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Item icon
Foltest - King of Temeria

Obtained automatically as part of the starting collection of…

Icon for King of Temeria - Pick an Impenetrable Fog card from your deck and play it instantly. King of Temeria - Pick an Impenetrable Fog card from your deck and play it instantly.

"It is natural and beautiful that a man should love his sister."

Northern Realms
Icon for <span>Northern Realms</span>

Item icon
Foltest - Lord Commander of the North

Sold by Elsa in the White Orchard Inn, and Bram on the road outside.…

Icon for Lord Commander of the North - Clear any weather effects (resulting from Biting Frost, Torrential Rain, Skellige Storm or Impenetrable Fog cards) in play. Lord Commander of the North - Clear any weather effects (resulting from Biting Frost, Torrential Rain, Skellige Storm or Impenetrable Fog cards) in play.

"Sod advisors and their schemes. I place my trust in my soldiers' blades."

Northern Realms
Icon for <span>Northern Realms</span>

Item icon
Foltest - The Siegemaster

Obtained by beating the Nilfgaardan Nobleman at the Royal Palace…

Icon for The Siegemaster - Double the strength of all your Siege units (unless a Commander's Horn is also present on that row). The Siegemaster - Double the strength of all your Siege units (unless a Commander's Horn is also present on that row).

"A well-aimed ballista razes not just the enemy's walls, but his morale as well."

Northern Realms
Icon for <span>Northern Realms</span>

Item icon
Foltest - The Steel-Forged

Obtained by beating Bernard Tulle in the Gwent tournament during…

Icon for The Steel-Forged - Destroy your enemy's strongest Siege unit(s) if the combined strength of all their Siege units is 10 or more. The Steel-Forged - Destroy your enemy's strongest Siege unit(s) if the combined strength of all their Siege units is 10 or more.

"A beautiful day for battle."

Northern Realms
Icon for <span>Northern Realms</span>

Item icon

Icon for <span>Hearts of Stone</span> Hearts of Stone

Related Add-On
Foltest - Son of Medell

Purchased from the Shopkeeper near the circus performers north-west…

Icon for Son of Medell - Destroy your enemy's strongest Ranged Combat unit(s) if the combined strength of all their Ranged Combat unit(s) is 10 or more. Son of Medell - Destroy your enemy's strongest Ranged Combat unit(s) if the combined strength of all their Ranged Combat unit(s) is 10 or more.

"Dammit, I rule this land and I refuse to creep around its corners."

Icon for <span>Hearts of Stone</span> Hearts of Stone

Northern Realms
Icon for <span>Northern Realms</span>

Item icon
Emhyr var Emreis - His Imperial Majesty

Obtained automatically as part of the starting collection of…

Icon for His Imperial Majesty - Pick a Torrential Rain card from your deck and play it instantly. His Imperial Majesty - Pick a Torrential Rain card from your deck and play it instantly.

"The skies wept when my Pavetta died. They will not weep for me."

Nilfgaardian Empire
Icon for <span>Nilfgaardian Empire</span>

Item icon
Emhyr var Emreis - Emperor of Nilfgaard

This card can be purchased from two merchants: The Innkeep at…

Icon for Emperor of Nilfgaard - Look at 3 random cards from your opponent's hand. Emperor of Nilfgaard - Look at 3 random cards from your opponent's hand.

"Your motives do not interest me. Only results."

Nilfgaardian Empire
Icon for <span>Nilfgaardian Empire</span>

Item icon
Emhyr var Emreis - The White Flame

Obtained by beating every named opponent in the Gwent: Skellige…

Icon for The White Flame - Cancel your opponent's Leader Ability. The White Flame - Cancel your opponent's Leader Ability.

“A sword is but one of many tools at a ruler’s disposal.”

Nilfgaardian Empire
Icon for <span>Nilfgaardian Empire</span>

Item icon
Emhyr var Emreis - The Relentless

Obtained by beating Sasha in the Gwent tournament during the…

Icon for The Relentless - Draw a card from your opponent's discard pile. The Relentless - Draw a card from your opponent's discard pile.

"They do not call me the Patient. Take care they do not call you the Headless."

Nilfgaardian Empire
Icon for <span>Nilfgaardian Empire</span>

Item icon

Icon for <span>Hearts of Stone</span> Hearts of Stone

Related Add-On
Emhyr var Emreis - Invader of the North

Purchased from the Shopkeeper near the circus performers north-west…

Icon for Invader of the North - Abilites that restore a unit to the battlefield restore a randomly-chosen unit. Affects both players. Invader of the North - Abilites that restore a unit to the battlefield restore a randomly-chosen unit. Affects both players.

"Emperors command multitudes, yet cannot control two things: their time and their hearts."

Icon for <span>Hearts of Stone</span> Hearts of Stone

Nilfgaardian Empire
Icon for <span>Nilfgaardian Empire</span>

Item icon
Francesca Findabair - Pureblood Elf

Obtained automatically as part of the starting collection of…

Icon for Pureblood Elf - Pick a Biting Frost card from your deck and play it instantly. Pureblood Elf - Pick a Biting Frost card from your deck and play it instantly.

