In speaking with Sir Radzig you have been given his approval to enter the monastery, but there is one condition…
Sir Radzig is eager to have Henry have a look inside the monastery, but he makes it clear that Pious should be brought back to Rattay rather than killed.
You now have only one option to enter the monastery legally; as a novice monk. To do this you must assume the identity of a young man who is expected to do so. You can find him at the Wagoner’s Inn in Sasau.
The man you are looking for is named Karl. He is always accompanied by his guardian, Manfred.
In order to speak with Karl privately you will have to convince Manfred to leave him alone for a while. The easiest way to do this is by offering him a drink and a game of dice.
By the end of the game Manfred will be drunk enough to be desperate for sleep. When he leaves you can speak with Karl in private.
Talk to Karl to find out about his story and offer to help him by stealing Guardian Manfred’s purse and the writ for Karl to enter the monastery. To do this you will have to sneak into his room at night.
To ensure that you are not caught, knock Manfred out before you attempt to steal the writ and purse.
Remember to give the purse to Karl before you go to the monastery. The amount of coin that you decide to hand over is irrelevant to the progression of the quest.
Wait until morning to speak with Brother Porter and formally enter the monastery. Once you have spoken to him, go to the gate house to collect your monk robes and put away all of your other possessions.
Remember to come back to this chest when you exit the monastery. All of your things will be waiting for you here.
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