Barber Merchants and Craftsmen
Interactive Map Locations

4. Velen & Novigrad Map (New)
X: 7079 Y: 5948
Inside a building. Get a new haircut and a shave here.

5. Velen & Novigrad Map (New)
X: 5837 Y: 9735
Only appears here after being saved from a cage to the north-west.

6. Toussaint Map (New)
X: 7013 Y: 8388
Get a new haircut and a shave from a barber standing in a tent here.

7. The Skellige Isles Map (New)
X: 7479 Y: 6743
Inside a small building opposite the tavern. Also sells various clothes and junk items.

8. The Skellige Isles Map (New)
X: 5507 Y: 5827
Standing outside of a house on the hill. Visit this barber to give Geralt a shave or new haircut.
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