"Ash shall fertilize the soil. By spring, the valley shall bloom once more."

Icon for <span>Scoia'tael</span>

Item icon
Francesca Findabair - Daisy of the Valley

Purchased from the Innkeep at the Cunny of the Goose.

Icon for Daisy of the Valley - Draw an extra card at the beginning of the battle. Daisy of the Valley - Draw an extra card at the beginning of the battle.

"The Elder Races have forgotten more than humans can ever hope to know."

Icon for <span>Scoia'tael</span>

Item icon
Francesca Findabair - The Beautiful

Obtained by beating every named opponent in the Gwent: Big City…

Icon for The Beautiful - Double the strength of all your Ranged Combat units (unless a Commander's Horn is also present on that row). The Beautiful - Double the strength of all your Ranged Combat units (unless a Commander's Horn is also present on that row).

"Do not let my beauty distract your aim."

Icon for <span>Scoia'tael</span>

Item icon
Francesca Findabair - Queen of Dol Blathanna

Obtained by beating Finneas in the Gwent tournament during the…

Icon for Queen of Dol Blathanna - Destroy your enemy's strongest Close Combat unit(s) if the combined strength of all their Close Combat units is 10 or more. Queen of Dol Blathanna - Destroy your enemy's strongest Close Combat unit(s) if the combined strength of all their Close Combat units is 10 or more.

"To live in peace, we first must kill. This is human oppression's cruel finale."

Icon for <span>Scoia'tael</span>

Item icon

Icon for <span>Hearts of Stone</span> Hearts of Stone

Related Add-On
Francesca Findabair - Hope of the Aen Seidhe

Purchased from Dulla kh’Amanni, a Shopkeeper at the Upper Mill.…

Icon for Hope of the Aen Seidhe - Move Agile units to whichever row maximizes their strength (won't move units already in optimal row). Hope of the Aen Seidhe - Move Agile units to whichever row maximizes their strength (won't move units already in optimal row).

"Daede sian caente, Aen Seidhe en'allane ael coeden…"

Icon for <span>Hearts of Stone</span> Hearts of Stone

Icon for <span>Scoia'tael</span>

Item icon
Eredin - King of the Wild Hunt

Obtained automatically as part of the starting collection of…

Icon for King of the Wild Hunt - Pick any weather card from your deck and play it instantly. King of the Wild Hunt - Pick any weather card from your deck and play it instantly.

"I've long awaited this..."

Icon for <span>Monsters</span>

Item icon
Eredin - Commander of the Red Riders

Purchased from Jonas, an Innkeep at The New Port.

Icon for Commander of the Red Riders - Double the strength of all your Close Combat units (unless a Commander's Horn is also present on that row). Commander of the Red Riders - Double the strength of all your Close Combat units (unless a Commander's Horn is also present on that row).

"Have some dignity. You know how this will end."

Icon for <span>Monsters</span>

Item icon
Eredin - Destroyer of Worlds

Obtained by beating every named opponent in the Gwent: Velen…

Icon for Destroyer of Worlds - Discard 2 cards and draw 1 card of your choice from your deck. Destroyer of Worlds - Discard 2 cards and draw 1 card of your choice from your deck.

"It is unavoidable."

Icon for <span>Monsters</span>

Item icon
Eredin - Bringer of Death

Obtained by beating Count Tybalt in the Gwent tournament during…

Icon for Bringer of Death - Restore a card from your discard pile to your hand. Bringer of Death - Restore a card from your discard pile to your hand.

"Go on. Show me your spins, pirouettes and feints. I want to watch."

Icon for <span>Monsters</span>

Item icon

Icon for <span>Hearts of Stone</span> Hearts of Stone

Related Add-On
Eredin Bréacc Glas - The Treacherous

Purchased from Dulla kh’Amanni, a Shopkeeper at the Upper Mill.…

Icon for The Treacherous - Passive - doubles the strength of all spy cards (affects both players). The Treacherous - Passive - doubles the strength of all spy cards (affects both players).

"I'm enjoying this. You are my toy."

Icon for <span>Hearts of Stone</span> Hearts of Stone

Icon for <span>Monsters</span>

Item icon

Icon for <span>Blood and Wine</span> Blood and Wine

Related Add-On
King Bran

Obtained by beating the Ducal Camerlengo.

Icon for King Bran - Units only lose half their Strength in bad weather conditions. King Bran - Units only lose half their Strength in bad weather conditions.

"No one can replace Bran. Though they're sure to try."

Icon for <span>Blood and Wine</span> Blood and Wine

Icon for <span>Skellige</span>

Item icon

Icon for <span>Blood and Wine</span> Blood and Wine

Related Add-On
Crach an Craite

Obtained when collecting a Skellige deck during the quest Gwent:…

Icon for Crach an Craite - Shuffles all cards from each player's graveyard back into their decks. Crach an Craite - Shuffles all cards from each player's graveyard back into their decks.

A king's gotta be wise. A king's gotta command respect. A king's gotta have stones.

Icon for <span>Blood and Wine</span> Blood and Wine

Icon for <span>Skellige</span>

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