Armorer (Journeyman) Merchants and Craftsmen
Interactive Map Locations

3. Toussaint Map (New)
The former Person In Distress comes here after being saved from level 37 bandits to the west.

4. Toussaint Map (New)
Appears in the smithing area of the cave once the Hanse Base is cleared.

5. Velen & Novigrad Map (New)
In a small alcove at the edge of Hierarch Square. Craft, repair and dismantle armor or remove upgrades from sockets.

6. Velen & Novigrad Map (New)
Inside his shop. Craft, repair and dismantle armor or remove upgrades from sockets.

7. Velen & Novigrad Map (New)
You can craft armor, repair and dismantle equipment or remove upgrades from sockets here.

9. Toussaint Map (New)
Standing outside a small building. Craft, repair or dismantle equipment and remove upgrades from sockets here.

10. The Skellige Isles Map (New)
In the corner of Kaer Trolde’s outdoor smithing area, near the Armorer’s Table. Craft Journeyman-level armor, get your gear repaired, and dismantle armor or remove upgrades from sockets here.

11. The Skellige Isles Map (New)
Working in the courtyard of Kaer Muire. Craft Journeyman-level armor, get your gear repaired, and dismantle armor or remove upgrades from sockets here.
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