 for both players.

"Even the rain in this land smells like piss."

Neutral - works with any deck
Icon for <span>Neutral - works with any deck</span>

Item icon

Randomly earned when beating Gwent Players of no particular skill…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Ranged Combat - This unit fights in the middle line. Ranged Combat - This unit fights in the middle line.

"I'd gladly kill you from up close, stare in your eyes… But you reek, human."

Icon for <span>Scoia'tael</span>

Item icon

Icon for <span>Blood and Wine</span> Blood and Wine

Related Add-On
Transformed Vildkaarl

Cannot be obtained through regular means; appears on the battlefield…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines. Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines.
Icon for Morale Boost - Adds +1 to all units in the row (excluding itself) Morale Boost - Adds +1 to all units in the row (excluding itself)

Saw them fight once in my life… and once was enough.

Icon for <span>Blood and Wine</span> Blood and Wine

Icon for <span>Skellige</span>

Item icon

Icon for <span>Blood and Wine</span> Blood and Wine

Related Add-On
Transformed Young Vildkaarl

Cannot be obtained through regular means; appears on the battlefield…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Ranged Combat - This unit fights in the middle line. Ranged Combat - This unit fights in the middle line.
Icon for Tight Bond - Place next to a card of the same name to double the strength of both cards. Tight Bond - Place next to a card of the same name to double the strength of both cards.


Icon for <span>Blood and Wine</span> Blood and Wine

Icon for <span>Skellige</span>

Item icon

Two copies of this card exist. Both are obtained automatically…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Siege Combat - This unit fights on the back line. Siege Combat - This unit fights on the back line.

“Castle won’t batter itself down, now will it? Get them trebuchets rollin'!”

Northern Realms
Icon for <span>Northern Realms</span>

Item icon
Triss Merigold

Obtained by beating Lambert during the Gwent: Old Pals quest.…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Hero - Not affected by any Special Cards or abilities. Hero - Not affected by any Special Cards or abilities.
Icon for Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines. Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines.

"I can take care of myself. Trust me."

Neutral - works with any deck
Icon for <span>Neutral - works with any deck</span>

Item icon

Icon for <span>Blood and Wine</span> Blood and Wine

Related Add-On

Obtained when collecting a Skellige deck during the quest Gwent:…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines. Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines.

"Haaaargh! After me, if ye've the bollocks!"

Icon for <span>Blood and Wine</span> Blood and Wine

Icon for <span>Skellige</span>

Item icon
Vampire: Bruxa

Obtained by beating Gomo Seeling in a gwent tournament featured…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines. Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines.
Icon for Muster - Find any cards with the same name in your deck and play them instantly. Muster - Find any cards with the same name in your deck and play them instantly.
"Vampire: Ekimmara" iconVampire: Ekimmara Unit Cards
"Vampire: Fleder" iconVampire: Fleder Unit Cards
"Vampire: Garkain" iconVampire: Garkain Unit Cards
"Vampire: Katakan" iconVampire: Katakan Unit Cards
"Vampire: Bruxa" iconVampire: Bruxa Unit Cards

"A vile, bloodthirsty, man-eating hag. Kind of like my mother-in-law."

Icon for <span>Monsters</span>

Item icon
Vampire: Ekimmara

Purchased from the Innkeep in Svorlag’s tavern.

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines. Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines.
Icon for Muster - Find any cards with the same name in your deck and play them instantly. Muster - Find any cards with the same name in your deck and play them instantly.
"Vampire: Fleder" iconVampire: Fleder Unit Cards
"Vampire: Garkain" iconVampire: Garkain Unit Cards
"Vampire: Katakan" iconVampire: Katakan Unit Cards
"Vampire: Bruxa" iconVampire: Bruxa Unit Cards

“Who would think overgrown bats would have a taste for gaudy jewelry?”

Icon for <span>Monsters</span>

Item icon
Vampire: Fleder

Purchased from the Innkeep in Harviken’s tavern.

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines. Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines.
Icon for Muster - Find any cards with the same name in your deck and play them instantly. Muster - Find any cards with the same name in your deck and play them instantly.
"Vampire: Ekimmara" iconVampire: Ekimmara Unit Cards
"Vampire: Garkain" iconVampire: Garkain Unit Cards
"Vampire: Katakan" iconVampire: Katakan Unit Cards
"Vampire: Bruxa" iconVampire: Bruxa Unit Cards

"Higher vampires embrace their victims. Fleders rip them to shreds."

