This quest can be acquired from Sir Hanush in Rattay. A Vicar has come to Uzhitz seeking heretics, and Sir Hanush suspects that he has alterior motives. In partiuclar, he is concerned that the Vicar might be in the realm snoop around his estate. It is therefore Henry’s task to ensure that the Vicar goes back to Prague as soon as possible.
Make your way to Uzhitz and find the Vicar by the marker on the map. He will be accompanied by two guards. Speak with him and exhaust the dialoge options. Read the book that he gave you to determine the meeting place of the Waldensian cogregation. See the map below for the exact location in relation to Uzhitz.
The location of the Waldensian congregation meeting place.
You will find a small wooden post within the meeting place. Take the cross which is placed upon it. With the cross collected, go back to Uzhitz and speak with Father Godwin about who the cross might belong to. He will inform you that it belongs to Bauer family. Exhaust the dialoge options. You will then have a choice to either go immediately to the Bauer farm to spy on them, or report directly to the Vicar first.
Whatever you choose, you will have to go to the farm to spy on the Bauer family while they are having supper. When you arrive at the farm, approach it from the south west. You will see a ladder leading to a window at the back of the farmhouse, as shown below.
The ladder at the back of the house. Climb it and choose to wait until evening.
Climb the ladder and wait until the evening. A cut scene will then initiate, allowing you to observe the family speaking with each other about their potential crimes against the church. Once you have observed their words, you can go back to Uzhitz and choose to speak with either Father Godwin or the Vicar. Speaking with the Vicar will incriminate the family. He will thank and reward you, allowing you to go back to Sir Hanush and inform him of what happened.
Alternatively you can speak with Father Godwin. He will advise you to go back to the Bauer family and persuade the woman not to reveal the practice of her faith. This will protect the family from the Vicar, so long as you inform him that there is nothing suspicious about the family. You can then go to Sir Hanush to complete the quest.
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