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Monster Hunter Wilds

Uth Duna

Nathan Garvin
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The apex monster of the Scarlet Forest, Uth Duna only appears during the downpour, where the deluge allows it to leave its watery throne and demand tribute from its terrestrial subjects. When this leviathan impedes your progress, you’ll need to endure the shallows that impede your movement, cut through Uth Duna’s shroud and take the crown from the king of the Scarlet Forest! This page will provide stats and strategies for Uth Duna in Monster Hunter Wilds!

Page Breakdown

Uth Duna Ecology

The leviathan that reigns supreme over the Scarlet Forest’s ecosystem. It has adapted to water-rich environments and is sighted most often during the Downpour. Uth Duna’s secretions when combined with water form a protective veil that not only absorbs hostile blows but also adds weight, which it slams down with enough force to sweep away surrounding threats in the resulting wave.

Uth Duna is a massive leviathan-type monster that dwells in the Scarlet Forest.

Type Known Habitats
Leviathan Scarlet Forest mhw_location_scarlet_forest.png

In addition to hunting Uth Duna in the open Scarlet Forest map, you can also accept the following quests to hunt one:

Quest Threat Level
A Feast in the Deep (Assignment) ★2
Veiled by the Tide ★2
One Thick Veil! ★6
Tide Overtaking Timber ★6

The Uth Duna can use the following special attacks:

Special Attacks
Weak Roar mhw_status_weak_roar.png
Waterblight mhw_damage_type_water.png

There are several unlockable titles for repeatedly hunting Uth Duna:

Quest Threat Level
Hunts Title
20 Uth Duna
30 Raiment
40 Heavyweight
50 Veil

Uth Duna Weaknesses and Breakable Parts

As a water leviathan, it should be no surprise that Uth Duna is immune to water attacks, and somewhat receptive to lightning attacks (although mostly its head). While receptive enough to cut and blunt damage (especially its forelegs), it’s not terrible vulnerable to most attack or damage types, and using ammo on its torso is notably less effective.

Body Part Cut Blunt Ammo Fire Water Thunder Ice Dragon
Head mhw_weakness_3stars.png mhw_weakness_4stars.png mhw_weakness_3stars.png mhw_weakness_1star.png mhw_weakness_null.png mhw_weakness_2stars.png mhw_weakness_1star.png mhw_weakness_1star.png
Torso mhw_weakness_3stars.png mhw_weakness_3stars.png mhw_weakness_2stars.png mhw_weakness_1star.png mhw_weakness_null.png mhw_weakness_1star.png mhw_weakness_1star.png mhw_weakness_1star.png
Left Foreleg mhw_weakness_4stars.png mhw_weakness_4stars.png mhw_weakness_3stars.png mhw_weakness_1star.png mhw_weakness_null.png mhw_weakness_1star.png mhw_weakness_1star.png mhw_weakness_1star.png
Right Foreleg mhw_weakness_4stars.png mhw_weakness_4stars.png mhw_weakness_3stars.png mhw_weakness_1star.png mhw_weakness_null.png mhw_weakness_1star.png mhw_weakness_1star.png mhw_weakness_1star.png
Left Hindleg mhw_weakness_3stars.png mhw_weakness_3stars.png mhw_weakness_3stars.png mhw_weakness_1star.png mhw_weakness_null.png mhw_weakness_1star.png mhw_weakness_1star.png mhw_weakness_1star.png
Right Hindleg mhw_weakness_3stars.png mhw_weakness_3stars.png mhw_weakness_3stars.png mhw_weakness_1star.png mhw_weakness_null.png mhw_weakness_1star.png mhw_weakness_1star.png mhw_weakness_1star.png
Tail mhw_weakness_3stars.png mhw_weakness_3stars.png mhw_weakness_3stars.png mhw_weakness_1star.png mhw_weakness_null.png mhw_weakness_1star.png mhw_weakness_1star.png mhw_weakness_1star.png

Uth Duna Status Resistances

As for status effects, Uth Duna is even less interesting - the leviathan is moderately susceptible to all status ailments except stun, which it’s resistant to, but it’s not particularly vulnerable to anything, either. All in all, you probably won’t suffer if you take a status-inflicting weapon over an elemental one, but raw damage isn’t a bad idea, either.

Status Effect Effectiveness
Poison mhw_weakness_2stars.png
Sleep mhw_weakness_2stars.png
Paralysis mhw_weakness_2stars.png
Blastblight mhw_weakness_2stars.png
Stun mhw_weakness_1star.png
Exhaust mhw_weakness_2stars.png

Uth Duna Item Resistances

The Uth Duna is vulnerable to several items, including the Flash Pod, Shock Trap and Pitfall Trap. Sonic Bombs are ineffective against this leviathan.

Items Effectiveness
Flash Pod mhw_effective_check.png
Sonic Bomb mhw_weakness_null.png
Shock Trap mhw_effective_check.png
Pitfall Trap mhw_effective_check.png

You can break the head, tail and forelegs of the Uth Duna, but the tail is the real prize, as it’ll get you a chance to loot an Uth Duna Plate - one of the creature’s rarest materials!

