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Monster Hunter Wilds

Environmental Hazards - Heat and Cold Damage - Monster Hunter Wilds

Nathan Garvin
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Most monsters have the good sense to live in climes that are suitable for hunters, but a pesky few thrive in extreme temperatures, forcing hunters to adapt or suffer. This page will cover how to deal with extreme heat and cold as well as environmental damage in "Monster Hunter" iconMonster Hunter Wilds!

Page Breakdown

Heat and Cold

In the game’s starting areas, you don’t have to worry about much, environment-wise. The plains are arid and the forest is humid, and storms can present some challenges, but when you reach the Oilwell Basin and the Iceshard Cliffs you’ll be introduced to proper environmental hazards in the form of extreme heat and extreme cold, respectively. Extreme heat will slowly but surely drain your health and extreme cold will cause your maximum stamina to decrease faster - both can be endured with significant effort, but it’s safe to say fighting in such environs without protection will make things considerably more difficult.

Fortunately you’ve ways to protect yourself from extreme temperatures, and it has nothing to do with your fire or cold resistances whatsoever. Perhaps the most elementary solution is to let the environment protect you from itself - you can find "Chillmantle Bug" iconChillmantle Bugs in the Oilwell Basin and "Heatmantle Bug" iconHeatmantle Bugs in the Iceshard Cliffs which, if caught and consumed, will provide you effects comparable to a "Cool Drink" iconCool Drink or a "Hot Drink" iconHot Drink, protecting you from extreme heat and extreme cold, respectively. Many of the story hunts you’ll fight in these conditions will have these aforementioned bugs nearby, you just need to keep a lookout for them.

(1 of 2) While it may not be the more reliable (or palatable) approach, you can consume Chillmantle Bugs in the Oilwell Basin,

While it may not be the more reliable (or palatable) approach, you can consume Chillmantle Bugs in the Oilwell Basin, (left), and Heatmantle Bugs in the Iceshard Cliffs to protect yourself against extreme heat and extreme cold, respectively. (right)

If you’d rather not rely on fickle nature to provide for you, you can always just bring Cool Drinks and Hot Drinks along with you. These, like the bugs mentioned earlier, will protect you from extreme heat and cold, and can be consumed as needed like any other potion. You can buy them from the provisions stockpile in the plains base camp for 150z (Cool Drink) or 125z (Hot Drink), or you can craft them yourself. Cool Drinks require "Chillshroom" iconChillshrooms and Hot Drinks are made from "Hot Pepper" iconHot Peppers.

Having to manage another consumable every time you want to hunt a critter can be a bit annoying, but fortunately there’s a way to get permanent environmental protection. Once you unlock [Decorations] (defeat the ["Nu Udra" iconNu Udra] at the end of Chapter 2) you’ll be able to start farming decorations by defeating rank 3+ monsters (basically anything you encounter after the Nu Udra). Like any other monster material, whether you get a decoration or not from the fight is random (bonus rewards from high rank hunts notwithstanding) as are the exact decorations you get when they drop. With a little luck (and perhaps a lot of grinding) you may find an Adapt Jewel, which gives the "Adaptability" iconAdaptability skill when socketed into armor. At level one this decoration will give you the “negates the effects of heat and cold”, rendering all future worries of extreme temperatures moot… provided you’ve got a decoration slot to spare.

(1 of 2) If relying on munching bugs to protect yourself from extreme temperatures, you can buy Cool Drinks and Hot Drinks from the provisioner in the plains base camp,

If relying on munching bugs to protect yourself from extreme temperatures, you can buy Cool Drinks and Hot Drinks from the provisioner in the plains base camp, (left), or you can craft them yourself. (right)

Environmental Damage

Some environments are so extreme that normal precautionary measures are useless against them. The earliest such hazard you’ll encounter is lava - something you’ll certainly have to watch out for during the aforementioned Nu Udra fight. Cool Drinks and Chillmantle Bugs will not protect you from such dangers, you just need to avoid prolonged exposure. In the case of lava, this means simply not standing in it. Fortunately the damage dealt by environmental hazards tends to be temporary and you’ll recover if you get to safer terrain, but taking a hit from an enemy after losing health from environmental exposure can make that damage permanent.

One level of the Adaptability skill will protect you from extreme temperatures while two will prevent environmental damage entirely.

If you get two ranks of the Adaptability skill you’ll be protected from even environmental hazards like lava, but unlike extreme temperatures, it’s usually easy enough to avoid environmental hazards to the point where it’s hard to justify expending more armor slots towards it, except perhaps in very rare circumstances.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS5, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    23 February 2025
  • Last Updated
    17 March 2025
  • Guide Author

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