This quest can be acquired by speaking to one of the guards in the Talmberg castle courtyard. He will inform you that Lady Stephanie wishes to see you. You can then go to her in the living quarters. Speak with Lady Stephanie to receive instruction; she requires your help in getting hold of the following items for her cousin’s wedding:
– Wine from the merchant in Rattay
– Decorative crown from the masters in Sasau
– A roan from Uzhitz
You can begin by going to Uzhitz for the roan. Speak with the Head Groom about where to find it. He will inform you that he has been having trouble controlling it. You should speak with Vashek, who can be found nearby, to learn of a way to tame it. After persuading him to talk, he will recite a song which calms the roan. You can now mount it without any trouble and ride it to Talmberg.
Mount the roan and ride it to the inner courtyard of Talmberg castle.
With the roan safely in Talmberg, you can now go to Sasau for the crown. You should find and speak with Master Jerome, who is by day in his workshop south of the monastery. He will inform you that the moldavite intended for use in the crown has been stolen. You can choose to recover it or ask Master Jerome to use something else. The former will please Lady Stephanie, while the latter will not.
Assuming you chose to recover the moldavite, you can make your way to the highlighted area west of the monastery. The thieves you are looking for can be found at a camp by the lake in the woods.
Kill the bandits and loot the chest in the camp to find the moldavite inside.
With the moldavite recovered, you can now return to Master Jerome to have him complete the crown. If you change your mind at the last minute and would rather keep the moldavite for yourself, you can do so now. Once you have handed him the moldavite it will take 48 hours for the crown to be completed. Speak with Jerome when the quest updates.
With the crown successfully completed, you can now go to Rattay for the wine from the merchant Konrad Hagen. He informs you that the last of his wine is being used as a prize for a local archery contest. You therefore have three options; win the wine fairly by participating in the archery contest, purchase the wine from the winner, or loot the wine from the locked chest at the archery range.
If you choose to participate in the archery contest, speak with the archery master. If you would rather loot the wine and avoid participating, you can find the chest with the wine in it behind the archery master. If you participate in the contest and lose, be sure to speak with the winner as soon as the contest ends. You can then purchase it from him and haggle the cost.
The chest with the wine in it is located directly behind the archery master. Be sure to loot it before the archery contest begins if you want to steal the wine.
The archery contest will be very difficult to win, and the persuasion stats of the trader are rather high. If you manage to best him in persuasion ratings you may be able to acquire the wine for free. Either way, once you have the wine return to Lady Stephanie in Talmberg. She will be waiting in her bed chambers. When you have handed everything over, ask Lady Stephanie if there is anything else you can do to help. Agree to try on the shirt to complete the sequence.
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