Uth Duna Materials & Rewards

As with many monsters, you can get eight materials from it, which vary depending on whether you’re fighting a high-rank or low-rank variant. Most materials are easy enough to get by just fighting the Uth Duna repeatedly and taking what you get from carving and from post-hunt rewards, but the Uth Duna Plate is exceptionally rare - try destroying the leviathan’s tail to get a higher shot at acquiring one of these!

Uth Duna Low Rank Drops

Material Frequency
Uth Duna Claw mhw_weakness_1star.pngmhw_weakness_1star.pngmhw_weakness_1star.pngmhw_weakness_1star.png
Uth Duna Scale mhw_weakness_1star.pngmhw_weakness_1star.pngmhw_weakness_1star.png
Uth Duna Cilia mhw_weakness_1star.pngmhw_weakness_1star.pngmhw_weakness_1star.png
Uth Duna Tentacle mhw_weakness_1star.pngmhw_weakness_1star.pngmhw_weakness_1star.png
Uth Duna Hide mhw_weakness_1star.pngmhw_weakness_1star.png
Aqua Sac mhw_weakness_1star.pngmhw_weakness_1star.png
Uth Duna Certificate mhw_weakness_1star.png
Uth Duna Plate mhw_weakness_1star.png

How to defeat Uth Duna

Uth Duna is big. Huge, in fact! It’s the second largest monster you’ll encounter before you see the credits roll!. Being so large is both an asset and a potential disadvantage for the beast, as it’s about as ponderous as you’d expect, with relatively slow, well-telegraphed attacks that can nonetheless be hard to avoid due to Uth Duna’s size and tricky to block due to their odd and often floaty windups. On the plus side, you won’t have any trouble hitting this foe with just about any attack you want to throw at it, as its size all but precludes evasion.

(1 of 2) Uth Duna’s size can be a nuisance in various ways, not the least of which is it can just be hard to see your hunter in melee combat, especially when the beast has its shroud up.

Uth Duna’s size can be a nuisance in various ways, not the least of which is it can just be hard to see your hunter in melee combat, especially when the beast has its shroud up. (left), Uth Duna’s flopping and leaping can also create waves, hindering you more than the water already does. (right)

Despite its size, Uth Duna can still charge when it wants to, so range isn’t much safety. Uth Duna is also a surprisingly skilled leaper, defying gravity and treating the air as it spins around in slow-motion before crashing into the ground - much to the misery of any hunters who aren’t quick enough to get out of the way. As mentioned before, blocking can be tricky until you get used to Uth Duna’s windups, but dodging is generally more reliable so long as you play conservatively and start dodging as soon as Uth Duna signals that it’s attacking - delaying could render dodging ineffective due to the leviathan’s sheer bulk.

Despite its aerial flops, Uth Duna is a water critter, and tends to only spawn during the downpour, and when it does appear it tends to stick to areas that are at least partially flooded. The shallow water will limit your mobility somewhat unless you get your hands on armor/talismans/orbs with the Aquatic/Oilsilt Mobility skill, but many of these options won’t be available until after your first encounter with Uth Duna. Worse, when Uth Duna moves - and especially when it leaps - its mass will displace waves of water, knocking you back and hindering your mobility even more. This can be dealt with the same way, but if you don’t have two ranks of the aforementioned Aquatic/Oilsilt Mobility skill, you’re just going to have to cope.

(1 of 2) Deal enough damage and Uth Duna’s shroud will fall, making the ponderous beast a bit more agile in exchange for lowering its defense,

Deal enough damage and Uth Duna’s shroud will fall, making the ponderous beast a bit more agile in exchange for lowering its defense, (left), but be wary, as the shroud can be reformed - explosively, as it turns out. (right)

In addition to Uth Duna’s natural bulk, the creature is also shrouded at the start of the fight, sporting massive fins that cover its entire body and reduce damage it takes, and frankly makes it hard to see what you’re doing in melee. Deal enough damage and you’ll disperse this shroud, and while this makes it easier to see what’s going on and deal full damage to Uth Duna, the beast is faster and more aggressive when the shroud is gone. You want the shroud gone, don’t be mistaken, but there are downsides to be aware of. The shroud won’t remain gone forever, and when it’s reformed it’ll do so in a massive AoE burst that deals moderate damage to all hunters round Uth Duna - when you see Uth Duna spin in circles in the water, get clear.

Aside from ponderous attacks that can be dodged if you stay wary enough, Uth Duna can inflict the Waterblight debuff (dodge repeatedly to get rid of it). It’s also fond of roaring, causing you to flinch if you’re not protecting against roars. Since Uth Duna is somewhat ponderous and incapable of leaving its watery abodes, if the fight isn’t going in your favor, summon your Seikret and ride somewhere dry to heal, sharpen your weapon, and prepare to reengage.

(1 of 2) Uth Duna’s head is receptive to thunder damage,

Uth Duna’s head is receptive to thunder damage, (left), while its front forelegs are both weak to cut and blunt damage. (right)

Uth Duna’s legs are weak to cut and blunt weapons and its head is weak to thunder and blunt, so for the best damage, stand up to the leviathan and slug it out. It’s somewhat more competent at attacking frontal foes, but its flops, spins and leaps make it a danger no matter where you’re standing. It’s not terribly vulnerable to any status effects, just avoid Stun, as it’s less effective than everything else.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS5, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    23 February 2025
  • Last Updated
    17 March 2025
  • Guide Author

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