Hunting is an activity that you will be encouraged to engage in throughout the game. You will encounter it in both the main story and in side quests. It is therefore a good idea to practice hunting as soon as you acquire a bow to ensure success in important quests. It is also possible to utilise hunting to accrue Groschen, but there are a few things to keep in mind before you embark on any hunting trip:
Any meat that you acquire via hunting will be counted as stolen goods. You must therefore sell it to vendors willing to purchase stolen goods, such as Miller Peshek and his regional counterparts.
Alternatively you can cook the meat immediately after hunting to make it unrecognisable to regular vendors, and therefore count as legitimate goods sellable to Traders and Butchers.
Plan where you mean to sell the rewards of your hunt. The meat will spoil over time, making it necessary to consider how far you will have to travel to the nearest appropriate vendor.
Freshly hunted and cooked meat sells for a lot of Groschen, making it difficult to sell to most vendors. Millers and Butchers are generally the wealthiest and therefore your best options.
See below for the nearest hunting grounds for Deer and Boar around the major settlements. Hare are pervasive throughout almost all woodland and roe deer can be found at the edges, particularly west of Neuhof.
Using the Bow¶
The most time consuming aspect of hunting is learning how to shoot accurately. There is a certain element of intuition involved here; some players might quickly adapt and get a feel for how to shoot from the hip. However, for those who prefer a more careful and considered approach, it is important to understand how to aim properly. Although there is by default no cursor when shooting with a bow, you can see from the screenshot below where it is situated:
The position of the cursor when firing with the bow, not visible by default. Note that the longer you hold the arrow the more the cursor will deviate from side to side.
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