The eighth chapter begins as Captain Bernard is preparing to investigate the attack on Neuhof. Report to him in the courtyard of the Upper Castle.
Speak to Captain Bernard in the courtyard to let him know if you are ready or not.
If you need to gather some last minute supplies you can, but note that Captain Bernard and his men will not wait for you. Instead you will have to mount your new horse, Pebbles, and follow them to Neuhof.
Mount Pebbles, your new horse, and ride to Neuhof.
When you arrive at Neuhof you will find that the assault saw the slaughter of both humans and horses, without any indication of a motive related to the the acquisition of loot or revenge on any inhabitant of the village.
There seems to be no obvious motive for the attack on Neuhof.
There is only one thing for Henry and the others to do; question the surviving inhabitants to learn more about exactly what happened, who the attackers might have been and in which direction they fled.
You should begin your investigations by speaking with Jakub.
You will find that Jakub is angry about the late response from Rattay, but you can ease him by using the Speech option or by treating his wound if your healing skill is sufficient. Jakub will inform you that someone who matches the description of the bandit leader Runt, who took your father’s sword in Skalitz, was part of the raiding party. He also suggests that you see if there is a fence or gate knocked down as an indication of the direction in which they fled.
Next speak to Zora, the wife of Smil (vassal to Sir Hanush), who will suggest that you speak to Mark and Ginger.
As you leave the courtyard to find Mark and Ginger, inspect the blood stains on the floor at the entrance of the north gate.
Follow the trail of blood toward the pond where you will find another dead Neuhof inhabitant.
Continue to trace the blood stains toward the stables. You will find Mark sat beside a carriage on the way.
Question Mark to find out how the events of the raid unfolded from his perspective.
You will discover from Mark that some of the raiders fled into the woods north of Neuhof. Before going to the woods, be sure to speak with Ginger at the entrance to the stables.
It seems that Ginger is suspiciously reluctant to say anything about the raid.
After you have questioned Ginger, go to the broken gate north of Neuhof and inspect it to complete the optional ‘Scout the area’ objective.
Inspect the broken fence to ensure that you complete all of the optional objectives before heading into the woods.
Now that you have questioned the survivors and scouted the area, you can explore the area to the north of the farm. Start by following the trail of blood beyond the broken gate which leads you onto the path through the woods.
Follow the blood trail until you reach a large pool of blood on the road.
Inspect the pool of blood to complete the exploration of the area north of Neuhof. You can now explore the clearing in the woods just ahead, but be ready for a confrontation.
Defeat the bandit who charges at you before speaking with the injured one on the ground.
The injured bandit is in the last throes of his life and will not be able to say much of anything. Upon his death, loot the body to find a blood hoof-pick and take it back to Neuhof to see if anyone knows who it belongs to. The first person you will encounter is Mark, who will inform you that it belongs to Ginger. However, Ginger is no longer by the stables.
Go back to Neuhof and speak to Jakub about where Ginger might have fled to.
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