This quest can be acquired from Miller Peshek at the Rattay Mill. Your task is to steal another ring, only this time it is actually worth something. Make your way to the bath house, where you will have to infiltrate Madam’s treasure chest.
The chest with the ring in it can be found immediately to your left as you walk up the stairs to the sleeping area.
Although it can be done during the night, you will have an easier time going unnoticed if you enter the bath house in the day. Be sure that no one sees you walking up the stairs, as this will become a restricted area. When you are certain that no one has seen you, pick the lock of the chest, take the ring and bring it back to Miller Peshek.
The next task involves stealing some documents from the Rattay Rathaus. As you enter the hall where the Bailiff can be found working at his desk, turn right and go up the stairs.
The land deed you are looking for is on the table in the far left of the room beside a window.
Bring the documents to Miller Peshek to complete the objective.
The last objective in the quest chain is the trickiest yet. You will have to steal a highly prized illuminated volume from Sir Hanush. The trouble is, there is always a guard outside of the room where it is located.
To deal with the guard, wait until there is no one else in the room. Approach the guard from behind, crouch and knock him out. You can then swiftly enter the room and steal the book.
The book is located on the table directly in front of the doorway.
Be sure to hurry out once you have the book. The guard outside will probably come in to inspect what has happened to his fellow solider. Take the book back to Peshek to complete the quest.
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