Person In Distress Exploration
Interactive Map Locations

2. Velen & Novigrad Map (New)
Kill the nearby level 14-16 Nilfgaardian deserters and level 7 slave drivers for a Slavers’ key that can set the captive free. He’ll make his way to
Mulbrydale and become an
Armorer (Amateur) there.

3. Velen & Novigrad Map (New)
Kill the nearby bandits for a Cage key to set the captive free.

4. Velen & Novigrad Map (New)
Level 9 deserters have taken a person captive. Take the Simple cage key from one of their corpses to set the captive free.

5. Velen & Novigrad Map (New)
Kill the nearby level 5 Renegades for a Bandits’ key that can set the caged captive free. He’ll make his way to Claywich and become a
Shopkeeper there.

6. The Skellige Isles Map (New)
Kill the nearby level 12-14 pirates to save their captive Herbalist. He will then remain in the area.

7. The Skellige Isles Map (New)
Kill the nearby level 12-14 pirates and loot their bodies to find a Cage key. You can use it to save their captive
Blacksmith (Amateur). He will then appear in
Fayrlund, a small town to the south-east.

8. Velen & Novigrad Map (New)
A group of Fallen Knights have taken a Herbalist captive here.

9. Toussaint Map (New)
Kill the nearby level 44 bandits to find a Cage key on a platform near their captive
Shopkeeper. He will then move to
The Cockatrice Inn.

10. Toussaint Map (New)
Inside a walled off villa. Climb over the eastern wall and kill the level 40 bandits to save the life of a Shopkeeper.

11. Toussaint Map (New)
Kill the nearby level 37 bandits to save their captive Herbalist. She will then appear in the
Coronata Vineyard.

12. Toussaint Map (New)
Kill the nearby level 37 bandits to save their captive Armorer (Journeyman). He will then appear in Vermentino, a vineyard east of
Castel Ravello Vineyard.

13. Toussaint Map (New)
Kill the nearby level 40 bandits to save their captive Blacksmith (Master). He will then appear in the
Belgaard Vineyard.
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