Icon for <span>Monsters</span>

Item icon
Vampire: Garkain

Randomly earned when beating Gwent Players of no particular skill…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines. Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines.
Icon for Muster - Find any cards with the same name in your deck and play them instantly. Muster - Find any cards with the same name in your deck and play them instantly.
"Vampire: Ekimmara" iconVampire: Ekimmara Unit Cards
"Vampire: Fleder" iconVampire: Fleder Unit Cards
"Vampire: Katakan" iconVampire: Katakan Unit Cards
"Vampire: Bruxa" iconVampire: Bruxa Unit Cards

"Blood-drinkers and corpse-eaters so foul their very ugliness paralyses foes."

Icon for <span>Monsters</span>

Item icon
Vampire: Katakan

Obtained by beating Madman Lugos during the Gwent: Skellige Style…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines. Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines.
Icon for Muster - Find any cards with the same name in your deck and play them instantly. Muster - Find any cards with the same name in your deck and play them instantly.
"Vampire: Ekimmara" iconVampire: Ekimmara Unit Cards
"Vampire: Fleder" iconVampire: Fleder Unit Cards
"Vampire: Garkain" iconVampire: Garkain Unit Cards
"Vampire: Bruxa" iconVampire: Bruxa Unit Cards

"Drinking the blood of the Continent since the Conjunction."

Icon for <span>Monsters</span>

Item icon

Randomly earned when beating Gwent Players of no particular skill…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Ranged Combat - This unit fights in the middle line. Ranged Combat - This unit fights in the middle line.

"For a fire mage, he's not very… flamboyant."

Nilfgaardian Empire
Icon for <span>Nilfgaardian Empire</span>

Item icon
Vattier de Rideaux

Randomly earned when beating Gwent Players of no particular skill…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines. Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines.
Icon for Spy - Place on your opponent's battlefield (counts towards opponent's total) and draw 2 cards from your deck. Spy - Place on your opponent's battlefield (counts towards opponent's total) and draw 2 cards from your deck.

"There's never been a problem a well-planned assassination couldn't solve."

Nilfgaardian Empire
Icon for <span>Nilfgaardian Empire</span>

Item icon
Vernon Roche

Obtained by beating Haddy during the Gwent: Velen Players quest.…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Hero - Not affected by any Special Cards or abilities. Hero - Not affected by any Special Cards or abilities.
Icon for Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines. Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines.

"A patriot... and a real son of a bitch."

Northern Realms
Icon for <span>Northern Realms</span>

Item icon

Obtained automatically as part of the starting collection of…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines. Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines.

"Better to live one day as a king than a whole life as a beggar."

Northern Realms
Icon for <span>Northern Realms</span>

Item icon

Obtained by beating Vimme Vivaldi during the Gwent: Big City…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines. Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines.

"If you're to be hanged, ask for water. Anything can happen before they fetch it."

Neutral - works with any deck
Icon for <span>Neutral - works with any deck</span>

Item icon

Randomly earned when beating Gwent Players of no particular skill…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines. Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines.
Icon for Scorch - Close Combat - Destroy your enemy's strongest Close Combat unit(s) if the combined strength of all their Close Combat units is 10 or more. Scorch - Close Combat - Destroy your enemy's strongest Close Combat unit(s) if the combined strength of all their Close Combat units is 10 or more.

"Also calls himself Borkh Three Jackdaws… he's not the best at names."

Neutral - works with any deck
Icon for <span>Neutral - works with any deck</span>

Item icon

Randomly earned when beating Gwent Players of no particular skill…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines. Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines.

"Discipline is the Empire's deadliest weapon."

Nilfgaardian Empire
Icon for <span>Nilfgaardian Empire</span>

Item icon
Vrihedd Brigade Recruit

Randomly earned when beating Gwent Players of no particular skill…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Ranged Combat - This unit fights in the middle line. Ranged Combat - This unit fights in the middle line.

"Hatred burns brighter than any fire, and cuts deeper than any blade."

Icon for <span>Scoia'tael</span>

Item icon
Vrihedd Brigade Veteran

Two unique versions of this card exist and can be obtained in…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Close / Ranged Combat - This unit can fight on the front or middle lines. Close / Ranged Combat - This unit can fight on the front or middle lines.
Icon for Agile - Can be placed in either the Close Combat or the Ranged Combat row. Cannot be moved once placed. Agile - Can be placed in either the Close Combat or the Ranged Combat row. Cannot be moved once placed.

"'Vrihedd? What's that mean?' 'Trouble.'"

Icon for <span>Scoia'tael</span>

Item icon

Icon for <span>Blood and Wine</span> Blood and Wine

Related Add-On
War Longship

They look identical, but three unique instances of this card…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Siege Combat - This unit fights on the back line. Siege Combat - This unit fights on the back line.
Icon for Tight Bond - Place next to a card of the same name to double the strength of both cards. Tight Bond - Place next to a card of the same name to double the strength of both cards.

"They say Hemdall's heart swells whenever the longships sail out on a raid."

Icon for <span>Blood and Wine</span> Blood and Wine

Icon for <span>Skellige</span>

Item icon

Purchased from the Innkeep at the Urialla Harbor tavern.

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines. Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines.

"Wolves aren't as bad as they say. Werewolves, though - they're worse."

Icon for <span>Monsters</span>

Item icon

Randomly earned when beating Gwent Players of no particular skill…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Ranged Combat - This unit fights in the middle line. Ranged Combat - This unit fights in the middle line.

"Imagine a cross between a winged snake and a nightmare. Wyverns are worse."

Icon for <span>Monsters</span>

Item icon

Obtained by beating Sjusta (the Barber near Kaer Trolde Harbor)…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Close / Ranged Combat - This unit can fight on the front or middle lines. Close / Ranged Combat - This unit can fight on the front or middle lines.
Icon for Agile - Can be placed in either the Close Combat or the Ranged Combat row. Cannot be moved once placed. Agile - Can be placed in either the Close Combat or the Ranged Combat row. Cannot be moved once placed.

“We are the drops of rain that together make a ferocious storm.”

Icon for <span>Scoia'tael</span>

Item icon
Yarpen Zigrin

Obtained automatically as part of the starting collection of…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines. Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines.

"The world belongs to whoever's best at crackin' skulls and impregnatin' lasses."

Northern Realms
Icon for <span>Northern Realms</span>

Item icon
Yennefer of Vengerberg

Obtained by beating Stjepan, the Innkeep of The Alchemy, during…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Hero - Not affected by any Special Cards or abilities. Hero - Not affected by any Special Cards or abilities.
Icon for Ranged Combat - This unit fights in the middle line. Ranged Combat - This unit fights in the middle line.
Icon for Medic - Choose one card from your discard pile and play it instantly (no Heroes or Special Cards) Medic - Choose one card from your discard pile and play it instantly (no Heroes or Special Cards)

"Magic is Chaos, Art and Science. It is a curse, a blessing and a progression."

Neutral - works with any deck
Icon for <span>Neutral - works with any deck</span>

Item icon

Icon for <span>Blood and Wine</span> Blood and Wine

Related Add-On
Young Berserker

They look identical, but three unique instances of this card…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Ranged Combat - This unit fights in the middle line. Ranged Combat - This unit fights in the middle line.
Icon for Berserker - Transforms into a bear when a Mardroeme card is on its row. Berserker - Transforms into a bear when a Mardroeme card is on its row.

"Want some?"

Icon for <span>Blood and Wine</span> Blood and Wine

Icon for <span>Skellige</span>

Item icon
Young Emissary

Two copies of this card exist, and can be obtained through the…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines. Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines.
Icon for Tight Bond - Place next to a card of the same name to double the strength of both cards. Tight Bond - Place next to a card of the same name to double the strength of both cards.

"If I acquit myself well, perhaps next they'll post me somewhere civilized."

Nilfgaardian Empire
Icon for <span>Nilfgaardian Empire</span>

Item icon
Zerrikanian Fire Scorpion

Obtained from the following merchants: Shopkeeper at Crow’s…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Siege Combat - This unit fights on the back line. Siege Combat - This unit fights on the back line.

"The Zerrikanian Desert used to be a lush garden. Then these came along."

Nilfgaardian Empire
Icon for <span>Nilfgaardian Empire</span>

Item icon
Zoltan Chivay

Obtained by beating the Scholar in the White Orchard Inn. He…

Icon for <span></span>

Icon for Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines. Close Combat - This unit fights on the front lines.

"Life without old mates and booze is like a woman without a rump."

Neutral - works with any deck
Icon for <span>Neutral - works with any deck</span>

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